Magic Notes

Chapter 151: The Messenger of Death (42)


"Stop!" I yelled. "If you think I will believe the nonsense you instilled in me, then you really need divine help. Who told you to do this? Is this a cruel joke? Is it him? When I started to tremble, My heart is beating; the neurons in my brain try to establish logical connections, but to no avail—I don’t know what to do.

Gunthreon stepped forward, not answering my question. "You are now what we call Camilla—a kind of energy indulgence. The savior of karma," Ganceron said. "You help people be satisfied by reading what they really deserve. You use people's jīng power."

"Warlord, this is nonsense," I whispered, shaking my head.

"Everyone emits all kinds of vibrational energy, and you, my friend, can read or feel these energy."

"This is crazy," I said while biting my nails. The anxiety disorder caused severe damage to my stratum corneum. I wriggled around in my seat, unable to find any comfortable posture. My body just wants to stand up and run. He is so confident in himself, only to aggravate my anxiety.

He continued, even though I was very uncomfortable with what he said. "Science has proven that every biological body emits energy. The expelled energy stays near our body, and a robotic arm like you can feel it. According to the individual being read, energy can be good Or bad, happy or sad, good and sad; the possible combinations of emotions are infinite, true. There are many xìng characteristics reflected in a person’s jīng power. "He smiled at me first, and then continued to speak, No matter what I think, it surprises me. "However, as time goes on, we will understand the scope of your abilities. And who is listening to you, especially who is still a mystery." He approached me and whispered: "There is no in my dictionary. The word coincidence."

The scope of my ability.

It stood in front of me, staring, and I felt the evil intentions hovering behind the dark eyes. I was covered in blood and wounded all over. I close my eyes, feel its existence, and then focus on letting it end. All this must end.

Guns Lewon stood upright and walked over to light a white candle on the shelf on the wall. "What you need now is a simple explanation. This will help. As I continue, you have to relax."

When the candle burns, my pulse slows down, and a calm tranquility enters my body. I took a deep breath and let the soft scent of lavender relax my head, my joints, my muscles, and my heart.

Gunthreon continued. "You see, karma is a bit like a bank. Everyone brings good luck or loses luck because you don’t do the right thing. Suppose you are a bank teller. Think about the people you know. They happen to be very lucky. Yes, or unfortunately. Now think about what they say you are five people from knowing everyone. I believe everyone knows, to some extent, a person who has changed."

He stared at me, and I asked: Gunthreon, how much wine did you drink?"

"I saw the taxi driver with my own eyes through the window, so... what was the result of your attack?" He continued to raise his eyebrows. "Relax, think about it."

Bloody sludge. everywhere. Its blood is sticky, and the black blood spreads along my walls and sticks to my skin.

I tried to wash away these thoughts, but suddenly, deep in my heart, I felt that I now need to listen to my heart and reach out to the girl who was crushed by the monster, the girl who lost her innocence, The girl who might be going crazy in her life. Without shaking or running imagination, I said, "I think karma just happened, just like the universe itself."

"No, the universe does not just do this, the universe and special people do it," he said. "Some people, like you, can influence and help karma. It is actually an extra part of your aura. Your aura is equivalent to a beacon, which summons higher power to destroy it. There are good people everywhere. And the bad guys, you help save the world by passing personal information to those who are higher.

"Now you have to think about your mother," he raised his hand because my body wanted to suddenly stand up and take action. For whom, or what, I don’t know. "Yes, I know that this is a sensitive topic. But we must She’s stuck here for yourself. Think about it, really think about it, how could your mother be still here, with us. Her illness should be cured long ago. Let her Kelly go. She has other things Your responsibilities must be fulfilled, and you don’t need bad karma yourself."

The memory of going to the hospital countless times and seeing the doctor countless times flooded into my mind. "It's impossible," I cried, still obsessed with his understanding of my life. "How did you meet my mother?"

