Magic Notes

Chapter 163: Shudder (8)


Radimo saw the conversation between us, and when I turned to him, he quickly diverted his eyes.

Then Radimo stood before us, as if to give a speech. "So, I want everyone to know that as of yesterday, I have rented an apartment in this complex-more than one building." Kelly, "he said to me, "Maybe you can come here later... .. "The look in his eyes made me shudder because I was sweating immediately."... Help me decorate it. This is my phone number. "He handed me a piece of paper. Connor and Radimo exchanged a not entirely friendly look.

Connor then said, "You know, think about it, I really don't think your disappearance from the adoption list has been completely resolved. I believe there will be a lot of media hype for a lost seven-year-old, eh? Then? It's hard to hide." He stood up and Radimo straightened up, ready to fight him. I am ashamed of this controversy and don't know what to do, because the self-war is ensuing. The fear in our hearts will swallow us from the inside out. Mr. Bu stood there, covering his ears with his hands, just like the monkey I was afraid of.

"Children!" This is from Gunthreon, and he seems to have regained his sanity. "Stop this dangerous behavior. I thought you were fighting for the new girl in elementary school. Take your own things. We are leaving. Kelly, you need to practice, so take us to Lun now. Hala. "Caught off guard, I just stood there, staring at Gunthreon. "Now, please. Just grab everyone's energy. You can do it."

I thought of the only two places I knew, and focused on the edge of the Midden Heights, our destination.

We arrived, and when I opened my eyes, I jumped up and down. "I did it, I did it!" I cried. But Connor shuffled his feet uncomfortably, and Guns Leilong cursed in a low voice. "What should I do now?" I don't seem to be able to do anything well. I turned around and realized what I did. There is no Radimmer. "Oh shit!"

"You must go back and find him," Gunthreon said. "He doesn't know where we are."

I went back immediately and found him standing in front of the window, staring out the window blankly. He whispered quietly, "Like Georgia Parker."

"Huh?" He won me this time. "What does that mean? Who is that?"

"Nothing. Please take me to see everyone." He didn't accept the hug, but just pushed me away. "We have our own mission, remember?" I felt his pain in my own chest and wanted to make it disappear, but I knew I couldn't. It feels as if I just show up next to him and make him upset, and his energy actually disgusts me—a terrible feeling for me.

"Radimer. Please don't make me feel like a bad person. Stop humiliating me."

"Humiliated you? You don't even know half of it! Take us away now, otherwise you will forget my help."

I tried to grab his energy, but suddenly, we came back with friends. Connor looked at Radimo, who turned around. When we started walking through the rocky ground and following Guns Leong to Lupa's house, no one spoke, and poor Bu just walked behind everyone. I stopped and walked to him. "Connor and Radimo are very angry," he said sadly. "Bu wants to cry." He also shed tears. What is the problem with men and them

"They are very immature now," I explained. "I have to say, you are the most mature person here now, really." His hand gently grabbed my hand and kissed it.

When we suddenly smelled smoke, heard screams, and saw a screaming dragon descend from the sky, his gentle touch quickly turned into pain. The last thing I remember is that Nida saved us all and flashed through my mind like lightning.

My vision is blurred, but I sit up by myself. There is a mess around me, I don't know what to do. My head hurt again, I saw a stone and must hit me lying next to my leg. The edge of the grass has been attacked, and the war has spread to the rocky terrain. Guns Lewon was standing next to Lupa. Lupa seemed to be using her gardening tools as a weapon to repel some kind of giant creature. It looked like a giant centipede. Connor used his sword to cut a huge wriggling larva into brown worms and sprayed it at him, then slammed a piece of something about his size.

This is when I saw Radimmer taking care of Greer. I ran to them and stared into Greer's eyes, feeling the retreat of consciousness.

"Kelly, the situation is terrible. I can't heal him anytime soon. My strength is running out," Radimo said in a low voice. "His injury is too serious." Radimo paled as he tried his best.

"Please continue to contact Ledimo!" Greer's eyes rolled back into his head like marbles.

"My strength... I can't do it without your help. Add," he yelled, because he disappeared quickly. The drain he was talking about felt like a malfunctioning vacuum cleaner, trying to suck water with a disconnected hose. As he breathed, he said, "Kiss me, Kelly."

