Magic Notes

Chapter 191: Shudder (36)


I couldn't stand it anymore, my eyes opened wide. Gradually, they began to adapt to the dawn of the morning, and I was able to recognize the plants that envelop us. I couldn't recognize it immediately, but its size, appearance and smell reminded me of juniper.

Cade gradually disappeared from me. I froze and did not want to move because he tiptoed forward. The bushes are big, but not big enough to hide him for too long. The sound came like a high cháo of a full moon. When he lifted up some low branches and looked out, the world came back to life. When the branches rubbed against each other, the rough sound of the plants made me cringe.

I couldn't see anything, but saw his shoulders drooping slightly. "I think it is safe."

His voice was surprisingly soothing the fierce noise in my eardrums. "Yes?" I frowned, my voice far less calm. He nodded. "They also think the bridge is safe."

"You didn't." No, I didn't, but it's not good for anyone now. Especially Aiden and Brett. I felt a sharp pain because a lump got stuck in my throat. "I think this bridge has set some kind of trap. I don't believe the aliens are nearby now. But if I'm right, what just happened will bring them here in droves."

When I looked at him suspiciously, he continued. ""I didn't see the boat, and there were no such things around. Nothing happened until the first group got off the bridge and onto the highway. I think this trap is set up to attract as many people as possible before releasing it, in case someone tries to escape collectively. "

I am shocked and disgusted by the endless cruelty that aliens have. "We will either leave now or wait until Bethany morning. At dawn."

Translation, when they can see us better. "It's good right now."

When he turned around, I hardly noticed the brief flash of light in his eyes. I am very impressed by his adaptability; I am in awe of his adaptability. He has lost so much and endured so much in his life, but he does not intend to give up. Even now, when things look more bleak than ten minutes ago. There is a big part deep in my heart that is completely ready to surrender.

In the past few days, I have lost too much; my mother, my brother, my boyfriend, this is too much. Perhaps Cade was able to go on unswervingly because he did not suffer such a heavy loss as I have recently, but I know this is not the reason for his determination. Cade has lost a lot in his life; maybe not as much as I have lost, but he has also experienced great loss and grief. He is as confused and as scared as I am, but he still has to move on.

I now realize that the only difference between us is that he really believes that we can survive all this. I do not have. This recognition is a bit frustrating, but also a bit reassuring. He believes that we will live, and I believe in CapitaLand. I may not believe that we can get through it, but I believe he will do his best to ensure that we can get through it.

"Come on, Bethany."

When he pulled me out of the bushes, my fingers were strong. "Abby?"

"She went into the woods," he assured me.

I looked around, but we had reached the back of the turntable, and I couldn't see the bridge from here. Cade bent down and rushed to the road Zhung Yāng with me. I feel exposed and vulnerable here. I held my breath, waiting for the terrible light to burst out, waiting for our death to come, but it still stayed in the morning of dawn. When we plunged into the woods, Cade hugged me tightly. I took a light breath for the first time and breathed a sigh of relief, but I knew we were not completely relieved yet. We must find a safe place before dawn.

Cade continued to drag me forward, but I had to watch. I must know. I broke free of his hand. "Bethany!" He hissed.

I crawled through the woods, tore away the leaves and dirt, and stumbled back to the embankment where we had just plunged into the water. When I stopped on the side of the road, I almost fell. I thought I would find the remains of this once glorious bridge. On the contrary, I was surprised that they looked the same. The lights are still on, but as they grow up, they become more dim.

I didn't see the parts of the human body or internal organs as I expected, but I think if I get closer, I will find some blood stains. Of course there will be blood, surely there will be. Humans once stood there, and now they have completely disappeared. There must be some evidence that they once existed.

However, at dawn, I did not see them. My brother has completely disappeared. My heart is struggling to pump blood into the blood vessels, but this simple task is very difficult for it.

