Magic Notes

Chapter 152: The Messenger of Death (43)


Suddenly, I found a special sound tore me apart, accompanied by a faint smell of rotten eggs. I know the smell, I ran to the door, not wanting to be blocked in this room. When I saw it standing on the road, it was so huge, at least 8 feet high and 5 feet wide, with dark brown skin and fur. I recognize these three feet, which are positioned like a tripod, with the middle leg leaning forward slightly. Its all terrible is far worse than its feet. Those big eyes that occupy at least 50% of the head stared at me, and its mouth seemed to occupy the other 50%, trembling with black drool. I'm not sure, but it looks hungry. It stared at me as if I was a huge half-rare ribeye steak. Its body is covered with hair everywhere, and its two arms are hanging from the waist. It was wearing a large loincloth and shorts, the edges of both were torn to pieces. There is also a belt around it, a bit like an extra, extra, extra waist bag. I stood there, and I was shocked at the thought of being visited by another terrible creature. This is not a dream. The delicious food I just ate began to slowly seep into my throat, but I swallowed it, not letting myself swallow it.

A noise came from behind the animal. Its ears were trembling, its head turned around like an owl, and then turned to me. I am surprised at its flexibility. Its skin seemed to be constantly moving, and it started to move towards me very quickly. too fast. And so big.

I grabbed the telephone pole and stabilized myself, knowing that I can't get rid of this abominable thing. Now is the time to prove that I can take care of myself. A few seconds before it stretched out its monkey-like arms to grab me, I squatted down and threw the pole out, but the creature quickly jumped from me.

It lunges again faster than expected, and I managed to cut off my leg with my own weapon. The flowing blood froze me, and the fragility crawled towards me like a dark shadow. The creature jumped over to me. I fell directly to the ground, closed my eyes and stretched straight in the direction of the shovel. My movement was unexpected—neither of us expected it—so when my sword scratched the inside of its leg, the creature would bend slightly.

The black silt flowed down its legs and dripped onto the soil. Black mud. Before I fell into the hallucinations, I noticed the tears in its eyes. This big and ugly thing, which must be sent by Satan himself, is crying and exuding an air of regret

"Oh! You hurt Bu! How can you do this? Mr. Bu just wants to help you." Its voice is undeniably male and young, because it wipes the black ooze from the back of its hand, and then Keep licking some away.

"Oh, it's disgusting," I groaned, disgusted. I brought the rod-shaped weapon in front of me.

Tears were as big as his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. I found myself feeling bad. I hurt him, even if he was going to tear my throat. I approached him, only one arm's distance away, and said, "You are going to eat me! Is this a prank? You pretended to be painful, I approached, and you ate me?"

Then he did something unexpected—chuckled. At that moment, I felt it—purity. What he spit out was the purity of the heart and soul, the light of the sun, the warmth and softness like cashmere.

"Wait," I said, smelling the air. "You smell like chocolate."

"Would you like some?" He asked me as he raised his hand, his hand was covered with sticky substance.

"You did a good job the first time. It seems you have found your weapon." I turned around with the weapon and saw Gunthreon quietly following me. The creature cried harder and turned to Gunthreon for help. Guns Lewon walked over to hug him and talked to him in a comforting way, thanking him for his help in "adaptation". "We have prepared a great dinner for you. Come back with us," he whispered. Say. "We will take care of your commission." Then he pointed to my leg. "Both of you."

Suddenly, we returned to the dining room and sat at the table, watching Guns Lewon heal our pain. I have no weapons in my hands. I looked around and saw nothing, so I think I lost it. When I sat across from this huge creature that was obviously called Bu, a sense of despair came and went. I stared at his figure in surprise. Although he was burly and a little scary, I still felt comfortable sitting across from him, just watching his subtle movements.

He ate raw meat and smiled at Gunthreon all the time. Then he glared at me fiercely, which actually made me feel bad, but not so bad that it made me forget what had just happened.

"So this is a test?!" I exclaimed, suddenly regaining my senses, and furious at both of them. "I almost died!"

"Yeah!" Bu said to me with a smile. Then he added, "Yes, but no?" His gaze turned suspiciously to Gunthreon.

