Magic Notes

Chapter 165: Shudder (10)


"Oh my god!" I exclaimed. "What the hell is that? Why does it kill those people?"

The creature took the axe off its head, put it back on a hook on Mortimer's wall, and leaned over to face the people. It took something from the victim's body and then left.

Radimo said to me. "This is a dead person. Where there is death, there are dead people. They don't choose a position. They only eat people who are dying or who have just died. The only way to avoid them is to bury them in the ground before they kill you. The dead eat the souls, and then they take the souls anywhere, but no one really knows where they are. However, I must say, I have never seen a dead person attack like this." Radimer looked at the bodies of these people .

Mortimer stood up and ignored him. "Thank you, Kelly. You saved us," he said. "When I walked into the store, I saw Radimo hanging himself." I gasped. "The dead came to him, so I grabbed my axe, chopped down Radimo, and waved it desperately. Honestly, I don’t want it to come to me, even if it’s my time to go. I’m really A coward." He hated himself.

"Mortimer, I will do the same thing, so don't blame yourself for it." I suddenly had an idea. "Reaper! They do exist. This is what the cloak hides. It's disgusting."

"That damn man moved too fast." Radimo's words were full of anger. "That damn thing suddenly appeared in my mind. When I got here, I was very worried about Mortimer and I put down my defenses. It actually made me grab the rope from the shelf so I could I hang myself with it. Mortimer is not even in his shop. Fortunately, I came first. I think that person may have got Mortimer’s private secret from him and gave those bad guys a very powerful one. Weapons against us."

"Can we leave here soon?" I don't want to stay here anymore.

When Radimo turned around and said to Mortimer, "You know you must leave this place forever, Mortimer's face suddenly filled with fear."

"You know I can't. This is my life, Radimo."

"Obviously, they have been here for a good reason, Mortimer," Radimo murmured. "They will continue until they get what they want. They are getting smarter every day. They will figure out how to use your talents against us. Lucis is your baby, Mortimer. Don't let them Discover the secret."

"Interesting, because I don't even know this secret!" Mortimer said with a hint of sarcasm. "I just created it. It just happened." I never told anyone about this. "He paused," but when I did it, I basically fainted. ". I fainted! I don’t even know what’s in it. I’m the only one who can do this, so everyone gives me trust and praise. So even if they catch me, I don’t think They will know because I don't even know." He stared at his feet, looking very depressed. "I am the secret recipe."

I walked to him and whispered in his ear: "We are in the same boat. I have no idea how these damn abilities work and how to use them. I also need direction. We need a foreman or something." He again Smiled, but this time, it illuminates my heart.

Radim didn't laugh. "Your brain knows how you do it. There is a large brain that is working in secret, and someone will learn how to develop it. It's only a matter of time. Let's go."

The fighting seems to have subsided, and there are not many remaining fights. We found that our friends in Lupa's house were all eating homemade pineapple upside-down pan-fried pineapple cake, but they didn't seem to really enjoy it. Connor glanced at me and continued to eat. There was blood from the wound on his face, and I stepped forward to take care of him, but he threw me away.

"Leave it alone. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" I asked, reaching my feelings to check him, but somehow he prevented me from moving forward because he suddenly stood up and started talking to Bu, who seemed surprised that Connor was talking while He is busy eating.

Guntellion seemed to turn a blind eye to many of my questions. "I think the fringe area of Midengao is still safe for the time being," he said. "At present, Greer seems to have control of some things. This attack must have been done by Veropa. They all seem to have scattered from Mortimer's shop. I am worried for him." Gunsleyon looked. It's very tired. "I tried to persuade a captive to provide information, but he does not know where Veropa is. Maybe only a few people know. But we must continue to search for Nida. I think if Nida is destroyed, we will all die at this point. Or a prisoner of war. The balance still exists, but it is faltering."

I frowned. "I'm sorry. I don't understand." Unconsciously, I took out my father's ring and slid it between my fingers.

Gunsley nodded. "Kerry," he said hesitantly, "we believe we may be on the verge of another surge."

