Magic Notes

Chapter 173: Shudder (18)


This is my home, I feel cold and lonely for the first time. Vacant.

I walked carefully through the kitchen. Although there was enough light to guide me, I walked through the room intuitively. When I climbed the stairs, Cade followed me quietly. "Mom?" I was afraid to speak too loudly in the ominous silence. "mother?"

I heard the tears choked in my voice. I swallowed hard and forced myself to speak loudly when I reached the top of the steps. "mother?"

"Bethany." I was taken aback by his answer. I really believe that I will not receive such a gift. Cade put a hand on my back and supported me, and then I ran into the railing. "Beth?"


Then, my little sister appeared at the door of my mother's bedroom. My heart was filled with relief; when my knees were about to hold up, a small shout slipped out of my mouth. Then I moved and ran, and when I caught her, I held back tears of joy. At fifteen, she was only two years younger than me, but she looked much younger. Maybe it's because of her petite and slender figure, but I think it's more because of her innocent appearance. She is far less tired than I am.

She put her arms around me and sobbed against my shirt. "Oh, Beth, I'm terrified! I don't know what to do, I can't leave her," she groaned.

I closed my eyes, and my heart broke when Abby confirmed that our mother was not as lucky as us. I can barely breathe, but holding Abby gives me a sense of strength that I haven't experienced until now. For her, I must be strong; I must ensure her safety. In any case, I must make sure that she survives. "Ayden?"

She shook her head, coffee sè's hair was scattered on her shoulders, and a long curly hair was scattered into a ball. "I don't know. He went to see Brett earlier, but he never came back."

I clasped my hands on her shoulders, comforting her that she was still moving, which was fine. If Aiden can leave, he will return here as soon as possible. But Bret’s house is farther away than the antique shop. If he does not leave, I will find him at Brett's house, but I am not in a hurry to leave here. Until I saw my mother.

"Where is she?"

Abby nodded to our mother's bedroom, but it was obvious that she was not ready to go back. She was shaking, unlike me, her tears flowed down her face quickly. I feel sad for her. She may have been protecting our mother all day. She is scared and confused, and she is completely alone. I don't blame her for not wanting to come back, she has done enough.

"Stay here," I said, squeezing her shoulder.

I tiptoed into my mother's room and walked past her. The room was dark, but I saw her immediately. She was sitting in her arms, looking down at the documents lying in front of her. She is wearing reading glasses and holding a pen in her mouth. Her chocolate hair was pulled into a bun and hung around her slender neck. The similarities between her and Abby are obvious. They all have spiritual faces, deep hair, and petite figures. Abby and mother always remind me of the fairy of jīngzhi. Because of my clumsy hands and a slightly larger body, I often feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. Deep down in my heart, I am convinced that one day I will accidentally knock them over. I am as slim as them, but taller, and my skin is fairer. Aiden and I inherited my father's height and honey yellow hair.

"Mom," I whispered, even though I knew there was no benefit in doing so. She didn't respond, she didn't even blink her eyes. I approached her, pushed the file aside, and slid to **. I have seen her appear in the same pose many times before, but this is the first time I feel out of place and scared. I gently touched her cheek, her skin was still warm, but much cooler than it should be. That man is still alive, and I hope she is still alive. "Oh, Mom."

I lowered my head to look at her, resting my forehead on her lowered head. I struggled not to lose control completely and not to turn into a mess of sobbing, but I am not sure if I can stay sane throughout the disaster. I felt Cade in the room. Before I saw him, his eyes were on me.

When I turned to him, my hand hovered on my mother's cheek. "What should we do?" I asked.

"We survived." These were cold words, but the tone that accompanied them was not. This is understanding and sympathy. It is also very resilient and unwavering. "Because we have to do it, because this is what she wants you to do."

"I can't leave her here."

"I know." I turned and left him, unable to form words or opinions now. "We won't. But I have to go somewhere now."

