Magic Notes

Chapter 157: Shudder (2)


I dialed Gunthreon's number on my phone, thinking I don't need to owe Connor too much favor. "Gancereon, can we use your driver?"

"He will be here in five minutes."

Three minutes is almost the same. This time, the driver really got out of the car and opened the back door for my mother. He is huge and I am surprised how he adapts to luxury cars. When he stretched out his arm to her, his muscles rippled under his white short-sleeved shirt. "Hey, I never received it!" I screamed, frowning at him. I have never seen that guy's legs.

"Fidro is an old friend of mine, isn't it?" My mother giggled and gave him a big bear hug. He just nodded and smiled. He reminded me of a huge tree stump, two arms, also stumps, decorated with scroll tattoos. When he picked up my mother, his dark skin was gleaming in the sun. At that time, I clearly saw his facial features: a wide nose, a broad forehead, and straight black hair, much like the Indian tradition. Then he put her gently on the ground.

Their friendliness makes me feel jealous. "Well, take your old friend home, because she is my thorny eye." I crossed my arms and said. Fidero obviously thought it was funny, he laughed so hard that his ears were about to crack. Then my mother interrupted, and I crawled in and pouted because there were some internal jokes that I didn't participate in. This kind of thing happens often.

My mother got off the car at her home and looked very optimistic. She got out of the car by herself and drove Fidero away, but before leaving, she said to me, "If you see Guns Lewon, tell him what I said. She waved goodbye, faster than the wind She ran towards her front door at a speed, still holding on to my jīng strength tightly.

When I got home, I saw that Kimoto had been well taken care of by a pair of friendly companions, Bu and Philip. It's nice to know that they can live comfortably in my place when I am away. I found Mu himself was full of food and water, there was an empty microwave popcorn bag on the counter, and Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory in my DVD player—oh, there is another one that has been dead for a long time. Ferns are alive and well now.

I took a long hot bath to clear the black silt that clumped on my skin and hair. Once I slept on the sofa, I went out for the night.

I decided that the first thing in the morning was to call the military division and ask him if he at least came over for a chat. Within ten minutes, I saw Gunthreon and Fidelow stop. Waved to Philip's balcony.

Gunthreon slowly walked up the stairs. "I still can't believe you live across from him," he said. "Speaking of karma." He hugged me tightly. His hug is getting better and better. "Talked to your mother. Surprisingly, she is in a very good mood." I just nodded.

The gunman handed me a tin can when he entered my apartment. I opened it and breathed the fragrant air. "Tea!" I was so excited, I quickly pulled him in, almost rushing to my kettle. Mumoto greeted him with a hand that kissed him, while he patted her firmly on the back.

"Please use it with caution," he demanded. "I heard that this tree is extinct. It disappeared with the dinosaurs. What a pity."

"Impossible! I'm drinking an extinct plant? It's so cool, as long as there is no Green Peace Organization suddenly knocking on my door. Thank you, Gunsleyon. It's fun to have friends at the top."

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I am not always a friend in a high position. I have had lows." I never judge others and their past, so I just nodded, he seemed to understand that I wouldn't ask. I hope he understands karma better than I do, and it is likely that he has spent a lot of time making up for everything he has done in the past.

"This tea is exactly what I need," I said, "especially after the hospital. I always thought everyone there was crazy, but they just saw the truth. They really saw it. Why didn't everyone do it? how about this?"

"This is because some people are not as open as others." Gunsreion said. "Many people live protected lives and are unwilling to open up about other things that may exist outside."

The water in the kettle started to boil slightly, and after adding tea leaves, I floated into an incredible comfort zone. The fragrance is heaven. Seeing Kimoto lying lazily on the floor, her ears relaxed, and a dog-like smile on her face, I knew she felt this effect too.

"I think I can understand. I think maybe this is a gospel, although in some ways, not everyone knows what is going on. It may be very confused," I guess. "That's what I want to ask you! Do people in Lunhala know our territory? Or is it like this, only a few people know?"