"Oh, my God!" When I think of the initial "surge" that Gunthreon tells, I am amazed and truly terrified—it was this story that triggered the war and conflict in Aberkandia.

Gunsreon said, "But I myself am confused about how things are going. It's like having a goal but not an organized action plan. Things are messy, unlike anything I've seen before. ."

"I think so too," Radimo added. "Not sure that xìng will cause confusion. It seems that the army sent is carrying a known mission, but there is no map."

Guns Leron seemed to be concentrating his strength. Finally, after a rally that seemed to require a lot of courage, he said, "I heard from a reliable source that Dvorton has been talking about what he calls release."

I told myself that the reliable source might be DenaMay, mother.

He continued, "I don't know what this release is. Also, he... An unidentified informant provided him with some very valuable information about us." He looked in front of him. Every face. "Dvorton somehow knew that we were trying to figure out what was going on, and we planned to stop this."

"Wow!" Connor shouted. "I know very well that we are searching for information, but I think we are the frontline of intelligence vs." I suggest that we do our research first, and then hand it over to those who are more capable of fighting a possible war. "

I began to hold my ring more irritably and threw it on the ground. It rolled past me, and when I looked at it, no one picked it up for me. On the contrary, they watched it continue to roll endlessly. I remembered that Radimo didn't touch my pendant.

I walked to pick it up, everyone looked at each other.

Radimer broke the silence and said, "This is the role of war, isn't it? Make your own army's mutiny pretty credible. How long have you known this news? The secret between old friends?" He felt offended, we It will definitely be heard in his voice. "Who is this informant? Maybe someone might be the biggest surprise," he looked at Guns Lewon, "or someone whose history we don't know anything about?" He said loudly in the direction of Connor. .

Connor turned around, taking this comment as a blow he should have received. "Yes, Guntreon, who among us would have such a past?" Then Connor said something in the language of the soul, and we all turned to Radimo, knowing what he said, to the effect that he was innocent. of.

Radimo, frustrated, turned to each of us, checked our expressions, and walked out of Lupa's door. I followed him and grabbed his arm. He tried to pull away, but I was ready to fight hard. I continued to take his arm.

"George Parker, eh?" I said. "Tell me, how did you know, Radimo?"

"How would I know that a sad little boy is the only one who has not been invited to your nine-year-old birthday party? Guess it, Kelly. You really are not as stupid as you look." He tried to walk away again. , But I refused to let him go, even if he tried to hurt me.

"Luke Levine?"

He sighed. "Kissed by the cutest red-haired vixen for the first time" I heard him, but couldn't believe what I finally realized-a unique coincidence. There is a scar under their left eye. George's scar scared my best friend, so I was not invited to my party, and Luke's scar is mysterious and intoxicating, so I like him very much.

"Why?" I said tremblingly. Frightened, I let go of his arm. Now I know that Radimo, fortunate enough to have his special ability, has existed in my life longer than I knew. Philip's strange touch and strange behavior flashed back in my mind. I'm afraid of Radimo's deception—how deep it is, how far it goes—but I don't think there is any harm in his energy. However, he is indeed very powerful, and I think his power may change his power.

"What? Do you think I have been planning to hand you over to Veropa for so many years?" he said. "Well, maybe I have a good reason to follow you in your damn life. Maybe I have given up protecting you—the daughter of "Quick Silver". You know, a long, long time ago, a young woman gave birth to a Very special girl. This mother worried about her daughter and asked her best friend to accompany her for life and protect her, because the girl’s father has fallen out of favor. So this best friend wasted a part of his life. Pursue a girl he loves in many ways. I gave up fighting in my own country to live here, in this stupid, useless country. The complexity of living together for people of different ages is not a blessing, Kay Li. It's a curse." He stopped and looked at me with his wet eyes. "One day when I was needed most, I was not there. The pretty girl I vowed to take care of was injured and very serious. So yes, maybe I am not trustworthy because I can’t even carry out the vows I swear. "Then he looked away. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)