He raised his hand and slowly formed the "I love you" sign language. He said, "I have known your mother for a while."

I buried my face in my hands and let the tears flow.

Gunthreon stood up, put his hand on my shoulder, gently. "The right choice may be the most difficult," he said. "Would you like to hear the rest of the truth? Are you willing to accept anything I tell you and anything I might show you? You have committed a crime in your heart, but I must listen to you tell it." He stared Look at me, as if I said something is a matter of life and death.

"Yes, Gunthreon." I think things have reached the point where I never knew they would be lost.

"Kelly, close your eyes."

The strong scent of green grass under my nose makes me sober. I was sitting on a piece of green grass, trying to see through the surrounding fog. I recognized the fog, closed my eyes, and tried to force myself to wake up, this time it was real. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself still where I was. "Guntlion? I don't like this. Are you here?" I tried not to speak too loudly.

I think the only thing I can do is try to relax. When I relax, the fog seems to brighten and I can see farther. It is dusk now, even though it is very close to night, I can see clearly in about a minute.

Looking down at the ground beside me, I noticed something shining. It looks like a small box, and out of instinct, I picked it up like a magpie. A very long chain hung on the locket, I wiped the dust off it, and then clumsily tried to open it. Unsuccessful, I put it in my pocket, next to my ring.

There is a rocky dirt road ahead, so I walked towards it. Along this road, I found ancient and beautiful buildings made of marble and slate in ruins. I found an undamaged building on the side of the road, far away from all the other buildings, and I walked in that direction, hoping to find something or people of interest, such as Gunsleyon. I can feel him somewhere here.

This building is smaller than other buildings I have seen. Although there is no gorgeous building, it feels very important, so I approach it carefully. On each side of the medium-sized wooden door, there are thin wing-like drip nozzles, which are also wooden, with various metals inlaid on their faces and wings. They are identical twins, the only difference is their expressions. One eye was warm and likable, with a smile on his face, while the other looked like he was laughing, or just plain mean. I touched it with a more pleasant expression, and it blinked at me suddenly.

I jumped back, swearing it would giggle softly. The other just looked straight ahead, so I chose to ignore it. When I pushed the door, I found that they were surprisingly heavy, and I gathered enough strength to push them away, leaving enough space for myself to squeeze through.

They lead to a large round room, and I see objects lined up on the walls. They all seem to be weapons of some kind-very clean and usable weapons. The closest to me was a big wooden hammer, I stroked it, caressed the wood. It feels very old. I tried to take it off the wall, but it didn't move at all. The next thing that caught my attention was a silver Chinese star with eight very sharp edges.

Every item seems to have its own character, and I want to know who they belong to. Beside the hammer, there is a very long sword with beautiful and complicated words engraved on it. It is an unknown language, which seems to sing me a battle between wind and sunshine. Likewise, it will not move from the wall. I tried another, another, another, motionless. However I feel I need one.

I sat down in frustration and stared straight ahead. At this time, my eyes fell on the strangest weapon I have ever seen. It invites me to approach, whispers to me, tells me not to be afraid, invites me to touch. I stood up and walked towards it, admiring its uniqueness.

The flagpole is made of smooth cherry wood, with a crescent-shaped blade on one end and symbols scattered on it. There is a flat shovel-like blade on the other end. When I stare at the metal piece, it reverses my skin perfectly; both are sharp enough to cut off my hair. I longed to touch the woods, but then I felt something was about to happen, so I hesitated.

When an unexpected flow of heat poured into the room and first ran over my feet, I froze. It slowly climbed onto my body, touched my hands, and forced them to stretch forward. Because of the heat enveloping my head, I suddenly yearned for this deadly treasure, so I touched it and then fell off the wall as soon as I pulled the pole. I embraced it and suddenly felt that I would be separated from my new love forever, because it is me and I am it. I **swing, it's light in my hand. The metal whistles, it cuts through the air and sings its perfect song—perfect balance. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)