Magic Notes

Chapter 179: Shudder (24)


I am happy for all these things, and especially happy that I seem to be the first person to be taken by them. I can't just watch them take away my brothers and sisters and Brett. I really want to let go of the surfboard and rush in the other direction, but I know it will not do me any good, and I don't want to fall down like a coward.

No, I have to die bravely, or at least try.

A loud noise made me jump up and Abby was startled and let out a scream. Another loud noise shattered the air, and the screams of those weird, reverberating creatures filled the night. They screamed and screamed, when another loud echo erupted. I finally found the source of those loud and startling explosions, such as gunfire.

I looked around quickly, and although the vivid light had dimmed a bit with the beginning of the gunfire, it was still difficult to make out anything. Another gunshot sounded in the air. Brett cursed loudly, and we continued to rush forward, he was half bent over on the splint. When Abby dashed out of the path and disappeared into the woods, I caught a glimpse of her. My shoulders are drooping, at least Abby is safer.

With another gunshot, the strange scream intensified. We almost reached the end of the path, almost into the dense woods, when my eyes finally found the source of the gunfire. Cade stood on the edge of the woods with a shotgun on his shoulders, his eyes focused on something behind us. As my chest tightened and loosened, I could finally breathe a sigh of relief. I don't know where he got the gun, he fired another shot, and I don't care.

His dark eyes met me briefly, then dropped the gun and quickly reloaded the bullet. "Hurry up!" Abby called from the woods. "Please hurry up!"

Cade raised the gun again and fired another shot, which caused a strange hissing scream, which erupted in a flood of anger and pain, causing my eardrums to tremble. "Here!" someone shouted in the woods.

Aiden left the path and dived deeper into the forest. Cade quietly walked into the shadow and disappeared into the night. We walked through the forest quietly, with a loud and unnatural sound, because we rushed through the woods and bushes, desperately trying to avoid the monsters that followed us. I didn't see Cade again until he suddenly appeared, like a ghost by my side.

"Give it to me," he put his hand against mine, trying to remove the splint from me. "Let go of Bethany."

"No, my mother..."

"I will guarantee her safety, as long as we surpass us."

"Let's go."

His brief caress of my fingers sent a storm of emotions. I stared at him, trying to figure out what happened, but I failed. "Listen to him, Bethy," Bret urged. When I gave up control of the plywood, I fought against the guilt-filled me. "Stay with Abby."

I turned to leave them, and when I ran away from them, I couldn't see any of them. I am running away from the two of them now, not aliens.

I glanced back by accident for the first time, trying to see what was chasing us. It was a small boat, hovering over the forest, slightly larger than a bus. The lights have dimmed, but there are still five people jumping around on the top of the tree, searching for us mercilessly. It is not that far, but I feel that it may be heading in the wrong direction. The guy who followed us into the forest, the bloodthirsty guy, didn't go the wrong way.

I can hear it walking through the woods, following us, and smelling the smell of blood on us. Then I realized what happened. The ship drove away because it knew we could not escape. It is not worried that we escape from it and stay to destroy our creatures. It set out to hunt other prey, and left one of its monsters to hunt us. It is a monster. I can see it now, not very clear, but it is there. I feel it is different from what I saw before.

It may seem bigger, but its moving speed is surprisingly large and bulky construction. It is not very high, but very wide. It swiftly passed through the woods, swaying the trees, violently hitting the trees, the leaves rattling in their pavilion. Although its tentacles make it look like an octopus on land, its flat head quickly suppresses any octopus resemblance. Two huge pliers protruded from its mouth, which I can only assume. They were about three feet long, and when they hurriedly collided with each other, they nailed a nail on the blackboard and made a noise similar to noise.

Maybe it's a tick? I thought to myself. Is it a huge tick? But no, it's not even like that, it's not the rhythmic red sè that is almost translucent at times.

