Magic Notes

Chapter 200: Greed (4)


I put my legs on the seat, closed my eyes, and fainted.

I don't know how long it took me to wake up again. In this windowless room, it is impossible to watch the time. My legs fell asleep, and my neck was painful because of the bad angle of sleeping, but I felt much better than before. "you're awake."

With a snap of my hands on my arms, I galloped up. It wasn't until Bright spoke up that I realized he was already lying on the sofa. When my legs protested that I straightened them, my neck screamed in pain, but I finally liberated myself from my cramped position. "I didn't see you there. Where did everyone go?"

"The bedroom is at the end of the corridor. How are you?"

I swallowed heavily. His voice sounded dull and plain. Something is wrong, I am afraid I already know what it is. I'm such an idiot, I fell asleep before I could talk to him; it looks like Jenna fell asleep before me. "All right."

"From Abby's words, it sounds like you are having a hard time outside."

"The situation could have been worse. Even worse."

I tried to get him out and lay on the sofa, but all I could see was a deeper shadow because someone turned off the light. There must be something wrong with him, but I'm not sure if Jenna has spoken to him, or if he is as exhausted as the rest of us. I swallowed heavily. If Jenna hadn't spoken to him, I have to speak to him now. There is no need to delay any longer, and there is no reason to cause him more trouble. I can't continue this trick. I have a feeling that CapitaLand won't let it last too long.

When he stood up and shuffled towards me, the sofa groaned. When he knelt in front of me and held my hand, guilt and self-hatred flooded my heart. I was about to take my hand away, but before I could react, he leaned forward and kissed me. My head was spinning, and I almost flinched back, but I couldn't let myself be so cruel. Brett shouldn't be treated like this, he shouldn't be treated like this. This kiss has no sparks, no sex, but it is comforting, familiar and sweet. Before I left him, I asked him to kiss me.

"I'm glad you are safe, Bethany, and here, with me."

"We can get through difficulties together. We can get through any difficulties together."

His hand held mine tightly, and he got closer. I swallowed heavily, not knowing how to continue. I have never dealt with such a thing. "Bright, we have to talk."

"You had a difficult time there."

"We are all."

"Sometimes things happen..." I frowned. Did Jenna speak to him, or did he perceive a strange atmosphere between Cade and me? In any case, he seems determined not to listen to what I have to say, or to rationalize it.

"Have you talked with Jenna?"

"Jenna? No, why?"

I hesitated, not knowing how to continue. He must have discovered something between me and Cade, or maybe Cade said something after I fell asleep. "Brett, there are some things we should talk about. Cade..."

His hands clasped my hands tightly, and he leaned closer. "We don't have to talk about him. When people are frightened or stressed, they do things they don't normally do."

"It doesn't matter, Bethany, everything will be back to normal now, at least in the current situation."

I don't know what to say to him, the pain of clenching my chest makes me almost unable to breathe. I have known Bright for most of my life, he is a good man. I am the scary and wrong person. I held his two hands in mine. I know what to do, but maybe I don’t have to do it now. Obviously he doesn't want to do this now. Obviously he insists on hoping that we will get better. I can't give him too much, but at least I can give him. Can't i

When I noticed a movement, my eyes looked towards the door. I don't know how long Cade has been standing there, but if he doesn't move, I will never notice him. He seems to be part of the yīn shadow, because he seamlessly merges with the yīn shadow. I was surprised and a little disturbed by the way Shadow embraced him.

When Brett leaned forward and kissed me again, I couldn't stop. A painful light flashed in his eyes, his hands clasped mine, and he sat on his heels. When I unzipped my hand from Brett's and stood up slowly, I couldn't look at both of them. When I stretched my cramped muscle, my back protested against the action, but it felt good to move again.

When Cade turned on the switch, I blinked at the dazzling light. When he saw Cade leaning against the door, Bright's face suddenly showed resentment. "What do you want?" Bright demanded.

