Magic Notes

Chapter 153: The Messenger of Death (44)


"Kelly wants to sit next to me," he said, sitting on the loveseat with a thump, still holding my hand. I must sit down unless he lets me go.

Guns Lewon smiled and said, "Okay." "Kelly can sit with you." I looked at Gunsley with pleading eyes, and he smiled harder. "You can find some tea on the table over there. Fill a cup and sit down."

I lifted my body at lightning speed and walked quickly towards the teapot. I filled a glass of water and sniffed the steam coming out of my glass. The same tea as before! I was full of excitement, and I felt like a child, given those huge, hovering lollipops, the size of my head.

Holding a cup in my hand, I sat next to Bu with my legs, and he rushed to me, instilling a kind of fear in me, afraid that my love would fall on him. But he is cautious. I actually rely on him and know very well that I might smell like eggs. I leaned on his pocket and something stabbed me from it.

"Bu, what's inside?" I asked, touching the package.

"My tools! Look!" He opened the box and showed me the many tools in it: screwdrivers, pliers, hammers, files-as long as you can think of. All the clothes wear out with age, and they are very sloppy-but probably full of love-are scribbled with the name "No"

"Good collection, big guy" I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up. I'm ready to be taken aback or pissed out of fright.

"This story has been circulating for thousands of years. Think what you like, Kelly." Gunthreon seemed impatient to start. "Just remember, I am not a scientist, so you can learn from the limited information I gave you." He cleared his throat, took a deep breath, and then started.

"The center of the world starts with two atoms, and these atoms are composed of two opposite energies," he said. "After repeated contact with each other, these energies slowly produced other molecules, and their opposing power eventually produced physical matter, and life was formed." I gave him a stunned expression, which did not require much effort from me. . "Think of the clinking sound of two pots, and there will be a third thing, right?" I gave him the same dumbfounded expression, but he continued.

"Even though these initial energies are opposed to each other, life is harmonious at first. Living matter continues to grow until it forms organisms from bacteria to even larger than living things. As these life forms evolve, the two primitive atoms also evolve. Their complex composition gives them great power. They supervise all the lives that are created. Their work ZìYóu roams and develops many special shapes and many different abilities. Their world is called Lunhara.

"Those who walked through Lunhala named the two energies of their vitality flow. They were called higher ones: Nida and Mrs. Stern.

"It is said that one day, a creature was born-a great creature with immense beauty and power. It can walk upright, talk to all creatures, and create art works with bare hands. It can sing and emit joy. A pleasant, pleasing sound, shaking you, falling asleep with a soft lullaby. It is smooth and sensual. It has long, silky silver hair, which hangs down to the feet, and it gives out any photos. The light on it. Sadly, this creature has no name, because the higher beings fought repeatedly, vying for who has the right to name this creature.

Nida insists that its birth has a greater relationship with its birth, because this creature nurtures all creatures with its rǔ juice. However, Mrs. Stern Veropa felt that she had the ability to name this creature, because this creature had the ability to contempt and it could be used to persuade others. The war between Neda and Veropa became so terrible that the land began to fall apart and life began to die. Those surviving creatures began to fight with each other, and sided with Nida or Veropa. You can't love both. You must choose where your loyalty lies.

"One day, Nida decided that something must happen to end the quarrel. After careful consideration, Nida proposed an idea to Veropa: This creature needs to be destroyed, otherwise all their other lovely creations will soon become extinct. Veropa thought it should be a completed operation and agreed to give Nida a day to interact with the creature and decide how to destroy it. But Nida liked the creature very much, and the extra day proved that Nida could not destroy the creature, so she Came up with a plan.

When the new day began, Neda explained to Veropa in the saddest tone that the best way to die is to jump quickly from the edge of the deepest crack. Veropa quickly agreed, eager to see how this creature would react when faced with death. It found this beautiful creature and told it what to do. Despite the fact that this creature has its own ZìYóu will, it informed death in order to save all other lives. The creature walked to the edge of the crack and shed a shimmering tear before it walked away.

But Veropa didn't know that Nida had spider webs woven by spiders. In the cracks thousands of feet deep, the darkness swallowed all the light in order to catch the spiders. It was there that Nida decided that in order to protect it from harm, this creature could not retain all its extraordinary abilities. Therefore, Neda fixed certain areas of its brain and exiled it to a place where all life’s abilities are limited—a place where life is much simpler, a place where a futile Veropa would never lower his head to look for. . Nida also decided to give this creature a secret name, whispering Warmin in her ear, and decided that for her own sake, she would never see this creature again. The place where it was banished is this place.

"This creature wandered alone in this new realm. Until one day, it stumbled upon another creature similar to itself. It grew from the earth. They complained to each other and loved each other wholeheartedly. Time flies. Happiness. They flourish and life becomes what many people know now.

"In the whispers of the crack, Veropa finally discovered what had happened and decided to find this creature and leave it to himself. So Veropa dropped to this level and found many creatures similar to its original, but no So powerful, it seems easier to die. Obviously, these creatures are not using the power stored deep in their hearts. However, this power still spews involuntarily from each of them through the huge waves threatening Veropa. Out. Veropa thought about their creation and thought that Nida must be the master behind the scenes. Angrily, Veropa vowed to destroy everything on this level, but in this way, Nida will only realize the plan. It’s too late. This is the beginning of what we call the "big wave"

"Slowly, this level of existence began to destroy its environment. A huge proportion of wars broke out, and debilitating diseases, plagues and epidemics followed.

One day, Nada decided to violate her oath and visit the animals she longed to see. But when it came, Nida was shocked to see what happened, she knew that Veropa was behind these dangerous yīn acts. Nida regained the abilities of some creatures and realized that this might be the only way to save them, but it took many centuries for these creatures to relearn their talents, and only a few selected creatures wanted to use them on this plane. Talent, because too many creatures are afraid to challenge themselves. They feel so comfortable with their lives. Therefore, those who choose to use their rebirth gifts see that they can move between the two realms, and again, those who travel with Nida or Veropa. The battle is still fierce. Nida believed that all creatures could live in harmony again, but Veropa had become angry. They said that Veropa is trying to build a biological empire to control all those it considers to be inferior.

For many people on earth, Lunhala is just the movement you see from the corner of your eye—the kind of unrecognizable smell that reminds you of the fairies and demons in your childhood, or the strange feeling of deja vu. Then, a small group of us traveled between different realms, struggling to either protect the remaining harmonious life, or strengthen Veropa’s stupid and environmentally unsuitable army just for destruction. Veropa’s power is growing every day, you know, Kelly, mankind is in serious danger-the humans of Lenhala, and our kingdom here, every day, more and more evil creatures appear in Lenha Pulling outside threatens our lives. We need your help. "

Despite the desperate look in Gunthreon’s eyes, I don’t know if I should believe the story and go to the mountains to seek refuge, or smile and declare that my new friend is a great comedian. When my brain stirred in the flow of information,

I glanced at **. He is now snoring with his mouth open.

"I need some evidence to prove our connection, to prove that you are not the kind of lunatic who wants to brainwash me."

He walked to the door and called me to his side. He grabbed my hand, and I walked into the dining room with him and walked towards the wall full of pictures. His hand rises and points to a specific, direct center. I raised my eyes and stared at this face so similar to me in disbelief, and I stroked those innocent eyes with my fingers. At that moment, I realized that my life was changing: there were no more caramel corns, stuffed teddy bears, and fruit circles. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)