Magic Notes

Chapter 156: Shudder (1)


The man surnamed Bu was taken in by his father’s family, but he did not miss any chance to see him, so he sneaked out, and the two gradually fell in love.

Then Philip decided to increase the content of the conversation. "Yes, yes. Guess who is the traveler or something. I hope we can finish it as soon as possible. My ideal plan is for us to find Bu, convince him how stupid he is, and take him home. The deal," he said .

"He just wants to protect what he cares about," Gunthreon said.

"I know how it will turn out, everything is great, isn't it, Gunthreon? What a stupid mistake this is."

"Come on!" My nerves couldn't bear the quarrel anymore. "If you don't stop all of this, I will refuse to do anything you ask for, and just run to ask the nearest helpful person if he has seen Bu. What do you think?" The fear on their faces tells them that I have Make them realize that they need to stop.

Gunthreon started to take us west, I thought. There are small noises and whispers in the wind, and it smells like mold. Occasionally, I will see more raccoon animals foraging around—at least it seems that way. I almost think they are following us. Maybe they are because they know we are going to die and can eat our bodies. Maybe my eyes taste good.

We passed several abandoned buildings, all of which were shoddy, I swear, one of them has huge yellow eyes. Watching us walk by, I smelled a strong smell of rotten eggs.

Guns Lewon also saw those eyes. "You must know that the Greeks are very selfish creatures, they will do anything for themselves," he said. "The most likely scenario is that the place we pass will not be known to anyone, but will follow us to see if we have what it wants."

We continue, but not for long. We stopped suddenly, and I was almost fainted by the terrible sight hanging in front of me. There, looming is a huge gray-brown sè tree comparable to the red cedar, with hundreds of silhouettes hanging on it, like distorted Christmas decorations. Observe carefully, some are human, some are not. The unfortunate commonality between them is that they are all hanged by what seems to be their intestines.

"Oh, God!" I hurriedly covered my mouth, Kimoto walked around in a circle, observing the place, and maybe I felt the residual sins caused by those actions. I can't help but want to blindfold Philip, but he doesn't seem to care about this indecency.

Instead, he stared at the booth. "This is a tree of sacrifice," he muttered to himself. "The Greeks will make sacrifices-very few, but they will do it-to a man named Defanten who is one of the top figures in Veropa. He prefers to hang the intestines. He is you Said son of the devil."

"Let's go ahead," Gunthreon suggested as he led us. We continued to walk quietly because we were afraid to wake up anything hungry. I saw Gunthreon and Philip exchange glances from time to time. They probably agreed to cover up something for me, while Gunthreon suggested to me in a low voice, such as "Don't be afraid." Kelly, imagine you are watching Your favorite movie. "

I only know one thing—they both seem to miss the woman lying in the back of an old truck, she has only limbs and appendages left. Her face is also missing a nose.

Kimoto kept checking behind us, roaring, and we continued. She doesn't like those raccoons as much as I do. However, they just followed closely behind, obviously not wanting to do anything else. I even saw a small, gray, mouse-like creature attacking my feet.

Gunthreon stopped in front of a towering and creepy tower, which seemed to carry some kind of authority. It stings my skin and makes me feel intensely nauseous because we are standing in front of it. I bent down and held my belly, feeling nauseous to vent. After seeing my reaction, Gunsleyon said, "Kerry, because of your sensitivity, you must do your best to reject the inner energy." I glanced at him quickly and told him to take his words back, but when I looked at Mu Ben, he was staring at my face and I immediately felt better. She licked the tears that quickly flowed from my eyes, and I stood up straight.

"That's it," Gunthreon said. "Don't be afraid of the whales that are following us. They are attracted by Radimo, at least by his abilities."

Before we entered the tower, Gunthreon gave us instructions—he came to lead the way, Chiotto and I followed him, behind Radimo. We lined up and walked slowly and silently until we found Bu. We immediately grabbed him and brought him back to my world.

I noticed that when we entered the building, the whale did not enter, but waited outside the door. Once inside, the place seemed to be empty, except for occasional friendly screams.

