Magic Notes

Chapter 176: Shudder (21)


I put the bag next to the back door. I pressed my hand on the glass and stared at the night outside. Thankfully, the moon is not bright tonight, but the stars are shining in the sky. I remind myself of the time before the aliens came, when I looked up at the sky, dreaming about the possibility of alien creatures.

I really hope this question has never been answered.

At first, they seemed peaceful, eager to help us, and willing to impart their wisdom. But after peace and shared progress began, things began to change. It started gradually, depriving some rights everywhere. It was a gradual process, and we didn't really notice the loss until it was too late. In order to promote peace between us all, it is forbidden to carry weapons. Aliens claim that they have no weapons, or at least no weapons they are willing to show us. It is now clear that their weapons are more twisted and deadly than anything we can imagine or possess.

Then our mobile phone was abandoned. The strange thing is that I didn't keep this device tied to my body, but these signal towers were removed because the aliens claimed that they did cause cancer and other health problems. Our Zhèng Fǔ believed them; obviously there is evidence to support this foreigner's statement.

Then the aircraft was banned; their threat to alien spacecraft and human life is the reason behind this explanation. We travel in alien spacecraft when necessary, but they rarely allow humans to board the spacecraft. Most of them were officials of Zhèng Fǔ, powerful businessmen, some wealthy people, and some celebrities who were allowed to board small alien ships.

Some people have eagerly accepted this shift, but in the past few months, disagreements around the world have begun to increase. However, it is too late to prevent the rapid acceleration from happening. Next is the Internet; they did not provide a reason for doing so. There is no need to continue, because they have moved almost everything away and closed it in an orderly manner. Vehicles and driving were banned last week, and finally people began to realize that we are now isolated from the world, isolated from the towns around us.

It was too late by then. We had nothing, they took everything away, and we allowed them to do so. Now they are here for our lives. They sweep our streets and literally draw people's lives. I shivered, my hand pressed tightly on the glass. I want Cade back, I must know that he is okay. I hope Aiden is here and I know if my brother is safe.

I also need him. What I did with Cade was terrible, but I do love him. It is impossible not to love him. He is so honest and caring. Sometimes I think he is too good to be true, but he is. Sometimes I feel that I am not alone because I know I am not as good as him, and I will never be able to do it. Even before all this happened, I had flinched, drifting in this world, not knowing where I was going, and I might be extremely cynical. I know this world is a cold, cruel place, waiting for us to destroy the one we love. But Brett doesn't think so. He thinks this is a beautiful and wonderful thing, a beautiful thing. He thinks this is something worth cherishing and enjoying every day.

Brett is an amazing person, I can't begin to understand him, and I'm not entirely sure that I want to understand him. People like Brett should not be discovered, he should only be enjoyed and cherished. I really cherish him, even if his kiss did not make his heart beat as fast as Cade's kiss. Even though I never felt fully understood and accepted by him. At least not in the same strange way that Cadet seemed to understand and accept me.

Brett thought I could do better; he tried to change my introverted style in subtle but not so subtle ways. Strangely, CapitaLand seemed to accept me and seemed to believe that I was stronger and more capable than I thought. He trusted me more than anyone I knew before, which made me feel humble and awe.

A painful sadness began to fill me. If Brett is frozen, then his light is likely to disappear from this world. This will be one of the biggest losses on this planet. However, if he is not frozen, he will most likely not be reborn from this world; his innate goodness will be tainted by the evil that is now threatening us. If he knew my feelings for Cade and what had just happened between us, part of him would fall apart.

He trusted me completely and loved me honestly, even before I kissed Cade, I was not sure if I was worth it. Now I am sure I don't deserve it. Brett would never know; I would never hurt him in this way, or let him be hurt so badly. I always knew I was not the great person Brett thought, but he didn't need to know how bad I was, at least not yet. If he is still moving, he will find out soon. Bright finally admitted that I was not the perfect person he thought. I only hope this will not ruin him.

I left the window. I hate the stars now and despise the brilliance of their mockery. The stars have their own secrets, but they are terrible secrets, they confide to us in the waves of hatred and death. I want to know if other people in the world are sharing this terrible experience, or if aliens are moving leisurely on Earth. Maybe they orderly occupy the world one by one until the city is completely theirs. I feel more like the whole world has appeared at the same time. They will not risk letting others discover what is happening and find some way to stop them.

If there is a way to stop them.

We have no way to know what is happening elsewhere, nor can we establish contact with the outside world without leaving this town. I don’t know if Abigail and I are the only ones left, how can we get our mother to that point, if we can solve this problem.

I walked through the kitchen and avoided the table when I returned to the hall. I just walked out of the room when a light came on from the back door. I froze, my heart was beating, my adrenaline was beating fast in my body, I stood there holding my breath, shaking. The light quickly passed the back door and bounced around the room. At first I thought it was the light of a flashlight, an alien or some idiot was passing through the woods behind our house. Then I realized that it was a smaller spaceship, I only saw it twice.

They usually dock on larger ships and hide themselves. But when they came out, they flew around with ease and grace like fireflies. Those boats were purposely built to show Zhèng Fǔ and the people their dexterity and speed. They were taken out as a way to gain trust, as a promise for a more promising future for all of us, and it turned out that these promises were nothing but lies.

Now one of them started to act again, but this time it was not whimsical, nor so charming. Its sudden appearance will not have any good results. I hid in the shadow of the stairs more and more, not knowing how to deal with this sudden incident. I didn't expect that they had already begun to act. Instinctively, I know they will not leave unless they are sure they have all the people and the blood they can gather.

Lights danced around the room, illuminating the countertops, floors, and tables. It looks like they are looking for us in the house. But this is crazy. They cannot know that we are here. They can't do it. Or can they

When I think of this, I shudder, my throat is dry, and my heart is pounding. Cade was somewhere outside, unprotected, and vulnerable to searchlights. I took another step back, and then froze, because I realized that the light was also shè on the front window, filling the living room and hall. I can't move, I have nowhere to go, can't escape the more and more crazily bounce and swing of the beam.

I can hear the staccato of my heart beating my ribs frantically. I'm not breathing, and I'm not sure if I can suck air into my constricted chest. I stared at the roof above my head, praying that Abby would not be near the light or the window. I love her deeply, but sometimes she does not consider the consequences of her actions. I hope this is not one of them.

I was motionless when the lights flickered over me and the house. The speed of these ships is much slower than their speed at the exhibition. What are they doing

Then, the scream began.

I rushed forward, adrenaline gushing out of my body, and I rushed down the hall. I completely forgot about the lights, and for my own safety, because the concern for Abby swallowed me. I grabbed the handrail of the stairs and jumped up two stairs at once. I stepped on one of the steps wrong, and I almost fell face-to-face in an awkward direction. I grabbed the handrail with my fingers. This was the only thing that could prevent me from falling down the stairs. When my knees and hands fell down the stairs, the pain passed through my body, but Abby’s endless screams dragged me back aimlessly.

"Abby! Abby!" I rushed down the hall, blinking rough eyes in the dazzling light. When I raised my hands and tried to block some dazzling light beams, I felt like I was in a terrible horror movie. Abby’s screams came and went, and her fear spread throughout the house. I rushed into the hall, no longer caring about the sound I made when I ran. It doesn't matter anyway, they already know we are here. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)