Magic Notes

Chapter 170: Shudder (15)


In movies, UFOs are usually depicted as silver and shiny, but this is not. It was pitch black, dull and unforgiving. We didn't know that it was black until later, because it is powered by solar energy, and black can better capture the strong rays of the sun. The ship has a tubular design with two large engines on each side. Although the engine followed a hazy disturbance, the distant sky could still be seen through the smoke. The ship is so quiet that the large engine that seems impossible to connect to it is actually pushing it forward.

Twenty-five alien spacecraft arrived that day, orbiting the earth. Five of them are located in the United States, three in Canada, and four in Central and South America. The other five moved over Europe, five moved over Asia, two moved over Africa, and one hovered over Australia. Their arrival heralded a brief period of confusion and uncertainty. But over time, things have subsided, because no imminent threat has emerged to kill us, and the aliens have repeatedly declared peace.

Over time, this statement seems to be more and more acceptable, especially when they start to share their more advanced technology and more advanced medical technology with us. Incurable cancer is cured, and even if it cannot be eradicated, the disease is under control. They taught us new and more effective ways to obtain solar energy. They have greatly reduced our dependence on fossil fuels and almost eradicated air pollution. They introduced a new irrigation method that allowed us to grow food even in the driest deserts including Antarctica. Millions of hungry people suddenly received food, people became healthier, happier, and began to rely on the progress that aliens brought us. Everything they did for us was an improvement; in the first nine months, everyone's life was fundamentally better.

But on that strange and terrible first day, Cade was near my house. I don't know why, because he lives not close to us, but suddenly his car stopped in front of me. He leaned against the front seat of his car, with his arm on the window of the passenger seat, leaning towards us. Face me. He was a little thinner and he was a little thinner, but he was never embarrassed. Cade miraculously skipped all the embarrassing stages involving a teenager and was always gorgeous and heartbreaking.

When the sun disappeared behind the ship, his midnight eyes looked darker, and he stared at me with his unmistakable, unfathomable eyes. I felt uneasy, but strangely, his powerful gaze fascinated me. This gaze did not leave me, and did not even see the unusual newcomers sliding across the sky. I had to look away from him and turn my attention back to the sky where we suddenly became strange. Then the ship passed us. The sun reappeared when the ship left the country for Boston.

"How are you?"

When Cade raised this question, my attention returned to him. I can't find the right words for him, and I don't have any right now. When I realized that aliens did exist, I was frightened, fascinated, and completely stunned. They are here. I don't know if I'm okay, I don't know if we will get better again. I clenched my chin, feeling like a fool in front of his confident halo. I reluctantly nodded.

When he looked at me carefully, a strange light flashed in his eyes. Strangely, he seemed to feel very painful about leaving us there, but it didn't make any sense. We hardly knew each other, and we were definitely not friends. At least we are no longer friends; we haven't been friends for many years. Finally, he responded to my nod, sat in the driver's seat, and drove away. I kept watching him go until he turned left and disappeared. We haven't spoken since.

I blinked because the shaking of the building erased my memory. When I looked at Cade, a strange sense of excitement came to my heart, and my curiosity increased.

Then, the trembling intensified, and when my fear broke out again, I completely forgot about him. The glass on the window began to rattle in the window frame, shaking with the force of things rushing towards us. I instinctively took a step back. Cade's hand slid lightly on my back, stopping my movement before his touch disappeared.

I watched him walking towards the window in surprise and fear. I almost grabbed him and told him to stop, but I couldn't move. He put down the slats of the blinds and stared out the window, barely moving. Curiosity drove me to crawl towards him. I leaned on his back and leaned forward, peeking over his shoulder. He glanced at me, but didn't stop me.

The vibration is getting louder and louder, and the noise is also increasing in the whole store with the echo. I searched for the source of the sound, but I could not determine its location through the small gap in the blinds. When a huge thing suddenly appeared in front of us, I jumped up. Thing is the only word that can be used to describe it. I don't know what it is, I have never seen anything like this. But it is terrible, disgusting, and disgusting in a way that I have never started to imagine disgusting.