"Bethany." I turned to Cade. Abby and Jenna are behind him. Abby was crying, tears streaming down her smudged cheeks. Seeing my only living relatives and sisters, the pressure on my chest eased. "We must go to Bethy."

I bit my lip when I nodded to him. I know we must go, but I don't want to go. I don't even know where we are going or what we are going to do. Even if Aiden and Brett have left, I am not going to abandon them. I looked back at the nasty bridge. Our lives are rapidly disintegrating, but now, at least we are still alive.

The action on the right caught my attention. I squinted at the IHOP restaurant. There is a forest behind the building, and there is movement in the shadow of the forest. I took a step forward, trying to see what was moving over there. Aiden suddenly appeared on the edge, his hair was squabbling and standing ended, he looked defeated, but he was there.

"Ayden," I whispered.

"What?" Cade asked.

When Bright appeared, Abby, Cade, and Jenna rushed to me. The relief overwhelmed me, and I found myself breathing again. "Oh!" Abby cried, and she ran out of the woods, but Cade grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"You can't go out," he Jǐng told.

Abby seemed to protest, but she remained silent. Molly appeared behind Brett. No matter what happened, she seemed to have suffered the worst. Her clothes were torn, and her red hair was curled, frantically surrounding her dirty face.

I didn't see the person with them. I don't know if he chose to hide, or got lost like everyone else. Aiden pointed to the back of the building, to the road under the bridge. He started to pretend, as if he was doing something, but I didn't quite understand what was going on. "Is he cheering?" Jenna asked in confusion.

"The gas station, right by the beach," Cade said in his tone with dawning comprehension when Aiden started swimming.

"Near the rental house," I whispered.

Cade gave him a thumbs up. Aiden hesitated, then nodded and sneaked into the woods. Molly followed behind him, but Brett stayed for a while, then blew me a kiss and disappeared. "Thank God," I whispered.

Cade squeezed my shoulder and pulled me away from the road. I didn't miss the look in Jenna's questioning eyes. Although it seems silly to think of these things now, I know she will reveal to Bright anything that happened between me and Cade. Even now, after all this, she still wants him. Perhaps because of all this, she wanted him more. There are very few people we love, and it makes sense for us to look for more people who can rely on and rely on.

I looked at Cade. From the outside, someone might say that this is the reason why I am with him and the reason why he is with me. But when his midnight eyes met me, I knew more. I know that no matter how much I don't want Brett to be hurt, he will. This cannot be stopped, because in the eyes of CapitaLand, I can see my future and my home.

This is the strangest, most exciting, most confusing, most comforting sensation I have ever experienced, and I enjoy it all. Cade's sculpted face softened; his eyes shone with understanding, and a mysterious smile appeared from the corners of his plump mouth. The connection between us made a hissing sound, and when my toes were bent, every cell in my body felt the connection. His hands seemed to burn my skin and burn my vagina. I have never felt such heat before. Before CapitaLand, I had never imagined such hot weather.

"What should we do now?" Jenna asked.

Although our attention shifted to her, I could still feel the strange connection between us trembling. I have no reason to believe that this strange bond will not be broken, it will never be broken. Not even death.

I think I should be afraid of these emotions; I never wanted to be so vulnerable and exposed. But I am fragile, I was exposed, and I was completely controlled by my feelings for CapitaLand. I swear that after my father passed away, I would never feel this helpless again, but I failed miserably.

If he doesn't feel the same to me... but he does. I am illogically affirmative.

As he walked by my side, I squinted at him. His shoulders are tense, and his eyes are smooth across the woods, because he seems to search every place immediately. His words from the tree echoed in my ears: "You will always be the only important person." These are true, I know instinctively; I know everything about me is true and always will be.

He was serious, because for some strange reason, Cade wanted me and cared for me far beyond my imagination. We are united by similar experiences and grief, but more than Cade sees me. He has seen everything about me and will always be so. He understood everything about me in a way that no one else can understand. I think he knows me better than me. This is both scary and exhilarating, and surprisingly gratifying. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)