Then, slowly, I began to realize that the red flowing through it was not its normal face. The red inside is blood, human blood, and this thing is not full yet. Its normal face is almost rǔwhite yīn shadow spreading in the whole organism, flowing with its movements. The yīn shadow of rǔbai sè makes it look like a jellyfish, but apart from Yan sè, it does not look like a jellyfish.

For a second I couldn't move, I could only stare at a monster released by an alien to us. It doesn't seem to have eyes, at least I can't see it here. But it knows where we are, because it chases us after the smell of rabbits like a dog.

I vaguely admit that if aliens showed us these things the first time they came, we would immediately know that they did not come for peace. We should know their intentions all along. We should prepare for this betrayal. No matter what they do that makes people freeze, it must be a long process. This is why they always pretend to be peaceful. They just don't know that some of us can survive their silent attack.

Before all this happened, we had only seen friendly versions of aliens, aliens that looked very similar to us, and induced trust. They don’t have worm eyes, they don’t have huge heads, and they don’t have the small bodies that we believe in many movies. On the contrary, they are all of medium height, the tallest I have ever seen is only 6 feet, and he seems to be a rare one. They have light olive to deep skin, deep eyes and deep hair. This fact makes many people believe that no matter which galaxy they come from, their planet is closer to the sun than ours.

Except that their skins are not as diverse as ours, there are other differences between them and us. It is said that their bodies are stronger than ours, faster than ours, and their eyesight and hearing are better than ours. I have never seen a display of these statements, but some news reports speculated on it and claimed that there were witnesses before the news was shut down.

None of these aliens wear glasses, and there are rumors that they might be able to see things at night. There are even rumors that they are recovering faster. I don't know if these rumors are true, I have never seen evidence of them, but I have not compromised. I no longer have any doubts about the intruder. As far as I know, they can fly, and I wouldn't be surprised to see them do so.

I don't know what these things released by aliens are. Maybe they are creations that aliens themselves messed up, or even their pets, but I don't believe they are aliens themselves. I never thought for a moment that the face the alien showed us was some kind of disguise. They couldn't hide this terrible behemoth under their skin.

But where did these creatures come from? It seems that they will not be easily strapped and hidden, at least for nearly a year.

I am puzzled by the strange distortions represented by these terrible things. But there is no time to decipher what they are now. When one of them approached us, they passed through the woods as fast as a squirrel through the woods. If we don’t do something, it will press on our heads within a few minutes.

The gun was on Cade's shoulder, and he couldn't get it in time. I don't know what controlled me or what controlled me, but I quickly returned to him. "Give me the gun."

He winked at me. "what?"

"Give me the gun, Cade, give me the gun," I insisted impatiently.

"It's useless on your back, we need it."

Instead of shrugging his shoulders and strapping a shotgun on his back, he managed to play around with the splint, reached into his shirt, and pulled out what I thought was a revolver. It looks just like what I saw on TV. "Do you know how to use it?"

"I'll figure it out," I muttered to myself, holding it in my hand as I walked slowly forward. I did not point it to any place near me or other people. This is the first time I have taken a gun, and if my hand shaking is any sign, it is that I am not trustworthy.

However, with a gun in my hand, I feel stronger. It’s safer, even though I know it’s just a false sense of security. No one is safe now; we may never be safe again. "You shouldn't do that!" Brett growled at Cade.

I know he loves me, but Brett always seems to think I need his protection and I can't take care of myself. Nevertheless, I still think that I like to be alone and being clumsy and clumsy will help him stick to his beliefs. This didn't annoy me often, and I didn't want to argue about it, so I let it go on. This is wrong because it is irritating me now.

"She will be fine," Cade told him.

"She doesn't know how to use the gun, if she shoots suicide..."

"She will be fine!" Cade interrupted her briskly. I grabbed the revolver and jogged away from the rising sex hormones.

The thing is still following us, but it is not ready to attack. I caught up with Abby, she still carried a bag of food on her shoulder. Jenna Howe is carrying another bag, and I can only guess that it contains more food, perhaps weapons. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)