Magic Notes

Chapter 162: Shudder (7)


"Well, you need a little more description now."

He commented: "This is great, Kelly, the urn is broken."

There is indeed a thin crack in the urn, "Well, it must be very old," I said. "If things get worse, superglue can do miracles. There is also an antique shop that I passed by on my way to work, maybe it could—"

"You don't understand!" When he turned around, I stepped back, fiddling with the silver ring in my pocket. "Who did you wake up, Kelly? Who answered you?" he said to himself. Thankfully, he didn't actually expect my answer because he frightened me. He turned around, the fire in his eyes was so bright that I flinched even more, not knowing whether to escape or hide in the corner. He apologized, and then asked me to sit down in his convincing tone. He looked at the ring in my hand, and I continued to play nervously.

"Your father's?"

"Yes," I answered, putting it back in my pocket.

"Keep it safe, because it is the only connection between you and what was once beautiful." He hesitated, and then added: "You must know that this urn also has a special connection. It symbolizes living on this shelf. The life connection between the person on the plane and Nida. You can say that this urn is actually alive.". "No one knows what it is made of, but it is something organic, related to Nida's vitality. The fact that it is collapsing means that we must find Nida immediately. Something is very wrong. We are still Continue to waste time!"

I switched to a business model. "Okay. I know you and Latimer have been trying to dig for information. Combine this information as the first step to find Nida. How do we start? Do we need to brainstorm?"

"I don't know how to say... I don't know." But I have a feeling of traveling. Goodbye, helping hand.

We spent about an hour discussing what to bring and who to bring to Lunhala. I need to explain why I have never camped in my life because of the dark fire of Guns Lewon and his sudden ability to act quickly. "Can I at least bring the custom of s?" I said. People turned a deaf ear to this.

On the way home, I called my mother and asked her if she could let the dog sit in the wood for a while. She disagreed because she knew something was going to happen. Her voice is mean, she said, "You will need my help, won't you?"

"Yes, I need you to help me look at Kimoto." Gunthreon didn't want my mother to go with her, because she was worried about what would happen to her, she might drag us down in some ways. Mercury slows us down. I think Gunthreon knows best, otherwise, he just used that kind of persuasive power to get me to agree that she shouldn't come. "Gancereon is very specific about each of our tasks," I said, insisting on my position.

"Whatever. Okay. I have the spare key you gave me. I will pick her up tomorrow," she said. "Hey I got Amber's wedding invitation?"

"Yeah, it's weird, isn't it? She has only been dating Russell for two weeks, but I hope he is exactly what she needs."

"I have always liked him. I hope so." She hung up.

I was able to get home thanks to Pan Gordon, who drove a limousine. When I went upstairs, I heard Bu and Radimo arguing fiercely in the corridor. When I was on the second floor, I saw a hippie couple living downstairs, and they closed the door tightly. All I heard was, "Wow, man, those mushrooms are amazing."

"You guys need to calm down and leave the hallway," I said calmly and firmly to Bo and Radimo. "My neighbor saw you just now! What are you arguing about?"

Radimo tweeted: "No matter how many times I tell him I live opposite, he will never leave your door. He will only endanger you here."

Mr. Bu added, "Mr. Bu only knows what Mr. Bu will do." I said to myself, I realized that he just admitted that he only believed in himself.

"Thank you, Bu," I said, and I hugged him.

They entered my apartment and I forced them to sit down and stop arguing. Mumoto hugged each other close to each other.

Radimo glanced at Mu himself. "Why is there a big smell here? I am the one who walks with you." Radimo looked jealous. This seems to be a common feature of him now.

But it was not the best to call it "Da Shou Hu" in front of him, so I changed the subject. "But, Gunthreon told me that you can fix things. This big guy is so cool."

His head lowered slightly. "Yes, Bu just wants to see how things work here." Humility turned into sadness. It suddenly occurred to me that Bu might prefer to live here, but he couldn't because of his identity.

"Interestingly, Bu—you and Radimo are doing the same thing. You all know how things work!" Mr. Bu raised his head, a flash of pride suddenly flashed in his eyes. Radimo throws the ball himself. When I pulled Radimer aside, a knock on the door came out of my refrigerator, distracting Bu's attention. "You can change him!"