My eyebrows are raised and I don't move. "What?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Please!" I heard Kylie in my head, and when Radimo passed out, these requests pushed me to the edge of the cliff. I know I will regret what I am going to do, but they all need help, and they need to be fast. Connor's attention was elsewhere, so I went.

When Radimo leaned over Greer, I grabbed his mouth and kissed him with my newly discovered sex. Although he makes me angry, I still care about him. I use my own anger and pry open his mouth. In the last effort, I collect my own energy and hope, push it towards him, and transfer it. A deep warmth seemed to spread from my own body, into his body, and my hunger for him expanded in my body like a tornado. I grabbed his waist.

He woke up, and his energy doubled with mine. I can feel it flowing over me and Greer. One hand was still on Greer, but the other hand was facing away from me. He grabbed me and let me know that he would not let go until he passed. I allow it. His energy is like fire. It is very hot, but it flows like a ****, slowly flowing through every sensitive part of my body. I don't want to end, but I am afraid of the strength between us. Every second, my body feels refreshed, full of energy, as if I stepped into the pool of life. My respect for Radimo is strengthened with every emergency, because he is the giver of life and the person who brings happiness to life. The touch of his hand is magical.

He still holds me and Greer. His face is pure joy, and I hope he can feel my feelings. As soon as he spoke, I heard, "Like Luke Levin." This time, the name evoked my memories, but I still don't know what he was talking about. I slowly felt the power of parting, and my heart no longer thumped. Finally, he let go of me and I slipped to the ground. I am already exhausted.

"Kelly, it's not just me, you know." Radimo seemed to be full of energy as he climbed down. "That's your ability. I feel it."

It's time you two.

I smiled because I knew Greer was okay, but as long as I looked at Connor's direction, I knew the others were not good. His attention briefly focused on us, and then he quickly turned to the larva that was approaching him. His disgusting face was all over his face, and he pierced the creature's stomach with a sword, and stood there, covered in disgusting mucus, staring at me. Then when my strength recovered, he turned around and continued fighting, and I realized that the chaos around us had not diminished.

Greer stood up, stretched, bowed to Radimo, then bowed to me again, and then flew to another black spot in the sky. The monk's shovel is very warm. I grabbed it, embraced its warmth, waved it in the air, and became familiar with it again. I ran to Bu, he was still fighting, and running my blade through Graeber’s heart relaxed, suddenly felt some indescribable pain (the best way I can take it) in my energy and near myself heart of.

"Thank you, Kelly. "Very tired," he said. He sat on the ground almost immediately, then lay down on his back.

"It's not time to sleep, Bu. Get up. Bu, get up." Blood began to gush out from under him. I screamed for Radimo.

"Kelly, you help Bu like you helped Radimo," he pleaded calmly.

His painful smirk made me smile sympathetically.

"Bu, you have to protect me," I said. "Hold on, buddy" Radimo came, and I helped him turn over. I can't believe what I see. Bu has an actual screwdriver stuck in his back.

"Radimer, take it out and make sure you are clean, please," Bu said. Hearing this, he passed out. I kissed his forehead lightly.

Radimo treats him easily, and without my help. Sorry, Bu.

The carnage around me hit my senses again. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Do you know, Radimo?" But this time, he was speechless. Guns Lewon and Lupa joined us, and I saw that Lupa was bleeding from a few cuts, but generally there was no problem. Gunthreon was not hurt, but he kept his arms around Lupa, trying to comfort her, or himself.

"Lupa, what happened?" I said. She must know.

"One second, I was still stewing meat, the next second, I was fighting a big bug who wanted to crawl in through the open window. I didn't know, until I walked out, everyone seemed to be fighting. Things happened so fast that even Greer was caught off guard."

Suddenly, Radimo shouted, "Mortimer!" Then he started running towards town. I tried to chase him, but he ran too fast. Standing on the battlefield, I once again lost my way. But as soon as I stopped, I felt being swept into the air and almost suffocated. I don't know how to respond, and I don't know who to call for help. Even if I do, I don't think there is anything that can help me at this height. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)