Magic Notes

Chapter 160: Shudder (5)


I am going to call at home tonight. I have to say thank you to Connor anyway, so it's like killing a bird with two rocks: the cause of my death is two very embarrassing topics.

In the following day, I spent some time chatting with my colleagues and arranged a meeting with a famous baseball player to play golf with someone who contributed time to the organization of the Special Olympics. rìzi flies quickly.

On the way out, I stopped in the bathroom to eliminate the sudden screams from my intestines. I know that the pepper steak I eat for lunch will cause me trouble. I chose a cubicle to sit down, shaking from the cold of the toilet seat.

The sound of the bathroom door opening made me stop before performing the task. The interesting thing is that I can chop off a member's head, but when others are in the room, I can't even do my things in the workplace.

I waited for her to enter a compartment, waited, waited, waited. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. Slowly, I lifted my pants and listened carefully to any sound—any sound. My monk’s shovel is warm on my back, and I touch its handle. I tried to look in through the gap in the compartment door, but only a faint shadow was seen.

I mustered up the courage. "Hello?" I said. "Can you pass me some toilet paper? I have nowhere to go." I put my hand on the blade, because the emotions that passed from this person to me were strange emotions of revenge. No matter who the people here are, he must be upset about something.

The sound of footsteps approached the stall next to me, and I heard the man unwinding the newspaper on the stall. I breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out my hand. "thanks."

I regretted it too soon. The hand that came back down was not human, but great. It grabbed me and immediately pulled me under the barrier. I struggled as hard as I could, but I might as well be a three-year-old. Before I could react, he nailed me to the wall above the toilet, dangling his feet, trying to stand firm somewhere. It was the man who attacked me in my apartment. He was drooling and grinning. The stench on his body made me sick.

"Defanten may be so focused on his absurd imagination that he does not want to come to see me," He still has weaknesses, but I am not as weak as you humans. I am the one called Tatarin, and I am the one who will end your life, so pray to your god, Kelly. "

He grabbed my neck tightly. The slimy green arm pressed against my neck and smeared its wetness on my skin, its nose sniffing my skin. I gathered my will to fight, and with all my strength, I kicked him right-hard-missed groin. He was so painful that I slid down the wall and fell into the toilet with one foot. Then I slipped and fell on his sex. Tartarin, hurry up, grab my foot, but I can grab the monk's shovel now. The gunfire became louder and louder, and I pierced the back of his leg.

He was bleeding and breathing heavily, but he didn't scream. "When I meet you next time, I will eat your brain with ice cream," he whispered. "While you still have a chance, think about it."

When he disappeared suddenly, I heard two women chatting and walked into the bathroom. I stood up as quickly as possible to restore my composure. I looked at the monk’s shovel, the blood of regret was still dripping from the blade, and when it gradually disappeared from sight, I put it on my back again.

"Oh my god, it smells so bad here," Nancy vomited during the break.

Of course I don't want them to think that I caused the smell. I walked out of the cubicle. "Yes, I know," I said. "They will need an air freshener dispenser soon." As soon as I washed my hands, Nancy began to complain about the high price of air freshener. I ran back to the office, ignoring the guts. My wallet, sweater and handbag were soon on my shoulders, and then I went out. I fumbled for my smartphone and called Gunthreon. He answered when the first bell rang.

"So, Tal Tallinn, why is this nasty guy having trouble with me?" I questioned. "Why are other people afraid to come here, afraid to kill us?"

"What happened?" he asked worriedly. "Are you all right? Where are you?" It felt like he was going to jump over the phone and grab me to keep me safe. I told him where I was and what happened. I ask again, why don't they all come here to travel.

He paused. "Advanced technology fights magic" he said so much.

"Huh?" He spoke again in the language called ambiguity.

"Renhara is a realm based on inner magic. This is their belief and dependence.". "Their technology is not as advanced as ours. They think that technology is just like us humans, especially any electrical equipment, which itself is a kind of magic—some bad things, some things produced by a certain fire demon, and we let them control our lives. They think that power is like electricity, consuming our life energy. Those who live in Lenhala do live longer than those who live here. Who knows?"

