Magic Notes

Chapter 190: Shudder (35)


"Okay, let's go."

Brett took a step forward, obviously he was in our group, and the other men and women will be the last to go with Jenna and Cade. "Wait!" Abby said anxiously, and Cade came to us.

My heart was pounding, and I held Brett's hand tightly, almost unable to breathe. The second group is almost at the beginning of the bridge. The first is the middle of it. If there is no light, they will no longer be visible. I can feel Aiden getting more and more excited; he really believes everything will be fine. I hope he is right-they go further than I expected-but I still can't accept it.

"We have to go, Abby, this is the plan." Aiden seemed to be upset because we didn't strictly follow the plan. I understand that he needs to control some things, and I feel that he is starting to control his life again. I just hope he chooses something less deadly, such as our food supply.

"Please wait until the second group gets Ayden further away, please," Abby whispered.

I decided to let her try to persuade Aiden, and it was easier for him to say no to her than to me. He looked hesitant, but he waited until the second group had already got on the bridge, and the first group began to disappear from sight. Then Aiden stopped talking to us and started to walk out of the woods. I looked back at Cade frantically.

Cade came to us, his jaw closed. The determination in his gaze was a sign of impending trouble. "Ayden, wait," he ordered simply.

Aiden turned and walked towards him, but the other two of Cade also walked over. One of the girls claimed to know how to dive. "Molly." She stretched her little hand forward to shake Aiden's hand. I held her hand, and when I introduced myself, I was shocked by the strength of her grip.

"We will go now. You will see and we will all be better," the man said. He glanced at Abby and me sympathetically, which made me feel very uneasy.

"Very good," Aiden said. "Let's go, Brett."

"Wait," Bright protested immediately. "Bethany..."

"It's okay, Brett, I'll be okay," I assured him. "I want to be with Abby."

"Cade can go with Aiden."

At the thought of being with Bright, Jenna's eyes flashed with hope. Abby looked frantically back and forth between the two groups. The thought of separating from Cade made me feel disappointed, which made me feel ashamed. "Let's go," Aiden said impatiently.

"I don't want to leave you here," Brett said to me.

"Bright, hurry up," Aiden interrupted, his toes almost bounced when he wanted to move eagerly.

"Bethany?" Brett asked.

I choked up. "I will be fine."

"Do you want me to stay?" he asked.

I hope they all stay, but my opinion does not seem to matter now. "It's okay," I barely swallowed.

He smiled at me tremblingly, squeezed my hand, and kissed my lips tenderly. I did not flinch, nor did I push him away. I kissed him back because I believed I would never see him again, and I really love him. He hurried to Aiden's side, and Cade quickly replaced Brett to sit next to me. I looked up at Cade sadly, and when Abby started sobbing quietly, I tried not to cry.

The first group reached the other side of the bridge, and I could almost feel them relieved. They haven't walked out of the forest yet, they are still completely exposed, but they have gone farther than I thought. When I realized that maybe I was wrong, maybe we could all get through it, hope began to fill me. Maybe the bridge is the answer.

I suddenly had an urge to run across the bridge, ran to the other side of the bridge, and kissed the land of the mainland. I glanced eagerly at Cade, Abby’s tears began to dry, and Jenna looked like she was about to start jumping up happily. The second group has completed more than half; Aiden has almost completed IHOP. "Let's go," Jenna said eagerly.

When Cade turned to me, I grinned reluctantly at him. Jenna walked out of the shadow and walked towards the road. I swallowed nervously, gathered up the courage, and followed Jenna. Abby stopped crying when he walked with us. Cade leaned close to me, and every time his arm touched mine, I felt a pleasant tremor. I don't think it's bad between us now, I can't do it. I need him.

It's that simple.

Aiden is under the bridge. The second group reached the other side almost safely, when the strong light shè came out. For a while, I couldn't see anything, and I was completely confused. I thought something happened to the lights on the bridge. Perhaps the energy peaks make them burn brighter.

Then I heard screams.

