Magic Notes

Chapter 164: Shudder (9)


A huge green paw gripped me tightly, and we flew very fast, flying straight into the air. I recognized it as Greer's paw.

Sorry to scare you, Camelian.

"It's okay, I think. Where are you taking me?"

My urgent matter has been taken care of, so I want to show you something. Also, I don’t believe you can save your life in battle. I can see that in general, the enemies below are retreating.

"I lost the vote of confidence."

Kelly, I lived a long time and learned a lot. One of them is to read a person's energy. When you helped me today, I felt your essence, and I knew that you are a trustworthy person, unlike other people. I also know that you underestimated your abilities. You are great, but I think you need more psychic practice, maybe? After all, you are the daughter of Mercury. She is not always mercury, you know. She used to be the same as you: naive.

Greer's car is very stable and I like his hug. He is very gentle and I can relax in his grasp. He was also warm, and the scent of cinnamon radiated from him. As we flew over the edge of the meadow, I could see the very familiar rocky terrain I had traveled before. I see that these rocks are indeed patterned, because they form huge symbols on the edge of the meadow. it's beautiful.

Greer began to descend and we landed in the rescue pond.

Are you familiar with this

"Yes, this is the lifesaving pond I entered not long ago. This is really great.". "Why are we here?"

I am glad you used the swimming pool. This is a female xìng life-saving pool that can do many miracles for those who enter. Kelly, believe it or not, you were born in that pool.

I smiled and understood a simple fact from when I was born.

On the edge of the grass, everyone is born in a female or male life pool. Babies born here are born alternately. In this way, there is a balance, forever. A shaman told a pregnant woman to say goodbye to her child, and then when her contractions began, she went to the swimming pool, and all her friends and family members stood by and witnessed the delivery process. I am very fortunate to witness your dream. Your mother is very beautiful, standing in the pond Zhōng Yāng, shining like a night star, she was ecstatic when she saw your face for the first time. You are lucky to have a mother like her. Her love for you cannot be expressed in words. He paused. You know, she came to me recently.

"Really? What did you talk about?"

To be honest, because I think we all know that she is not doing very well. Her pain intensified. We talked about the good old days, talked about our many journeys in this life, talked about her love for you. But she was very tired, Kelly.

I thought of my mother, and I felt tears starting to flow down my cheeks. "I know," I said, looking down at my hand.

Your father was here on the day you were born. My face lifted immediately. He loves your mother very much, but he is already in trouble. When you were born, the pond’s lights were so bright that we all had to close our eyes or turn around. It's as if Nida herself blessed your birth. We can all feel its energy and stand in awe of it. In my many years of life, I have never seen this kind of reaction from the pool of life. Your mother brought you to your father, and he gave you a soft kiss on the head. I can feel the energy in you, and feel the good and bad things in the newborn. These are all inherited from previous life experiences. You know, babies are not born without bad energy, they are just born in an environment of ignorance. As they grow, they cultivate their energy, either to feed the good or the bad.

"Oh. It's nice to know that my veins are full of evil." I replied.

I want you to know a little about your history. Suppose I am satisfied with karma. He winked at me. Remember, I can feel your energy, it is good and powerful. Your soul is destined to do some great things in this world. I know. As you grow up, your family is constantly struggling between good and bad, and your father left because he saw what he did to his family. Then, your mother will take care of you as much as possible and protect you from the complexities of life. However, I now know that she knows what she is doing. You are the full force of karma, here to show us the way. I need you to tell me that you understand.

I just sat and said nothing, trying to understand every word Greer said to me. "I don't know what I'm doing, Greer." Greer stared at me with his big eyes, and when I shook my head in denial, he nodded.

You know, Kelly. Go deep inside. Make your mother proud of you, girl.

Tears flowed again, and I promised myself and Greer to do the best I could. I try to think back to any bad things I might have done when I was young—what I call the "flat line" moments—but I have to agree with Greer. I am a good boy in general. Apart from...

A scene appeared in my mind: I broke the heart of a little boy that day. "George Parker!" When I saw Radimo sad standing in front of me and saying "just like George Parker", my thoughts began to run wildly. My thoughts buzzed fatally in my head. rpm. How could Radimo know such a thing

Greer looked at me as if I only spoke Greek. Now you have confused me. What are you thinking now

"We need to find Radimo. He went to see Mortimer, but I can't keep up. Come on, come on." I snapped my fingers.

The big guy in front of me suddenly laughed. If you were someone else, I would have eaten you a long time ago. Hold on, kid. He stretched out a paw, I grabbed it, and it grabbed me. If life were easy, he would throw me down when we were thousands of feet above the ground, but who would save the world then? I laughed frantically, and Greer glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

I will never fully understand you humans. Think about it, I gave my life to a very strange person. Nida saved us all. He laughed, and I laughed with him wholeheartedly.

Mortimer's shop appeared under our feet, like a grain of dust. Greer descended quickly, landing perfectly. When Greer looked at the sky, I put down his paws and ran to the front door. He seemed to be expecting something, and he let out a low growl. Before I could say "Turnip", he flew straight up. I hope I will never run into what he is fighting.

The shop seems very quiet, I don't want to go in. The bell rang above my head, and I flinched, for fear that someone would jump out to see me. Silent, I was scared, because my monk's shovel jumped up. I took it off my back—at least I had become better—and walked to the store behind, where Mortimer performed his magic. As I opened the door, I saw one of the scariest creatures staring at me. The paralysis began, and I stayed on. I used to think that oil prices were the most terrible thing, but it was the most terrible.

This creature is a bit like a human being, very thin, standing about seven feet tall, but the frightening thing is that it somehow moves from the inside to the outside. All the internal organs are exposed, how can it survive? The heart is beating, and I can see blood flowing to the kidneys, liver, and many other unnamed objects—my biology has been bad. It has two eyes that have been staring at me without blinking. It has a mouth, because I can see, oh, there are a hundred vampire fangs in it, and a black tongue, like a crazy Chow Chow.

I held the monk's shovel tighter, because the paralyzed state will shrink slightly upwards, and then it will move. Before I could catch my breath, it was already standing an inch from my face, and it was staring at me again. It breathes on me and smells like pork. I vowed never to eat bacon again, if I was still alive. It seems to be checking my face, maybe it is deciding which facial feature to eat first.

Then it said a word to me: "Run."

I tried to move, but found that I was still trapped.


I can't even open my mouth to give this creature some words that I came up with. I sent out my tempter, quickly—my offensive attempt. nothing. My eyes opened wide. "It has no energy! How to—

"Run!" It screamed at me this time.

My legs felt again, and I just did what it said, like a person jumping towards me from behind a welding table. People from the inside out pounced on it, biting it with their teeth. The little rabbit uttered a terrible scream, blood splashed on my back, and its head was torn off.

Fear crawled up my throat like vomit, and I escaped as quickly as possible. I almost reached the back door, when I tripped Mortimer and Radimmer, they were tied up and their mouths gagged. Radimo stared at the person from the inside out, Mortimer either passed out or died. It just stood there now and did nothing.

At this moment I saw a huge axe sticking out from the back of its head.

"How is it still alive?" I turned to my friends, realizing that they couldn't answer the gagged question. I used the monk's shovel to cut the thick rope that tied them together. Radimo quickly grabbed Mortimer, unfastened his belt, and began to take off his pants.

"What the hell are you doing now?" I don't know if I want to know. But I quickly understood why Radimo took off Mortimer's pants in such a hurry: his legs had turned over. He must be alive because I saw the leaked blood flow. Radimo used his magic, and Mortimer's legs returned to normal. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)