I am thinking about this problem. "However, as our technology continues to improve over the years, our life expectancy is also increasing," I said.

"It’s just because we can make machines to help our bodies live longer. Lunhala’s spies are all over this realm. They know that we rely on external energy, not our own internal vitality, to help us get through. Poor short lives. They watched us heating up food in a microwave oven, sending emails to foreign countries, and even detonating hydrogen bombs. For most Lunhara people, Aberkandia is a nightmare, whether it’s for those traveling People who are ignorant of the real world—those whose Abercondia is just a city myth.”

"I can hardly believe that in this field, no technology has been brought to Lenhala."

"Rehala does have its own scientists, and some kind of technology, Jǐng, who provides information to the Rehala public and prevents any imports," said Gunsreon. "However, I have to say that their scientists have put forward some interesting theories about the negative energy radiation of black holes, and Hawking would be proud of this."

He paused. "Those who choose to take risks, such as me, come to live in Aberkendia," Gunthreon said.

"Are you from Lunhala?" I said.

"Yes. I established residency rights here just to observe and protect those who I can do," he said. "There are still some people who bring some products that have already been produced back to Lunhala. Your technology is a taboo there. Most people don’t even want to try, but some people are willing to take risks. I know there are several around the world. The Zhèng Fǔ agency is dealing with items that end up in Lunhala," he said at last. "They know the existence of Renhalla. They are just good at hiding the facts. In fact, I can swear that I only recently saw Jimmy Hoffa buying a meat cleaver."

I laughed because part of me thought this idea was stupid, but the other part of me didn't think so. Guntellion ignored my laughter.

"However, although most Lunhara people are afraid of your territory," he said, "but some people don't care, they are only interested in one thing-like killing."

"So you mean, I carry a battery-powered digital alarm clock with me, maybe it's safer than carrying a monk's shovel?" I laughed. "Bu doesn't seem to be worried."

As soon as Gangsilion mentioned Bu, his voice changed and he was a little excited. He said: "Mr. Bu is obsessed with Abercondian's technique and is not worried about any danger.". "But in fact, Bu is very smart when it comes to money. Just last week, when he was repairing my stove, the indicator light broke. His ability to learn how electronics work is fascinating.". "I think this is his talent. He is slowly developing because he rarely spends time in your field."

"It's so cool. But it doesn't help anyone who wants to eat my brain," I mentioned when I thought about work. Amber suddenly appeared in my mind. "Hey, did you know Russell and Amber have made an appointment?"

I heard the other end of the phone fall, and I wish Gunthreon didn't faint.

Kimoto slowly greeted me at my door, panting but looking satisfied, I realized this was her post-walking pattern. Sure enough, her belt was moved, and I saw her water bowl filled up again. I turned around and knocked on Philip's door, because I really couldn't imagine an eight-foot-tall man taking my dog to the park along the street.

"What's the matter?" Philip was wearing Darth Vader's shirt and torn jeans when he opened the door. I heard his nanny talking on the phone in the kitchen. I wanted to take a peek, but Philip closed the door.

"My dog is very tired now. Do you know why?"

He took out a thick silver chain from the belt loop and tied it to his pocket, and then took out a black purse embroidered with a white skull. He began to look at his banknotes. "How much does the dog walking service cost now? I think I should start getting paid for it."

"You are such a cool seven-year-old, aren't you?" I was joking.

"The coolest," he replied, quickly twisting his head to move his hair away from his eyes.

I thought about the privacy of my apartment, but realized I had nothing to hide. Mu himself can go out during the day, and I don't have to worry about her sex. "How about thirty dollars a week?"

"I don't know how long it will take to pay off the souvenirs you bought with my gold."

I completely forgot to pay him back. "Damn it! Sorry. Let me see my wallet," I said. I opened the wallet and found that there was no cash in it. There are a few receipts, and a scratch-off lottery ticket.

Philip bent down, grabbed it, and said, "I think it can only be done now." Thirty yuan a week? make a deal. This way I can make more money after I move out, and there is still an empty apartment in the next building. "He shook my hand, then briefly shook it, then let go and returned to his apartment. When I touched the hand he was holding, a feeling of longing lingered. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)