Magic Notes

Chapter 154: The Messenger of Death (45)


The mother sat quietly on the wall, holding the urn with a smile on her face. Now, the real test of my strength has begun.

"Your abilities are back. You must use them to help create the harmony that this land once knew," Gunthreon pleaded. "You will find that many people around you also have special abilities. Some people know how to use them; others don’t. Evil creatures are lurking in the dark, trying to build a majestic, desperate world. Hope all people will Turn to Veropa. As someone traveling between planes, you must remember three things.

"First, drugs are useless to you, and alcohol won't make you drunk," he said. When I think back to those desperate moments, I gobbled down a few bottles of wine and rum, swallowed countless pills, and my heart was pounding. This is to calm my brain and stop the pain. However, it did not help me for a solid reason—I am not a hopeless cripple.

Gunsrewong continued, "So sinus medicine, aspirin, acne cream, whatever, it doesn’t help you, and you won’t feel the effects of alcohol. But you won’t get sick often—" he paused. For a moment, looking at my mother's picture, "-Drugs and alcohol will only disturb your feelings. We don't need drunk idiots to shuttle between planes as we please.

Second, as a traveler, when your body dies, your essence will travel where you are or where you are not, and be bestowed a true death by those who are higher. We also believe that this is when you become a spiritual teacher and connect to a living individual, but we are not sure.

"Third, your weapon is always carried with you, just like most travelers. You may not see it now, but if you relax and convince yourself that it is there, you can vaguely see it tied to it. On your back. Any questions?"

"Do you wish there was a problem now? I can hardly remember my breathing, let alone answer the question! I don't know if I can believe it all."

"I'm waiting," he whispered, standing in front of me, playing with his thumb.

"Okay! About my weapon, what is it?" I felt my back and started a body search, hoping to find something. I believe it is a solid thing. Of course I didn't feel it.

"Ah, I think this is perfect for you. This is called a monk's spade," Goncelion said. "A long time ago, the monks took them on missions across the vast land. They used shovels to bury the dead, and crescent-shaped shovels were used as weapons against thieves. Monks often traveled between different kingdoms to observe and remember Record their findings.

"You need to practice using your weapons. I may be the one who helps you train and also teach you how to use your weapons. Now, in order to reach Lunhala, we must also practice—"

"I got it off!" I flinched, preparing to deal with Gunthreon's anger.

"What to leave behind?"

"Monk's shovel."

"No, you don't."

"Yes," I said, shaking my head and raising my eyebrows, "Yes."

He pointed to my back, and I felt the warmth on my spine. I relaxed and stretched out slowly behind me. Sure enough, I felt the pole slightly, but couldn't grasp it.

"Don't worry, we will solve this problem," he said.

I walked around in circles, like a dog chasing its own tail. By the sixth round, I was about to give up, when my finger was suddenly cut by the blade. I instinctively put my fingers into my mouth and frowned at Gunthreon. "If I believe in karma," I said, "Why do good people suffer misfortune? Why attack me? What did I do wrong deserve you to treat me like this? What about my mother—her pain?"

Gunthreon thought for a long time. I sat on a chair in the dining room, waiting for any answers he could give me. "Bad things may happen to someone, but not always because that person did something bad," he said. "This may just be the butterfly effect. Then, that person's negative experience changed some other events, completely elsewhere. Karma is everywhere. It all depends on how you respond and whether you construct or deconstruct. Yes, bad things. Happens to good people, but it is these experiences that make a good person great! This is the ultimate test. Unfortunately, as time goes by, karma seems to become more and more peaceful. In fewer and fewer cases, Seeing positive over negative. Do you understand?"

I don't know how to answer, so I have reservations about Gunthreon's words. I shrugged.

He reached out to me, and I grabbed it again. He took me back to Bu's room. I glanced at Bu, and he was not only snoring, but also drooling.

We all walked to the previous seats and sat down. Bu giggled in his sleep.

I quietly said to Gunthreon: "You mentioned power and abilities. If I really joined the mission you mentioned, what strange things would I encounter?" I tremble with the illusion of my imagination. , Like the illusion of attackers of different sizes and Venus flytrap killers. My imagination is very rich.