My mind is turning over the things I have experienced, and I try to decide whether I should interrogate them, or run out and leave the country. "Where did we go?" I have a question. "I don't think it looks like anywhere in this neighborhood. Gunthreon, what did you put in the wine?" I glared at him and narrowed my eyes. "Do you have anything else to tell me? What is he?" I pointed to Bu. "Can you tell me how he went to work that day?"

The expression on Guns Lewon's face indicated a brief two seconds of ignorance, and then he frowned and stared at Bu.

"Bu," he growled in a fatherly tone.

Bu stared at his empty plate now like a scolding child. He shuffled and walked with sweat on his body. He lowered his head and said, "Bu didn't mean it. Bu wanted to see Kelly." Then he looked up at Gunthreon and said, "You have shown me her building. Bu remembers where it is. No one saw it. predict!"

"You know, you are terrified—"

Gunthreon raised his hand to face me. "Bu, this is completely wrong," he said. "You know, in Lenhalla, you can't force others to see you, even if only in between. You may hurt Kelly, or someone sees you. I should let you go home now."

Bu began to cry like a down-to-earth child. His tears glowed somehow, illuminating the entire room. The flashing lights are beautiful. They make me want to drink them up and dance in the room.

Across the table, I touched Bu's face with one hand, and reached into my pocket with the other hand, and took out the necklace and the pendant I found. An unexplainable need to give him the treasure I found and let me give it to him. He held it gently and opened it very skillfully. I don't know how his big hands did it.

"You found it! You found it!" he cried. He quickly stood up, hugged me, and squeezed hard.

"Bu, remember your courtesy," Gunthreon urged.

But let's go.

"Gance, Kelly is cool!" He danced around his chair, making me smile and letting the tension in my body dissipate.

"Kelly blessed you because she knows how helpful you are when we need you. You are special and deserve a special gift." Gunsleyon said "thank you" to me.

"Hey, I think this is my job now. It's better to practice more, okay?" Watching Step continue to dance, he tried to be a runner, and I couldn't help feeling good.

"You need to know that your work has rules," Gunthreon said, looking at me. "There is still a lot to teach you. Learning must be fast because the task is going too fast and things start to get worse. I will go for dessert, and then I will explain all about Lenhala, the field you just visited. Bu, do you want some more? This is berry pie."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Mr. Bu could not sit still with excitement.

"The kingdom?" I yelled at him as he left the room.

Then only me and Bu.

"No, if you just want to see me, why do you rhyme scary?" I said "Kelly, Kelly, come and kill with me"? This doesn't sound very friendly. You really scared me today. Fortunately, I thought it was just a dream and didn't put myself in a lunatic asylum. "

"What is a lunatic asylum? This is an interesting word."

"They put lunatics here," I said. "Maybe I need to go somewhere after tonight."

"You're not crazy, Kelly! You fool! I'm singing a great song, and my mother used to sing it to me. This is a...a...I don't know."

"A nursery rhyme?"

"Yes—a yīn shadow." Despite his ugly appearance, he is still very cute.

"Your name is Graeber?"

He nodded, not looking up at me.

"I like you, Bu. Can we be friends?" I can't believe I would ask.

"Yes, oh, yes! But not many friends." He looked at his locket, looking happy and sad, tears and smiles across his face.

"No, what's in the pendant?"

"This." He showed me a photo inside, which was exactly the same as himself, except that there were three rooms. "Mom." When he hung the necklace around his neck, he looked very sad.

"That pendant box is yours? Wow." I whispered the latter to myself, surprised by the coincidence. Coincidence does not exist in my dictionary.

"She is beautiful. You look just like her," I said. I lifted his chin with my hand, and he smiled at me, his smile can melt the North Pole. When Gunthreon returned, my heart suddenly became heavy.

"Better give me that pie first, because I have a feeling that you need to make me sweeter before you start," I said. I plucked up the courage, stuffed a large spoonful of pie in my mouth, and nodded to him to start eating.

"I want to start from the beginning. You need to know the whole truth about our existence, so listen, when I'm done, you can ask me questions," Guns Leong said. "Let’s find a more comfortable place to sit. Come with me." He led me and Bu to the purple golden room where Gonzalion and I talked for the first time, where we found three armchairs. . But also frowned. Then, in the blink of an eye, an armchair and a double bed appeared. Gunsleywon shook his head at Bu, but he didn't pay attention. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)