I didn't stop to think. I pushed Abby back and pushed her into the woods. "Run!" I yelled at her. She turned around under my push and staggered towards the forest. I turned around and swooped in the opposite direction. "Ayden!"

Under the dazzling light, I couldn't see him, and in the screams tearing the night sky, I couldn't hear his voice. "Ayden!"

I ran towards the dazzling light and death, which made me never see the bridge again. I don't know where I am or where I am running. I tripped, tripped, and lay on the grass with all my feet up and down. Somehow, I managed to get into the rotation, although I don't know exactly where I was rotating. I can get closer to the bridge, I can be on the opposite side. I struggled to stand up.

"Ayden! Bright!" I screamed, the fear of their lives grabbed me and left me almost out of breath. Not my brother, I pleaded. Please don't hurt my brother, please don't hurt Bright. I beg you. I beg you. I beg you.

The bush I rushed in tore my skin and clothes, and then I rushed into another bush and stopped suddenly. I thought I was somewhere near Cape Cod, in the Zhōng Yāng of the turntable, spelled out with yew. Although I am not sure, but I think I may have reached the center of the cape. This means that I have at least rushed to the side of the revolving bridge without scruples, and I have not run aimlessly in the wrong direction. I just don't know where to go from here and which direction is correct.

Embracing me with arms around him, pulled me back. I let out a scream of horror, and I grabbed his arm abruptly. Death had just locked me in his eternal embrace. "It's Bethany," a voice whispered in my ear. When I heard Cade's voice, I lowered my head, but I couldn't see his arms around my waist, resisting the harsh light around him. "We must go back, Bessie, we must go back."

Cade pulled me away and dragged me to somewhere. I don't know which way we are going or what happened. There were more screams in the light, reminiscent of a wounded puma. I have never heard such a terrible and painful sound in my life. I want to cover my ears with my hands, trying to drown out the pain in those screams. I will never forget that voice.

Female name Female name. Female name Female name. My heart is broken. That's it, I can't stand it anymore. This is the limit of my patience. For all of us, this will end soon, and I don’t even care.

When Cade pulled me to the ground, his arms were tightly around my waist. "Make Bethany move!" He whispered in my ear.

I don't care about moving, I really don't care about doing anything again. When I was limping at his feet, he began to drag me to the middle of a pile of bushes, half pushing and half pulling. They are rough and burn my skin. No matter what the bushes are, they are not friendly. Cade cursed while following me, struggling against the drooping plant branches.

I don't care about bushes or pain. The only thing I care about now is that I can finally cover my ears. Curled up into a fetal position, I covered my ears with my hands, but I could barely hide the terrible voice. Cade wrapped himself around me, covering my body with his body.

"Hush, Beth, hush, honey." I didn't realize a low voice came from me. I was trembling all over, but tears were still streaming out. I was so horrified that I couldn't cry.

"Cade," I groaned.

His body is warm and strong, hugging me tightly. His cheeks were against my cheeks, and his hands were wrapped around my head and forehead, trying to protect me. Now his hug doesn't mean anything. I just desperately need to protect me, to protect me from the fear and death around us. His mouth was against my cheek, and his breathing was warm and rough on my skin.

My eyes were kept closed, but the light was burning on my eyelids, and I thought it would burn into my iris forever. "My dear Bethany."

He kissed my cheek lightly. At that moment, I was convinced that we were going to die, and he knew this as much as I did. I found this to be a worse realization. Cade has been very restrained throughout the process, even a bit naughty. I feel the regret and longing exuded by those three words.

The light became stronger temporarily, and I realized that the scream had stopped. Whether it is because there is no noise or because of the suffocating light, there is silence here. I shivered, and Cade hugged me closer because the light gradually dimmed.

I was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, unable to move. I didn't open my eyes, I was not ready to see anything. I tried my best to hear something, but there was nothing nice. Not anymore. It was almost dawn, but the birds did not squeak. I can't even hear Cade's breathing or the violent beating of his heart. The noise and hustle and bustle of lights made the tranquility disturbing here. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)