Cade grabbed my shoulders and held me motionless, and I instinctively took a step back in horror from the monster outside. I almost hit a table, and the figurine on the table would shatter if hit. The old saying in the porcelain shop flashed by, and I knew I had to be careful. I am almost as elegant as a bull. There are too many fragile things in this store, and there are too many ugly things outside that we must avoid.

This thing is smaller than a Mac truck, but it reminds me of a semi-trailer without a trailer. It crawls forward on countless legs. These legs look like arachnids, but they are swollen, red, and swollen like excessive food ticks. The two legs seemed to be beating and vibrating with some strange vitality. I can't understand what it is doing, what it might be. I can hardly understand the terrible atrocities before me.

It stopped next to several frozen corpses, hovering over them, and it lowered its height to approach the crowd. I watched in horror as one of the legs curled up and then snaked out of the disgusting animal. This tentacle-like appendage moves with an incredible, rapid elegance, and I find it both disgusting and fascinating. I found myself fascinated by its snake-like movements. The tentacles were clearly visible as they glided on the ground, and then grabbed a man holding a woman's hand.

My mouth sank, and a scream tore my throat. Before I could speak, Cade covered my mouth with his hand. He pulled me to his side, put my back against his chest, and hugged me tightly. My knees were bent, and I found that I could hardly stand up. Cade helped me stand up, but I could feel his tight muscles shaking.

The tentacle thing slid down his leg to his chest. When it reached the person's face, it pulled back and hovered in front of him like a cobra preparing to attack. It stayed there for a few seconds, then attacked with lethal and alarming speed. It got into the man's throat, buried deep in his body, and drove forward. The tentacles slid under the man's skin and quickly passed through his body, clearly visible. As the person resurrected suddenly and violently, the clear tentacles began to be filled with pulsating blood. The vomit rolled on me, and only the painful thought of vomiting on Cade’s hand helped me suppress it.

The poor man slapped what was moving in his body, waving his arms frantically against the brutal attack on his body. He held the woman next to him tightly, but she was still motionless like a stone and did not notice his pain. The man's fingers tore the intruder and tried to pull it ZìYóu, but his efforts were in vain and could only lead to more blood from his already cruel throat. When every muscle of my body collapsed, I vomited, choked and almost fell.

Cade could hardly let me fall asleep this time. When he held me, a small shudder crossed his body. He took his hand away from my mouth, and when he pulled me away from the window, he put his arms around my waist. I didn't fight with him, I didn't feel like fighting anymore in my heart.

Cade hurriedly led me through the store. He stepped away from the shelf, avoiding those jīng handmade products, with an elegant ease, even in my strange numb state, I can still appreciate them. We passed by the counter. A gray-haired man stood behind the cash register, facing the shelf behind the cash register, with one hand clasped above his head. His glasses gleamed in the light hanging from the ceiling above his head. I walked towards him, trying to do something, trying to wake him up. I must get him out before that terrible thing strikes him.

Cade held my hand tightly, shook his head at me, and continued to pull me forward. I wanted to fight him, but I was ashamed to admit that I was too scared to make too many protests. Cade opened a door at the back of the store and pulled me into the dark stairwell. He closed the door behind us, pulled the rope, and turned on a dim light bulb. The light fills the narrow and steep stairs, but does not show the bottom of the steps.

I looked up at him. He was an inch taller than me, about 5 feet 11 inches. Cade bent down and approached me, putting his lips on my ears again. "Stay," he whispered, and I hardly heard his voice because my ears were full of blood.

I stay where I am just because I am not sure I can't walk anyway. The strange, uncontrollable shaking started to control my body. My knees are shaking, no matter how hard I try, my hands can't hold them. I hugged myself with my arms, but this did not relieve the chill of crawling into my trembling bones. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)