Brett decided to vent all his anger on Cade, not on me who belonged to it. Cade raised a black eyebrow, as if mocking his handsome face. Under the entertainment, despite the boiling tension. This situation must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise it will become very bad. It should not have come to this point from the beginning.

This is totally my fault.

"You know what I want, or at least who I want," Cade said slowly.

I lowered my mouth, clasped my hands on my arms, and stared at him in disbelief. I can't believe he would say that. "It's a bitch!" Brett growled.

I grabbed Brett's arm and he took a step forward, threatening me. He looked around, ready to beat Cade so hard, but Cade was still leaning against the door nonchalantly. Although Brett is 0 pounds heavier than him and inches taller, he does not seem to be bothered by Brett's anger at all. "I just think that all the questions should be on the table, so that I won't be confused about my intentions." I can only stand there and continue to stare at Cade dumbfounded, his eyes burning on me . "I know what I want, and now you know too."

Brett shook my hand, his hands punched and kicked at the sides of his body. I was trembling with Cade's hot expression and what he just said. "Don't do this now," I whispered. Brett did not relax, but his gaze slowly moved to me. The look of betrayal in his eyes made me want to cry. "Bright, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to let this happen, I never thought of hurting you, this is the last thing I did in this world..."

I was breathing heavily, and he pushed my hand aside, and yanked his arm out of my hand. When Cade left the door, his nonchalant expression disappeared. Anger made his face sink; his eyes were like black ice cubes, like muscles twitching on his cheeks. My heart was pounding, and I stood between them, raising my hands to prevent Cade from approaching.

"You want to vent your anger with others, then use me to vent your anger!" Cade roared. His anger was so unstable and so strong that my hair stood up. It doesn't matter if Bright is big, at that moment I thought Cade might kill him. "It's not her, it's me."

Before I knew Cade's plan, he grabbed my hand with surprising tenderness, thought of the angry expression on his face, and started rubbing it. "It's okay... I'm okay," I stammered. His eyes looked at me; his eyes softened, and the edges of his eyes wrinkled. My hand was holding his hand tightly, and I couldn't stop my immediate physical and emotional reaction.

"What's the matter?" I was fascinated by everything and didn't notice Aiden's appearance in the room. His hair was swollen from sleep and his eyes were a little swollen, but his sharp eyes made him a little nervous. "Are you okay?" He asked me when his attention was focused on Cade's hands.

"I'm fine. Everything is fine," I tried to comfort him.

He glanced at Bright, then at Cade, and finally at me. Cade was once his friend, but that was a few years ago. Brett is now his best friend; I know whom Aiden will be loyal to. I don't want to involve him. "It's better," he said. "Abby, Molly and Jenna are also awake."

"Very well, we have to figure out what we are going to do."

"Didn't Bright tell you?"

I looked back at Brett, but he didn't look at me because his eyes were still on the far wall. He closed his mouth tightly and crossed his arms on his broad chest. I was pained by the rejection I felt in him. I swallowed heavily, turning my attention back to Aiden. "No," I told him.

"The rental shop at the end of the road does have diving equipment."

I frowned in confusion. "But you said that was a bad idea."

"This is the only one we have right now. The fact that we need to go to the mainland hasn't changed Bethany. We can't stay here. They will find us." As I searched for his power, my hand gripped tightly. Cade's hand. I know I should let him go, I know I will only hurt Bright more, but I can't let myself let him go. I'm such a terrible person. Cade put his arms around my arm, and he pulled me a small step closer. When Brett listened to Aiden, half of his attention was still on Brett. "We must do something, Bethany."

Although Aiden tried to remain expressionless, doubts and surprises flashed in the eyes of the three of us. He focused his attention on me, shook his head, opened his mouth to say something, and then closed it again. He mumbled something in a low voice, and I couldn't hear him clearly, but Cade pulled me closer to him.

"I know," I muttered to myself.

"It's dark now, we should leave soon."

I can't wait to leave this apartment and make some space between Cade and Bright. But the thought of going out again and completely exposed to those creatures made my back feel a chill. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)