"You might be surprised by the similarities between planes, such as food and animals. Travelers carry certain items between planes to make them common on both planes. Believe it or not, strawberries are native to Lenhala," he said, and I raised my eyebrows, "there are flying squirrels—and cinnamon! And you do know that there is at least one other traveler's ability, you have witnessed it with your own eyes," Gunthreon Say. "My grandson, Russell."

Amber! "He better not hurt Amber!" I said, my voice a little loud. Despite her pretense, she is still so fragile.

"Russell is on our side-don't worry. In fact, he used his power to create some wonderful things, I think, you might agree. Russell is the kind you can call "Cupid" A type of traveler. He can be the perfect companion for a willing soul, but he can only make such a transformation once in his life," he said. "Russell has made his choice."

My eyes widened.

"This is not exactly what I imagined, but Russell chose Amber. He will become Amber's boyfriend and future husband. He has indeed fallen in love with her, but Amber must be aware At this point, and publicly return his true love."

"What if she doesn't respond to my love?" I said, knowing the probability.

Gunthreon thought for a while and shrugged. "I don't think I know the answer. Hmm."

Gunthrewon slowly got up from his seat, and covered it with a soft fleece blanket. "Kelly, before we end tonight's event," he said, "Let us try something. Would you like it?"

Guns Lewon walked into the kitchen, and I heard the sound of him looking through the trash can. When he came back with a bad smelling cantaloupe in his hand, my hypothesis proved to be correct. He pointed it towards Mr. Bu's nose, and his nose would be mad. Bu's mouth also made a grimace because it opened the seal.

"He hates cantaloupes," Gunthreon whispered.

Gunthreon!" I tried to whisper in a low voice, not wanting Bu's peaceful sleep to be disturbed. Bu's ears clicked and he started to wake up.

I instinctively use my own energy to touch Bu, and close my eyes when I do. I thought of beautiful thoughts, caressing his energy, dispelling his disgust, and coaxing him back to a peaceful sleep. My own energy vibrated a soothing lullaby with Bu's smile and almost immediately starting to snore.

Gunthreon smiled happily. I also smiled, and tears formed a newfound sense of pride in my eyes.

"Everything happens for a reason, Carey," he said as he hugged me.

I immediately pinched my nose at the cantaloupe.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Gunthreon said.

"I should go. I have to go see my dog," I said, tired.

I kissed Mr. Bu on the forehead, and then he drove me out. A limousine and driver were already there waiting for me. "Oh, is this my new benefit? I will get used to it!" I said as I climbed into the car and glanced at the dark, burly man behind the steering wheel. Gunthreon smiled, waved to me, and walked back into the room.

I got out of the car and thanked the driver who only smiled at me while driving. Then I stood in front of my house and admired the building. It's simple, really nothing special, but I like it. It must be because it cannot attract people's attention. This apartment sits right in front of me and is satisfied with its boring red brick and 1960 cast iron style. I think any resident may know Lenhala. This thought made me go around and observe the area, because my fear of monsters has increased fivefold since Gunthreon talked about Veropa.

I looked at this particularly interesting balcony from my balcony. It's really strange. Several kinds of hay were hanging in the yīn ditch, and there were some strange scribbles on the balcony door, which were probably written by Shapier's permanent marker. This is a door, with scratches on the metal and glass, like an eager dog trying its best to get in.

Suddenly, a rapid movement of the curtain let me know that I might have broken in.

I adjusted myself and realized that I should feed and walk woody, and now pass one of my holes from my own patio door, most likely to curse my time to leave me tonight. I came back too late.

My legs quickly lifted me up the stairs, and my head was dizzy from the blood flow. After several minutes of searching, I finally found my key at the bottom of my wallet, which was connected with some paper clips and hair stuff. When I pulled the key to the lock, the dizziness disappeared slightly. I turned around and found myself staring at a beautiful little boy, about seven or eight years old, with the fluffy blond hair and the darkest brown. sè eyes. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)