We walked quietly as agreed, but every sound made me anxiously want to get close to Philip. Why is he

There are ugly and dirty things hanging on the wall: shrunken heads, various animal feet, and a particularly disturbing bone sketch. At first glance, this picture looks like a sweet blond little girl standing on a pile of pillows hugging a dog. But when you come closer, she is standing next to a pile of dead pigs, pinching a dead pig with her hands with a smile on her face. She also had a pig nose on her face. Philip said, "Lenny Fontaine. Local legend."

"I won't run into her, will I?" I asked scaredly.

"Well, it has been dead for at least ten years," he replied. "But you can be fortunate to meet her twin sister Lori. However, she is even more disturbing."

"Is it more disturbing than that?!" I shouted when Philip covered my mouth with his hand.

When we came to what seemed to be the hundredth door, I was trembling and trembling had begun to crawl across my skin and my bones. Gunthrewon put his ear on the door, which was full of paw prints and blood handprints of various animals.

Suddenly, he ran out of the door, dragging us to hide behind a chain-mast-sized armor.

Something opened the door halfway and we heard, "He is a child and very malleable-you have to remember this. He is not completely worthless, but should be thoroughly punished for what he did. If If he does something like this again, I will definitely decide his fate, poor Greb. I hope Difan will let us end this game now."

I peeked around the armor, thinking I would see a terrible creature or a person, but I saw the cutest rabbit. In my world, it is bigger than a rabbit, but it is a fluffy white rabbit with soft ears. The child in me was eager to run out and embrace it, but as soon as it faced my direction, any sign of that thought escaped my sight. It had a pair of ugly eyes full of bloodshot eyes. A huge, sharp, bloodshot claw hung in an unnatural position. The right foot of the claw should be there, and the left ear should be bloody. It roared as it walked away, and I suddenly felt my knees weaken. The thoughts of many of my weaknesses began to flood into my mind; my terrible thoughts, I lacked defense as my deformed attack I used my fist to swim through my brain, causing my self-esteem to wither, like a dehydrated, withered flower . I feel like I am a waste of material, and I should be fed to some stronger and greater God. I grabbed my head with my hands, and at the same time, Kimoto whimpered in a small, humble voice, as if she felt exactly the same as me.

Gunthreon crawled to my side, and energy leaked from him. "I don't have time to react to this, and I don't have time to shelter you. I'm sorry," he whispered. "A docile person is very strong, so don't let your mind stop. Think about what is good in your life."

"How can you stop thinking like this?" I cried bitterly. "I suddenly hate myself." I saw the twisted reflection in the mirror on the wall. I had to try to make myself like what I saw, but the faint cry of crying pulled me out of the downward spiral. .

Philip crawled over and quickly wiped my eyes, because tears lit up our dark corners and made the shadow of the armor dance in the room. "Please know, I saw a strong, beautiful, and brave woman in front of me," he said, gently wiping away my last tears, "no one can deny her love." When he turned to Guns When Leong, his lips pressed against my cheek, and I blushed embarrassedly.

Gunthreon peered around the armor, and then let us start to move. We stood up slowly, walked into the door, and crossed the threshold of a large room, which I guess contained instruments of torture. I saw a huge windmill with an arrow in the middle, which looked like a carnival game. It looks like it is rotating, and the prize is represented by a pie part of a variety of colors, with different body parts marked on it.

One person turned his back to us and sharpened a hot poker in the fire pit, while the other was bent over and sat on a bench with his back facing us. I think this is something Reptile skin. The older Greek turned the wheel, then turned and walked towards the bench. When the steering wheel fell on one ear, he looked back at the steering wheel, smiled, grabbed Bu's neck, and leaned his head back vigorously.

We stalked each other, squeezing behind all kinds of equipment. I made it within feet of the larger Greek's back.

"I will make you pay for what you did," Graeber complained, completely unaware of the sudden penetration around him. "Why would you risk your life for that skinny? She is nothing." The poker began to hiss and screaming ears. At this time, his necklace and small box fell from his hand to the ground. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)