Magic Notes

Chapter 205: Greed (9)


Tears burned my eyes, but more than that, I could feel a swelling anger rising in my chest. I walked towards the little girl and looked at her innocent face and her slightly curved mouth. She is almost a perfect, life-size doll. Part of me tried to believe that she was a doll, and the other part wanted to destroy the things that caused all of this to her.

"We haven't figured this out yet."

I looked back at the man, and I even forgot that he was there. "Do you want to understand something?"

"We think we know how the frozen man was selected."

I walked towards him quickly, and when my hand returned to me, I immediately regretted it. "How?" I gasped.

"People who are still moving have one thing in common."

"what is that?"

"We are all O blood."

I thought it was impossible, but in fact I felt Yan disappeared from my face. Three years ago, when we classified our blood types, my brain suddenly returned to biology class. At that time, I already knew my blood type, because I had undergone a lot of blood type tests when I was in the hospital after the car accident. My father is o and my mother is a.

This seems to be something I inherited from my mother.

I swallowed heavily, refocusing my attention on the man. "How did you know?"

He combed Ling's hair with one hand, looking a little tired. "I tested everyone in this building and they all have blood type O. People trapped in this freezing state did not."

He stared at me, arms folded across his chest, his eyes sharp. "Are you a doctor or something?" I asked.

"It's true, but before that, most of my work was focused on research."

"What kind of research?"

We all knew that I was delaying time, but I hesitated to meet his sharp gaze. He is a doctor, he may have saved my life, but I feel overwhelmed by his gaze. "I was studying cysts and fibrosis, but when the aliens arrived, I started to study them. I was attracted by them and I plan to learn more."

"Do you know anything about them?"

"Nothing more than we already know." When my gaze turned to the child, I turned away. "I found out that they would not immediately kill all the people they took away."

My eyes returned to him, and I took a step forward involuntarily, excitement gushing out of my body. If he is right, then there is still a chance, no matter how small the chance is, Cade is still alive. I felt tingling and thrilled with excitement, but I dared not give him too much hope, fearing what he would say next.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"They will drain part of it immediately." When I think of the man on the street, I shudder. "They also took some other people away. I believe they will store them for emergencies."

I am disgusted by this idea, but hope is still beating all over my body. "Are you saying that Cade may still be alive?"

His eyes became sympathetic, but his relentless gaze made me feel cold. "I think this is extremely unlikely."

"But it is possible," I asked.

"It's possible, but you'd better not think about it. If you can look forward, that's even better."

I can't look at him anymore. How can I simply move on? This thought caused a painful cutting, tearing my heart apart. "If you have a chance... ... "

"How do you approach him? What would you do? You don't even know where he is or where to start looking for him. You can't find him."

I looked at the man in front of me dumbfounded. I hate what he said, and I hate what he said. I am dissatisfied with the fact that they may be real. but...

I know I will not give up. I will never. If Cade still has a glimmer of hope alive, I will continue to look for him.

I once again focused on the little girl, my thoughts tumbling, because I tried to sort out those confused thoughts and emotions. If he was alive, what did they do to him? My head was bent by the anxiety caused by my feelings and thoughts. If he doesn't cut that line, I can save him if he gives me a chance. He sacrificed himself for me, and I must save him now. There must be a way to find him, and he will do it for me.

"Do you know your blood type, Bethany?"

I had to force myself to see the doctor again. The speculative light in his eyes made me feel like I was pinned under a microscope. "About blood type, you may be wrong. O is the most common..."

"But everyone here is still moving, including your brothers and sisters. None of the frozen people have blood type O. I may be wrong, but it is not our unity factor. The possibility is very small. . Even though this is the most common blood type, there are other people with different blood types. This may not only be a matter of blood composition, but it is the most important connection I have found. Do you know your blood type?"

"Yes," I answered bluntly.

"You are badly injured, and you need a blood transfusion when you first arrived here. I won't hit your blood type, because everyone else is type O. Even if you can still collect blood from your brothers and sisters, your brother told me you can't. ."

When I forced myself to meet with him and stare at him, I refused to look away from him. "NO, I have not."

He continued to study me. "If you allow me, I want to conduct some other tests on you."

"What kind of test?"

"Some genetic tests. There may be some different things in your blood, your genetic makeup is different from other people, these things make you immune, and other people are not immune."

"You are also immune."

"But you are different." He seemed a little too anxious to start poking me. "You are different from the others here. If you can, don't you want to help?"

"Of course I know!" I protested excitedly, only to realize that I had just given him the response he had been hoping for it was too late.

"Good, good. There may be some..."

His words disappeared as the door creaked open. When Aiden poked his head out of the corner, I breathed a sigh of relief, and my heart was filled with joy. When I hurried past the doctor towards my brother, a slight cry of joy disappeared from my ear. He grinned at me and extended his arms to greet me. He grabbed me and hugged me carefully.

"Finally," he whispered. I held Aiden tightly, and needed his solid comfort at this moment. "Are you all right, Bethany?"

"Yes." This is a lie, we all know it, but it is a lie we are all willing to accept now. Abby walked into the door, and Bright followed. They hugged me cautiously, although Brett held me for a long time and exceeded my expectations. "Are you okay?"

"Very good," Abby assured me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"do not you remember?"

Everything in me avoids the memories of the last moments on the beach. "No."

"One of the things hit you, but thankfully, the rebels were already in the woods when we landed. They were able to defeat it. You were hurt very badly, but the doctor took good care of you, and you'll be fine."

I reluctantly smiled at Abby, but I am sure I will never get better again. "Rebel?" I asked.

"There are about sixty people upstairs, eight of them are soldiers, and the rest are survivors. They have a considerable number of weapons and are relatively safe at the moment," Aiden explained.

I feel that time has passed too long, everything seems to be slipping away quickly, but I don't know how to stop it. But it must be prevented; it must be changed, no matter what.

"You must be hungry." Abby drew my attention back to her. "When you are away, we can only give you juice and some soup."

I was surprised to find that I was extremely hungry. As they walked down the corridor, up a flight of stairs, and entered the large warehouse, Abby continued to chat. Her conversation was tense and nervous, and it took me a minute to realize that she was filling my mind with her words instead of thinking of Cade. Because of this, I love her even more, but it didn't work.

I carefully observed the people gathered in the building, some of them sleeping on blankets and thin mattresses. Others huddled into a small group, even though they didn't seem to speak. The lobster pots were stacked almost until the top of the cave-like ceiling was against the back wall.

"This way."

I followed Aiden through a back door into a small kitchen, which must have been used by the workers. There were a few people inside, putting their plates and talking quietly. The enticing smell of the food rushed over my face, and my stomach gurgled eagerly. They gave me a plate of canned beans and a peanut butter sandwich that looked as delicious as a steak. I picked the food. I am very hungry, but I find that I have no appetite.

The curtains were closed, but I still pulled them back and stared at this peaceful day. I plan as I eat. There are soldiers in the crowd, well-trained soldiers, they know how to hunt, how to attack, how to strike confidently and accurately. They can teach us how to hunt and how to kill.

Soldiers who can help me find Cade, or soldiers who can avenge me. Because if I didn't find him, or he was dead, I would do my best to retaliate until I was stopped. My attention was focused on two men and a woman in military uniform standing at the front door.

I put down the half-eaten food and left the kitchen. I don’t know how to find Cade again, but I know I’m tired of running away and hiding. It's time to stand up and fight. It's time to take our world back from the monsters that destroyed it. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)