Magic Notes

Chapter 166: Shudder (11)


I am full of mixed emotions, and it feels as if something is swallowing my internal organs. He seemed to think it was his fault. I was attacked by monsters and spent an unforgettable painful day in my apartment. "Radimer, me." I don't know what to say.

"No need," he said. "I must leave now because I am not trusted here. I will not allow myself to feel more pain from you and my so-called friends. You can't even understand the anxiety I experienced during your lifetime. Goodbye, Kay Li."

With that, he turned and walked towards the rocky ground. I sit on the nearest piece of grass. Then I saw the movement of the corner of my eye. It's Connor.

"I guess you heard it by accident, right?" I asked.

"Yes, I know. Let him go," Connor said. "Is he telling the truth?"

"He is not you, but yes, I believe he is."

"Kelly, you know from the depths of my soul that I am loyal to this mission and I will not let anything bad happen to you. I care about you and will not deceive you," he said. I started talking, but he shook his head. "Don't think you care about me, pity me. I want more than that. I saw the kiss with Radimo. Our kiss shouldn't be the result of some life-threatening situation." His hand Move slowly to my face, and then slowly, once he saw that I did not refuse, his lips touched my lips. When he touched me, I was shocked by a trace of static electricity. "What, lip gloss without strawberry flavor?" He showed firm determination, but there was still a potential sense of uncertainty—an undercurrent of unstable factors.

Although I was confused and needed to find something concrete in my life—something I could lean on without worrying about falling—what surprised Connor and I was that I used more power to push him Pulled back, kissed him, and tasted the taste of my salty tears flowing between us. I need some solid foundation, which makes me suddenly need his nerve energy to slowly dispel uncertainty, hoping that he will become the support I desire. He opened his eyes and clearly felt my movement, and I felt the muscles relax in his kiss. He whispered in my ear, everything will be fine, because I realized that I might just take advantage of Connor, and he must sincerely believe that everything will be fine-this is exactly what I need.

In the evening, I sat by the window near the fireplace, looking at Radimo, hoping that he would come back. He never did.

Before going to bed, Lupa will make some delicious, silky, creamy hot cocoa for each of us. This hot cocoa is easy to fall asleep and is neither too sweet nor too thick. I myself fell in love with this woman, because her love and cooking ability made her unique in my eyes.

Soon, Gunthreon started to drive us back to the room because he wanted us to sleep well. I asked to sit for a while, because fire can calm my nerves. After Gunsleywon assured me several times that he didn't know Radimo's promise to my mother, Gunsleywon and Lupa agreed. They said good night to each other.

Connor hesitated. He sat next to me and kissed my head while covering my feet with my blanket.

"You need sleep, Carey," he declared. "He will be back in due course. I can frankly admit that we need him on this journey."

"You also need sleep. Today is a difficult day for everyone," I said. "Good night." He kept sitting, staring at me. I saw the fatigue on his face, but it did not diminish his handsomeness. His blue watery eyes stole my thoughts. I want him to ride the water to take me to a mysterious island where there is no war. I can sit under a willow tree and drink Wine and gummy bears, I am very happy all day. He smiled at me enthusiastically, and I smiled back.

"You are really different," he whispered. "I hope you realize this."

This is what every girl wants to hear, but for some reason, I can't really believe in myself. "Yeah, I also wish I could believe it. But I know myself best, and I don't think I can be what everyone thinks of me."

Connor said: "You know, I heard more than just Radimo's story from my parents.". I have heard about the coming stories of great people, my dear, deep in your heart, I feel great and powerful. "I remembered what Greer said next to the rescue pond." Don't be afraid to vent it, Kelly. Become a woman who can inspire more stories," he said.