With a snap of my head, my mouth opened in shock. I let go of my mother's calm hand, slid softly down from her pussy, and took a step towards him. "Where?" I barely swallowed.

"I have to go home. There are some things I have to do."

I am puzzled by the sudden turn of events. I didn't expect that he would keep us here, but of course there will be some things he must do, some things he must check in his own home. I don't know where he lives or who he lives with, if anyone knows. He is probably alone now, after all, he is eighteen years old. "certainly."

"I will be back." I nodded reluctantly. "soon."

"We... We can go with you."

He shook his head. "No, I'll go faster by myself, Aiden can still come back. You must stay here."

He stopped my protest. "You must stay with your mother, Bettany, and you must see if your brother comes back. If you don't do this, you will never forgive yourself. My house is only half a mile away. I am safe in the woods. "

I was surprised to learn that he lives so close. Over the years, Cade has always been running around, it is difficult to figure out where he lives at any time. "What if you don't come back?" I whispered. "If something happened to you and I could have helped stop it, what should I do? Abby can wait for Aiden." Just when I said these things, I knew I could not leave her again.

Lu 1:1: There are more monsters outside than we have in Bethany now. Their technology is better, they have plans, and they have the upper hand. I don't think we can do anything to stop them now. Moreover, you don't want to leave your sister anymore. "

"You are not safe outside, Cade, you can't go alone."

Throughout the conversation, he kept getting close to me, and he was standing in front of me now. I had to tilt my head back to see his full picture. His eyes and hair are mixed with the night sè around us, giving people an ominous impression that he is a part of the darkness and more at ease than any other person. His handsome features were half hidden in the shadow, and his plump mouth was closed tightly. He stroked my hair back from his shoulders, and I was panting. His fingers stroked my cheeks, leaving a trace of heat behind them. I opened my mouth in surprise, and instinctively tilted my face to his caress. I don't know what happened, and I don't know what he was thinking, until his lips were close to mine.

Then, I don't care anymore.

At first, his lips were warm, soft and tight, and pressed tightly to my lips. But his mouth became more and more tense, and his hands became stronger and stronger, pulling me closer and closer to him. I was attracted by the warmth and joy brought by his kiss, surrounded by the emotions and whirlwind of passion. He was swallowed by the storm, his tongue entangled with mine, forming a desperate kiss.

I don't know why he is desperate, but I feel the full power of his despair, under the joy and sex that spins fast between us, getting higher and higher, until I'm sure it will swallow both of us. I found that I don't care if it exists. I just want to ease the violent burning under his calm appearance.

Why does he need or desire me? I don't know and don't care. not now. I'm too entangled in the amazing feeling that surrounds me to take care of it. He put his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly to his chest. I have never felt this way before, and I have never experienced such a wonderful, happy and right thing. This is very correct. It's like everything in the world, no matter how terrible and terrible it is, will get better. I found a place to belong, a safe place in his arms. As long as I am here and he is here, I can live. We will survive.

Then something happened. Something in my heart began to disintegrate, unfolding in front of me like morning glory at dawn. The memories rushed out and swallowed me, because they spiraled up rapidly, beyond my control. The memory I buried many years ago, because that is the place I like better. Memories of that terrible day. From this day to this day, I never thought that I could surpass such horror and destruction.

I was trapped, head down, jammed by the twisted metal of the car. Staying in the back seat, I could only stare at my father's broken body in front of me. At the beginning, he was awake, he asked me and tried to calm me down, but as time went on, he lost more and more blood and he stopped talking.

It was terrible, terrible. It was horrible, I was so numb that I couldn't cry, and I was too immersed in melancholy to understand what was going on. I was only nine years old, and the most I know about death is the pet burial ceremony we held in the backyard. I don't know much about death, but I know the exact time when my father left me. I knew the man I loved the most would never come back to me, but I still didn't cry. I have been trapped in the wreckage for hours, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t break free until they find us. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)