Magic Notes

Chapter 167: Shudder (12)


"Let me explain," Gunthreon said. "We travelers usually only go to places we’ve been to before, unless they’re brought by someone else—I told you. But you can do something different. You can feel someone’s energy and go there. This kind of energy—anywhere in Lenhala! At least in my lifetime, this kind of talent is very rare. You must be thinking about Radimo, right?" He said as he realized he had said something wrong. . "Oh."

"Well, Bu was obviously there too," I said, trying to save the situation.

"You think you need the protection of the waves," Gunthreon added, definitely adding more fuel to Connor's fire.

Connor got up and walked to the bedroom. "Excuse me," he commented. "I'm exhausted. The direction of this conversation may prove to be harmful and not conducive to the good thoughts I have left tonight. Good night, good lady." His accent no longer sounded xìng, but dangerous. . He bowed to Lupa, then disappeared into his room, completely ignoring me.

I felt embarrassed, so I asked Lupa for help. "You know, I really like him," I confided. "He made me feel strong and full of energy, but... "I couldn't make eye contact with her.

"But Radimmer haunts your thoughts." When Lupa talked to me, I felt her gaze. She led me into the kitchen and drove me away. There was a beautiful teapot on the stove, and she began to make tea for the two of us. "My dear, believe it or not, I know what you think." She stared at some distant past, as if playing on the rough walls of her kitchen, her face softened, revealing that she was young. What it was like at that time. "Many women have encountered the same fate. Decision, decision. Just like my mother before me, I will give you this advice: follow your heart. It will not lead you astray."

"Lupa, I appreciate your suggestion, but I know you know it's nonsense." She looked at me and laughed, the crow's feet in the corners of her eyes getting deeper and deeper.

"Or you can choose a nicer butt!" She bent down, and we both laughed, and Gunthreon was walking past us, slowly picking up a biscuit. We all glanced at his ass and laughed harder. He looked like he was touched in public.

Rupa handed me a spoon, a jar of wildflower honey, and some additional suggestions: "I think you need sleep. We all need sleep. Drink your tea and go to bed girl. You have a long way to go. Go. It's nothing today." She squeezed my cheek. "Please don't make another explosion in my house. I don't think my teacup can stand it."

"Oh, trust me, this kind of thing won't happen again"—at least not tonight. My body reacted to Connor's thoughts and whispered to me. I took a sip of the berry-flavored tea and realized I was completely confused.

Lupa said: "I will ensure that power-hungry warlords will not slip into your room and let you tell what happened.". "I will hold him." She suddenly became radiant, and I loved this woman even more.

"Thank you for everything, Lupa," I said. "Gancereon is a lucky man." She turned around and walked to her room. I washed the dishes and finally climbed into the bed she made for me. The linen bud smelled of cloves, and I buried my face in the pillow, so deep that it was almost suffocating.

I opened my eyes and looked at the dirty stone wall. The stench of rotting embarrassed me. It was cold in this dungeon, and the wet air stuck to my skin. I am lonely, and I think something is wrong. Chains and bones are attached to the walls, non-human and human, scattered here and there. My ears were talking at home, I ran to the nearest wall and peeked at the corner.

There, I found another room that was the same as the one I lived in, but much larger. I saw a big bad guy—the big bad guy Tatalin who wanted to eat my mind—and a person I couldn't see. There is a huge metal box in the room Zhung Yāng, which seems to be sweating. The sweat from the machine ran down the floor drop by drop, and the dirt and dust threatened my feet together. This container is at least fifteen feet high and fifteen feet wide, with various dials and levers scattered on it. One side of the box seems to be opened with a huge hinge.

"You better do your job well, you stupid human," Tatarin cried, still as happy as ever.

"I know what I'm doing. He is satisfied with my progress, so let it go, you ugly horse dung."

Tatarin moved quickly. Before I blinked, he pulled the man into my sight. I do not know him. He was wearing a lab coat with a pocket sheath. To me, he looked a lot like a human, although I could see someone making hands and feet on the left half of his face. Tatarin pushed him away, almost throwing him to the ground.

Just then, a door opened and another person came in. I recognize this cloak.