These words and his firm belief in me ignited something deep in my heart. The emotion I suddenly felt put my hand on his chest and held him down, and we felt the same static impact again. , But it further ignited my emotions. "Wow, this is the beginning," he said. He was surprised, but a twist of his weight would flip our position, and then he was suddenly on top. I felt a flame of strength in my heart, which awakened a little anxiety and increased my breathing, but he whispered in my ear, everything disappeared, replaced by a strong desire that I could not restrain. "Relax, Kelly. You know you can use the whistle at any time." Once again, the wonderful feeling in his soul language warmed me. He smiled, and I smiled hoarsely, full of longing. I pulled his lips toward mine, and he flinched, still looking into my eyes. "are you sure?"

"Don't be nervous, Connor." The cool moonlight shone on his face, his charm was fascinating. His hands are gentle, but his needs for me are not. The mirror is only used to counteract, but the depth is very shallow, because his needs for me are specific and pervasive, preventing him from escaping a hint of contemplation. His hair fell on my face, and it smelled like Xia's love-beach, cocoa butter and sweat. I took a breath and all my worries disappeared, just like clouds disappear with the eruption of the sun.

My pulse rose, my head became clear, and brought my simple needs and his needs. He breathed into my ears, said sweet truths to my soul, and then lowered his head to my face. His kiss fascinated me and made me feel so strong that when he caught When I have a handful of hair, it transmits a burst of energy between us, extending to the furniture, the floor and the walls.

Before I could control it, at the same moment Connor entered me, I screamed with the highest point of my lungs, releasing an energy onto the wall and surrounding us. Once the room was completely swallowed by the energy we created, a huge The explosion of light and sound threatened everyone within three miles. Every hair on my body stood up, and I saw nothing but light. A heavenly song sounded, and I suddenly stood naked in front of a huge castle. I am scared, but I think this magnificent castle is very attractive, it exudes the breath of years and countless stories. I touched the entrance door, and they whispered to me secret stories of happiness, tainted by moments of pain and sorrow. The doors are heavy, they must guard the treasures inside, but I pushed them open with determination, and they opened with a moan from the intrusion of the door.

I entered this big room and felt that the danger was imminent, but I continued to move forward, stubbornly trying to find the source of a pulsating energy that was calling me. I admired the beautiful surroundings; the tapestries on the walls were lush, and the cool marble floor was covered with the largest, softest and most beautiful carpet I have ever seen. The flowers are dotted with ancient vases, full of vigor and vitality, everywhere in every corner and crevice.

I walked slowly through the large room, but I was attracted by a spiral staircase leading upstairs. Upon closer inspection, it appears to be carved from a piece of wood. This possibility surprised me. My hand brushed wood because I traveled, and a scene of druids and fairies dancing around a huge, ancient tree like a movie on my head.

Soon, I was standing in front of a wooden door with magical creatures carved on it. Unicorns and dragons are fighting among the dead. It is weird and beautiful. I know what I'm looking for is behind the door. It slowly opened in front of me.

He turned to me, his face full of surprise, but also full of despair. "Kelly, what are you—why are you—" When I stood naked in front of him, there was a doubtful look on his face. I stretched out my arms to him, but before he reached me, I returned to Lupa’s front room, Connor huddled in the boxer shorts in the corner and pressed his knees to his chest, Gunthreon, Bu, Lupa is next to him.

When I appeared in front of them, Gunthreon ran towards me and covered me with a blanket.

For a while, they all stared at me, waiting for me to speak. Finally, Bu broke the silence, "What did you do?" Mr. Bu is sleeping, the whole world is exploded, and then you are in a castle. "

I am as confused as they are. "Did you see me in the castle?"

"You walk into the front door of the castle, and then I go back to **."

Gunthreon shook my hand. "Where have you been, Kelly?"

"I have no idea."

"So, what do you see?" He seemed to yearn for something valuable.

"I saw Radimo."

Guns Lewon smiled with the brightest smile I have ever seen him.

Lupa laughed too. Mr. Bu saw them laughing, so he laughed, not knowing why. Connor didn't laugh.

"You're searching!" Gunthreon was drooling, his eyes widened, like a drug addict.

"It's traveling inside," Lupa whispered to himself.

"Okay..." (to be continued) (end of this chapter)