Magic Notes

Chapter 158: Shudder (3)


"Can I dance now?" He reached out to me, and I took his hand. His movements are very planned, but very smooth, I feel the air as light as he spins, and then draws me closer. His eyes were the luster of mead, and the way he stared at me caused feelings that I never knew existed. Then the music changed to a slow rhythm, a sensational rhythm, before I put my head on his shoulder, he was dragged away from me by a beautiful and charming black-haired woman. Radimo's gaze touched my eye, apologized to me, and took his place with his other hands. I followed my hand to the arm, then to the chest, and then to the face. He is a rugged farmer-like guy, strong and very charming. We danced to the song of difficulties overcome by luck and love, and we swayed with time with the crackling of flutes and fireplaces. Several more glasses of mead touched my lips, and every time a glass of vodka was brought to my mouth, I would want to get drunk. My partner’s hands are more exploring than other men, but when I caught a glimpse of Radimo dancing with another woman, I suddenly felt that I needed someone’s attention, no matter what the type. Connor suddenly entered my mind, and I thought about the possibility of dancing and drinking with him here.

As the night grew, things became blurred. I hardly remember how I was led out of the back door and walked into the alley. The stench of wine was blowing in the breeze. As I continued my gig with the music, I tripped my own feet several times and let my new farm worker friend choose me soon. But when we arrived at a rather dark and ominous barn, exuding the smell of animal feces, full of pitchforks and nameless rusty tools, my drunkenness was quickly overwhelmed by sudden anxiety.

I was stunned. Before I had time to say no, or react a little sensibly, he dragged me in and covered my mouth with his suddenly rough hand. Evil intentions. The negative energy poured out from this man was enough to suffocate a horse, and I immediately regretted that I had drunk too much mead. How can I let myself ignore these Jǐng reports? How could I be so stupid? My monk’s shovel was put up, but he was so strong that I couldn’t move. I heard the sound of him tearing his clothes, trying to bite him with all his strength, but he seemed to enjoy the pain, because there was a smile on his face when I was drawing blood. I tried to kick him in the groin, but his weight was on my leg. Climbing into my bra with a hand, I tried to scream.

When I heard the clang of unfastening the belt, he froze motionless. His eyes were as wide as possible, and his mouth was twisted in a terrible way. His weight fell heavily on me, and I saw someone standing behind him with a hand on his back. I try my best to get rid of this man's control.

A musky voice overwhelmed my whimper. "You know, you really shouldn't do that. Every one of your internal organs is slowly pulled out of your body, how do you feel?"

"Radimer, stop, please!" I yelled. He looks beautiful and evil in the dark, but I know I must stop him. "If you kill him, I fear you will suffer the same bad luck." He was motionless. "Did you hear that?!" I yelled.

He took his hand away, and my assailant fell to the ground. When he breathed occasionally, the pain would twitch through him, and he murmured some nasty words, apparently he was still alive.

Radimer stood above the prey, bringing his face a few inches closer to the prey's ear. "Fortunately, I only hurt your spleen bastard." With the last word, his feet met the guy's ass, forcing the "charm" from the man's lungs.

I tried to stand in front of Radimo, but I actually took him to the ground. Despite the surge in adrenaline, mead still prevailed. I started to cry and I sat on the ground. I was almost slurred, but I managed to get out, "How can I make this happen again?"? What have I done worthy of you doing this to me?" I stared at Radimo, tears streaming down my face, eager to find a reason to explain my pain.

He pulled the hair out of my face and said, "Don't blame yourself for what happened to you, Kelly. Karma is definitely to enlighten you on the seriousness of what happened between the realms." I can tell. Yours, "he raised my face to meet my eyes," is to dig deeply and accept her Jǐng report. Prove that you deserve her attention. "He kissed my lips tenderly.

"Please don't tell my mother. It will break her heart. Just don't tell anyone." I feel embarrassed that I look so vulnerable. "I attract madmen!" I began to cry, covering my face with my hands.