"Let him be a human."

Like a tornado, Radimmer's energy spins violently for no reason. "No! I won't!" His nervousness made me feel scared, and when he took a deep breath to calm himself down, I took a step back. "It's wrong to transform creatures to that degree. Trust me, I have experience." He turned around and walked towards Bu, when he reconnected some wires in the refrigerator, and then connected some thermistor things. When it leaked out, his attention was very concentrated. Then he cleared one of the wrenches.

I turned on the TV and there was nothing but good news. The headline news is about the missing physicist Dr. Martina. She disappeared in a laboratory in Maryland. The only clue they found in the laboratory was a dead animal that looked like a dead Jopacabla. I turned off the TV and prepared to pack my bags and go on a trip.

Radimo reopened the news. "Don't you want to know current affairs?" he said. "Who knows what happened to this guy? He has been working on something very interesting-a machine that can replicate what might have happened during the so-called "Big Bang". You know, there are more and more similar incidents happening all over the world. I only heard that a famous biologist was also missing a week ago."

"You sound like a reporter," I said.

"I just don't like being kept in the dark."

I stood in front of him with hands on hips. "Don't you know that these are all nonsense?"

"Yes, but many are not."

He is obviously the kind of person who likes late-night news. I don't want to fight. "We are going to travel tomorrow, so hurry up and pack our luggage."

"Gance Lewon has already called. I packed up. I also threw some things in the bag because I was confused." I glanced at him to see if he dared to say another insult about Bu .

Mr. Bu didn't hear him, and asked if he could bring me some snacks. "Go ahead, Bu," I said. "Take whatever you want." This made him very excited. At least some people are satisfied with the simple things in life.

"Okay, I'm going to finish watering some plants in the house," Radimo called. "Oh, your boyfriend will come and help me deal with that one before I leave the apartment next door forever."

"He is not my boyfriend."

The next day, Guntrain told me about the time he spent with Connor and the hard work they put into talking with Philip's adoptive mother. In addition, different offices of the Ministry of Children and Family Services and the homes of employees of Zhèng Fǔ received several strange calls, which caused Philip to officially disappear from the eyes of the adopters. At Gunthreon’s request, Connor also agreed to join our expedition. He thought his abilities would come in handy.

Obviously, Connor has had countless conversations with Russell and Gunthreon, all about strange things happening and his own theories. Decided to stay in Aberkendia and continue his own exploration-Amber.

Everyone brought their backpacks, packs and luggage, but no one was really ready for this trip, because Guns Lewon gave us quite a lot of motivation to tell us the seriousness of the matter and the fact that we may all die . I feel a lot of nervousness, not just myself. This sense of anxiety thickened the surrounding air and made it difficult for me to concentrate my thoughts and strength.

Mumoto sat at the foot of the step, looking at everyone closely, her eyes fixed on every tense movement. She knew something was wrong. I filled her with water and food, and then kissed her on the head. She begged me with her eyes, and I said to her, "Please stay." She seemed to understand, and then lay down quietly.

I glanced at the contents of my bag one last time. I took a few more cosmetics and my iPod, and thought it was small enough to avoid any technology.

Before I turned around to join my miscellaneous deck, I took a look at my dressing table and saw my father's silver ring lying there, hoping I could touch it. I reached over, picked it up, flipped it over and over in my hand, trying to muster the necessary courage to continue this crazy journey between airplanes, trying to find some gods I never knew existed to save lives— Real life. I took a deep breath and said to myself, if I really want to prove something to myself—prove that I have the ability to face anything—I'd better start this party.

"I'm ready," I said as I walked into the living room. Then, to cheer myself up, I said, "Everyone, remember that karma is on our side, even if she wants to vomit." Bu looked a little scared, and fell a little deeper on my sofa, so I secretly winked at him. And shaking his head. He left everyone and smiled at himself.

Connor was sitting on the sofa. I sat next to him and put my hand on his lap. "Find a nanny for Little Cherry?" He nodded, his shoulders drooping slightly. I think he was as scared as I pretended. He whispered something in my ear, which indeed confirmed that he was very scared, but he was willing to continue our expedition. Radimo saw the conversation between us, and when I turned to him, he quickly diverted his eyes. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)