Magic Notes

Chapter 187: Shudder (32)


While moaning in disgust, I put on my dirty socks and stuffed my feet into my sneakers. "Does it feel better?"

When the sound came from the edge of the woods, I staggered back and almost fell. It took me some time to discover that Kaide Hanzang was in the shadow during the day. "How long have you been there?" I asked, thinking about what he might have seen, while trying to control the acceleration of my heart.

He shrugged, which was a very annoying gesture, which made my chin close. "It won't be long." His voice was casual, and his posture was almost lazy when he looked at me carefully. He came to me quietly like a tiger hunting. I clung to my troubles, even though my pulse started to escalate, a strange tingling penetrated my fingertips. Even if he was dirty and disheveled, he was so handsome and unstoppable. I took a step back, struggling to breathe normally as he approached.

"If this is what you are worried about, I haven't seen anything."

When he said these things, he seemed to be pitying me. I don't want his pity, and I don't want him to look at me like a child. I have got enough information from Bright. "very good."

"It's time for us to go back. It's late."

I turned around, trying to maintain the little dignity that I had left. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back. I didn't notice a slight cry, but it was buried under the pressure of his lips. Although I was frozen in place, the intensity of my immediate physiological reaction to him was amazing. I know I should pull away, which is completely wrong, but I can't find the strength to do so. He drew me closer, gently supporting my cheek. For the first time, I started to feel safe, and for the first time I was no longer injured or afraid. In his arms, I feel that there is no one else in the world except us.

His lips brushed my lips lightly, and only the caress of a butterfly barely opened it. His forehead was against my forehead, and his fingers stroked my cheek. I don't want this moment to end forever, never want to leave him, but I have to. We have to do this.

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered.

His eyes deliberately looked at my face. "Isn't it obvious?" I shook my head. His lips brushed my lips again, and he sighed. The heat rushed into my body again, and my heart was beating fast, intermittently, and I was sure he could hear it. "should be."

"But, Bright..." He didn't leave me when he thought of my boyfriend as I thought. "Bright is a good person."

"he is."

"He loves me."

"It has nothing to do with him."

"But that's the case." I closed my eyes, unable to face his naked candid gaze.

"If you want, I can tell him."

When I opened my eyes, my mouth drooped. "That's not what I want!" I blurted out. I don't want Bright to know about this. If I tell him of my unfaithfulness, it will be a huge burden in my heart. However, I did not intend to make Brett uneasy just to ease my consciousness. There was a part of me eager to tell this thing, and when I thought of this happy thing, I almost cried.

"Then what do you want? I'll give you whatever you want, as long as you tell me." His voice became hoarse as he looked.

For him, for Bret, my throat was blocked with tears. I also don't want to hurt Cade, but I know I'm hurting him. "I don't know Cade. I don't even know what it is. I don't even know if we are still alive tomorrow morning. I know I don't want to hurt Bright, I just can't, he deserves better. We, all of us, It’s everything we have now. In order to survive, we must trust each other. Brett is a good man, he loves me, and I can’t betray his trust anymore."

"He does love you." I didn't expect Cade to say that he also loves me, but I didn't expect him to give me such a cold confirmation.

"He deserves better treatment."

Cade frowned and looked at me. "Better than you?"

I licked my lips and stared anxiously at the trees. His fingers slid across my face again. "Yes, he is worthy of someone much better than me. I am confused."

"I don't have one. There is no better person than you."

Before I could protest his words, he kissed me again. His arms were around me, I was no longer confused, I suddenly knew where I belonged. This is the strangest, most confusing, and most exciting feeling I have ever experienced. How can I feel this way for someone I hardly know? How can this feeling be so right and beautiful, when it only hurts people

It was the voice that called Cade's name that took me away from him again. I was surrounded by warmth and happiness, so that all kinds of thoughts could not be fully integrated in my mind, but Cade quickly recovered. My eyes widened, and an angry expression crossed his face. While letting go of me, he cursed, called my name, and strode towards the forest.