"It's like here," Gunthreon said. "Some people know. Most people who know know that mothers will protect their children like most species, except of course, except for the damn Dodo. There is a small group of people who travel a lot. However, I do believe , One day everyone needs to know the truth. I feel there is a big disturbance in the air, plus Veropa’s idiots are appearing everywhere. If the army is not stopped and the number continues to grow, then the public will need to open up Their eyes. They must be trained in combat." The expression on Gunthreon's face was full of fear. "Let us pray not to get there," he said.

I hesitated before deciding to ask him another question, for fear of betraying my mother in some way. "Gancereon, does this release mean anything to you?"

Gunthreon frowned and replied, "No. Should this be the case?"

"No, I just want to know. I had a strange dream, nothing more." He suddenly seemed worried. Then I said, "How about the edge of the ranch?" I said, hoping Gunthreon's mindset would change.

As soon as I mentioned this, I heard a faint sound in the hallway outside the door. Just as I did this, Guns Leong jumped faster than the amphetamine-taking kangaroo, and he opened my front door. Philip almost fell into my apartment.

He was smashed, but he recovered quickly. "I just came over to borrow a cup of candy," he said.

"I will talk about a cup of eavesdropping." I walked over and punched him in the arm. "Hey, do you want tea?"

"Let this witchcraft occupy my mind? Impossible," Philip said. "I need to be wary of this person." Nodding to Guns Lewong, a smile will appear at the corner of his mouth, and any negative energy that may be formed in the air will disappear.

"Well, Radimo, you may not have heard that our friend mentioned the edge of Maiduo. Do you want to travel?" A sneaky and mischievous smile appeared on Gunthreon's face-this is me A smile I’ve never seen on him before—it makes me wonder if this place will be troublesome. "This is actually a coincidence, isn't it? Have to talk to Hamm and everyone?"

"I thought there was no coincidence in your dictionary?" I said to him triumphantly.

When Gunthreon put his hands on his hips, Philip laughed loudly. "She persuaded you about that. "Oh, yes, you know, I'm going to travel," Philip said, and he grinned, making me shiver.

Before I had time to bring the tea cup to my lips, we started the journey. I sincerely hope not to find my favorite cup in the fragments of my apartment. My Sunday break ends here.

The ground we reached was rocks, rocks and more rocks-just a huge continental rock. When I took my first step, I stumbled, thinking about why my mother sent us here. Philip and Gunthreon had already walked ahead together, busy talking. Take a breath of air, I can't feel anything, but then again, do rocks really smell? The gray sky and the rocks mirror each other. The weather is neither cold nor warm. This place is so boring.

"Yes, and his horse! You can't forget how long it took him to regain whiteness. A pink horse. Ha!" When they laughed, I tried hard to keep up and no longer tripped over. , Kneel down again. Kimoto followed me, but when I kept tripping, I looked confused, my struggle was in vain, because my knee was scratched by a horrible stone. When I tried to wipe the blood from my hand with my hand, Kimoto licked the wound, but the blood continued to flow, and I couldn't do anything about it. I decided to pick up a small stone and put it in my pocket to remind myself how angry I was with my mother.

Just as I was about to groan in pain, a scent almost knocked me over. lilac. I looked at Philip and Gunthreon in front of me. I was surprised at Gunthreon’s sudden happiness. Just now, he told me that my level of existence might be occupied by bloodthirsty and crazy animals—at least for me. That’s how it formed in his mind.

I haven't seen anything yet, but there must be something alive here. We walked on the rocks for another ten minutes, and I slowly realized that this tricky terrain seemed to repeat itself: big and flat rocks, small and flat rocks, high and sharp rocks; big and flat rocks, small but Flat rocks, tall and pointed rocks, etc. I caught up with the two Chatty Katie in front.

"Hey, hey, remember me?" Hoping to get some sympathy, I will definitely flash them cautiously on my hands, bleeding from my knees.

"Please forgive us Kelly, we were a bit over-excited." Goncelillon was still smiling.

"Excited? Where is it? Does the quarry bother you?" I chattered endlessly. "You two are very strange. Can you heal this wound for me?"

"It's not necessary," Philip said, and they all turned around and continued to move forward. "The earth will recognize you."

I was ready to scream, and I refused to go on, and my hips sat in a square shape, and Kimoto sat next to me. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)