"Get up, Dr. Spike. Tatarin, if you touch him again, I will let you eat your hands for breakfast," Defanten said. I held my breath, hoping that his dark energy-nun abominable-would not consume my energy, because I felt it was awake, almost sniffing like a hound.

"Who knows if he is really doing his job?" Tatarin said, looking very angry.

Although his cloak was on his face, I knew Dvorton was staring at Dr. Spike. "Oh, he knows what he has to do, doesn't he, doctor?" A small trickle of dark energy was quietly approaching me. I can feel it slowly approaching.

"Yes, sir. Your happiness is important, sir. But we do need this metal, sir." He actually smiled at Defanten, it was a loving smile, which made me want to take out Di Watten’s own eyes, because he let this man experience the unfortunate infatuation. "Is she strong enough?" Dr. Speck asked.

Telford turned to me and I heard him say, "Let's all hope she is. Otherwise, we might date some dead people." When Dr. Speck turned into a strange green, there was a scream. When I got up, the power of darkness climbed up to my leg and held my leg tightly, just like grabbing a prickly weed.

I woke up at Lupa’s sex, shuddering at my remaining experience. I tried to get up from the sex, and when my water-soaked slippers touched the stone floor, my butt hit the ground.

I lay quietly, with the sun shining on my face, telling me happily that even though I was exhausted, it was morning. When I closed the curtains and climbed back to the sex, I pretended to be stupid, shuddering when I thought of Defanten and the technology he might bring to Lenhala. It’s okay to sleep for another two hours.

"Let her sleep a little longer," Lupa whispered and walked past the bedroom door.

Kelly discussed this privately by Bu Suo. I tried to pretend to snore, but there was a feeling, no matter what I did. Kelly's voice was a little louder.

"I'm sleeping, Bu."

"Oh. I'm sorry." He turned and walked away. "Hey, wait. You're so stupid, Kelly." He beat me hard in my bedroom, then sat in the ***, almost kicking me out of the ***. "Lupa made breakfast. You have to come over and eat something. They keep asking me to keep some for you, but, but—"

"Leave me a cup of tea and a biscuit. Take the rest, Bu." The speed at which he jumped from me to the corridor made me dizzy. Mr. Bu exclaimed that he could eat most of my food, and the conversation in the kitchen became louder.

"Tell her to lift her lazy ass and keep her own biscuits." It sounds like Connor slept well. Why does he talk about my cookies

I dragged my legs down from the vagina and sat up, not wanting to stand up. My body feels like running a half marathon. I felt my head and my crazy hair, which was especially knotted this morning. A simple tap can’t really do this, but I don’t need to impress anyone this morning, or even the handsome blue-eyed guy who hates me now.

There was a smell in the kitchen, and I thumped my butt on Lupa's chair. Mr. Bu gave me the smallest biscuit I have ever seen and a cup of herbal tea. He smiled at me, his face covered with crumbs, and I tried my best to return his smile.

"My dear, if you want, I can do something else for you." Lupa was still as radiant and radiant as before. Gunthrewon looked very radiant, so at least someone had a nice evening, and I was very happy.

Gunthreon sat there with a map in front of him. "We are planning the route and we hope to leave as soon as possible," he said. "Be sure to pack your things as soon as possible."

I frowned. "Why are we packing up?" I asked, upset. "Can't we transport ourselves where we need to go-you know, travel between places that need to be searched?"

"Generally speaking, we shouldn’t travel within Runhara—only from your territory to Rumhara and vice versa. Traveling in Rumhara is usually done in the traditional way—with two feet,” Gunsley Weng said. "But after what you did last night, maybe we will have a better life. Try to take us somewhere in Lenhala, only you and me."

He stood in front of me with a smile on his face, expecting me like last night (twice). I closed my eyes and tried my best, but we ended up in my apartment three times.

"I'm sorry, Guns, I can't do it," I said as soon as we returned to Lupa's place.

"It doesn't matter. We will solve this problem," he nagged with an unhappy expression. "Go get your things ready, because we want to leave as soon as possible."

"Can I clean it up?" (to be continued) (end of this chapter)