"Jenna!" he growled. "Jenna, be quiet!"

""Where are you? Is Bethany with you?" When they met me again, his eyes were filled with gloom. I felt as if I had only seen him for the first time, who was this person, for such a small matter. Undeniably angry? "Cade!"

"Quiet!" He hissed, but it was too late. I heard the creaking of the bushes and he heard it at the same time. I stared at Cade in horror, not knowing what to do. I want to rush in countless different directions at once, but I don't know which way is the safest. "Jenna run!"

At this time, Cade was in front of me, grabbed my arm, and pulled me toward the woods. "Cade," I whispered.

"Run, Bethany. Run."

On the way to the creek, I carefully walked through all the thorns, and now I plunged in unscrupulously. I was scratched, covered in blood and bruised, but when I walked through the woods and grass, I didn't care. I think I should try to relax a bit, but I am too scared to slow down now.

I can hear Cade's voice behind me. Although we are all traveling in the same ghost place, I'm sure he is a thousand times quieter than me. My feet were entangled in thorns and tripped me over. When I fell to the ground, I cried. The thorns pierced my vagina, pierced my palm.

Cade grabbed me and lifted me up quickly. I turned around and wanted to run again, but he pulled me back. Before I could react, he pushed me down on a tree. "Climb up," he gasped into my ear.

When I pulled myself up the tree, I drew everything I learned as a child. I looked back at Cade; as I walked higher and higher into the huge oak tree, he was running quickly behind me. Then he walked up to me and pressed me to the trunk. His breathing sounded in my ears, and I could feel his heartbeat.

"Don't move."

It's easier said than done, because every part of my body trembles with fear and effort. I am afraid of what will happen, afraid of the unknown, and full of fear for my brothers and sisters. Cade embraced me with his arms and pressed his body against me. I don't know where Jenna has gone; I pray that she is safe and that she also heard the sound of danger approaching.

"Jenna," I whispered.

Cade put his head in the hollow of my neck. "You are the only one who cares about Beth." My mouth dropped, and he raised his head to meet my suspicious look. These words are harsh, almost cold, but there are some warm and reassuring things in them that make me feel trembling and weak. "You have always been the only important person."

How should I respond now? What is your reaction to this? I think I should protest. I should tell him that other people are of course important and will always be important. I thought about these things, but I didn't say them, mainly because I was unreasonably happy with the beliefs behind his passionate words. My breath was taken away, and I'm not sure if I can still breathe normally.

I thought he was going to kiss me, but his eyes turned away. The noise of the forest is getting closer and closer, as if a group of deer are slowly coming over. For a moment, I breathed a sigh of relief, maybe it wasn't aliens, maybe wild animals started to move around again.

When I wanted to leave the trunk, Cade pressed me back. He glanced at me and shook his head quickly, his jaw clenched. Around me, his thin arm muscles were tight. Even now, I still feel my reaction to him, fear, bloodshed, desperate. When his eyes fell on me, he must have felt the change in my breathing, or the change in my body. Those eyes were dazzling, and the sexy onyx pool gleamed in the light passing through the leaves.

He was close to me, his lips pressed against my ears. I was fascinated by his feelings, his breath whispered on my skin. "I'm not confused by Bethany," he whispered softly, and I hardly heard his voice. "I have never been."

A sudden movement broke out in the woods, and I couldn't help but shiver.

I stared at the scene below us blankly, frightened and unresponsive at first. "Cade..."

"I understand," he murmured.

I blinked, trying to convince myself that what I saw was real. "They are humans."


I followed him down the tree. Ten people turned towards us, and when we landed, they took out their weapons. "It's very simple," Cade said, protecting me with his body while pushing me away with his arms. I frowned on his back, but he wouldn't let me out because his arm kept pressing on my chest.

They looked at us suspiciously, then put down their spears and a rifle. "What are you doing here?" a tall and burly man asked.

"I want to be the same as you," Cade replied, much colder than I can handle in this situation. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)