Then Radimo lightly kissed my forehead and whispered, "I'm not crazy." Then he pulled me up from the ground and hugged me in his arms. "Come on." I know a place where you can rest in peace," he said, "though no place seems to be sacred. "All I heard was "sacred", and suddenly the world became dim.

The remnants of the dream melted as I woke up, and a tear fell from my sleepy eyes. I opened my eyes lightly and saw Radimo come back, he was my savior. His warmth is very tempting, and I snuggle next to him, wanting to be immersed in the safety of his only existence. The wine still remained in my blood. I slowly sat up and started kissing his ear. He turned his sleepy face, and I gently kissed his lips. The smell on his body brings a warm, seductive and familiar feeling to my senses.

He smiled, but suddenly opened his eyes. He keeps me away from him. "Kelly, we can't do this. I'm not who you think. He smells like hot mead. "Believe me, I like this, but it's not right. We all drink too much. Things shouldn't be like this. And my history... "He seemed to throw me crooked. My eyes searched for something on his face—something that could explain his behavior. Then my energy tentacles appeared, and Looking for answers. A strong sense of chorus is my only clue.

"Then hug me, please," I pleaded. I turned my back to him, tears in my eyes, and lied to him. I won't say more about this because I'm afraid of losing face.

All around us suddenly became clear, and all the thoughts of rejection disappeared. My eyes focused sharply, and then I screamed.

If she interrupts me to sleep again, I will eat her under your nose. This does not come from my surroundings, but from my brain. The power of these words poured on me, but when I read the energy around me, my fear diminished. I didn't feel threatened, but the feeling of myself still standing seemed to make the room feel smaller.

"Oh, don't do that, Greer. Imagine you are in her place." Radimmer still hugged me tightly.

I can never compare myself with humans, you scrawny things.

This behemoth huddled around us, providing us with a quiet privacy. We are surrounded by green and white scales, which shuffle the flames and warmly illuminate the area around us. The dragon smells a bit spicy, like cinnamon.

"You are so beautiful," I said, in awe.

Oh, please, stop being flattered. I heard that it will make you accomplish nothing and enter my mind again.

"You will be telepathic."

Wow, Radimo, she is a smart girl. Do you have any other two-word sentences for me? I think I would rather make you scream. I heard boredom in his voice.

Greer adjusted his position, and the earth moved with him. I grabbed Radimo's leg.

"Kelly, Greer helped us a lot by letting us sleep in front of him," Radimmer said.

Greer turned his head to us, and I felt the flames tumbling in his heart. His eyes are close, as awesome as his scales, but bright blue. Kelly, your friend helped me once and I owe him. However, don't think I owe you anything else. We are even.

I turned to Radimo and asked him with my eyes what kind of good things this dragon was saying. "Our great friend was once severely cut by a group of meek people," said Radimo respectfully. "I happened to be nearby and heard his pain. I dared not approach him, but when I saw a creature as powerful as him, I wanted to help him, so I cured him."

We finally found the pests and I had a delicious snack that day. If cooked properly, the taste and crispness will be good.

"Dear Greer, with all due respect, can I ask you why you are awake?" I said, suddenly remembering Lupa's serious expression when he talked about Greer.

I admire that little guy. Well, I, like many dragons, vowed to protect the Lunhala area. The edge of McDull is at least one of the calmest places in this area, if not the calmest place. We never knew there was conflict, theft or murder, everything here is very pleasant. Many people come here to relax and release their worries. But recently, a huge vibration blew back in the air and blew back in my head. It awakens me, and I have been unable to get rid of the feeling of despair. Radimo, I ask you to help me find Gunthreon, because I want to discuss the current situation with him. As a personal suggestion, I suggest going east. The whispers in the wind talked about Nida and the rebellion. Truden's death should not be taken lightly.

"Coke? Really?" Radimo said, suddenly looking lonely. "They will indeed say that we have all met the Creator, and your wish is my command," Radimo said. "Thank you, Greer. I don't want Kylie to give up on the edge of Mei Dai. It is important to make her feel at home here." (to be continued) (end of this chapter)