Magic Notes

Chapter 206: Greed (10)


These soldiers are the ones who want to help me do this.

I put the rifle in my hand, spinning it back and forth slowly, I stared at the dim field. On this quiet summer night, even the crickets did not chir, but since the freezing came, the sound became extremely quiet. I tried to convince myself that one day I will get used to it, but that hasn't happened yet, I know I'm just deceiving myself.

In this once full of vitality and vitality, it is impossible to become accustomed without noise. Doing so means that I am satisfied with the reasons behind this quietness. I will not and will never get better for the death and harm that aliens bring to the earth. I will never accept the fear and loss that this brings to all of us. They took my mother, they took Cade.

My mind avoided the memory of the last moment we were together, when he cut the rope that joined us and sacrificed himself for me. He loves me. He only told me a few seconds before he was kidnapped, but I still don't understand why he did it. My life is not worth his. Since he was taken away from me, of course it was of little value.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to relieve the pain that was pressing on my chest. Even without him, I would like to achieve something and become a better and stronger person, but I was suffocated by grief and drowned in grief. I don’t know how to swim, and I don’t know anymore. When my father died, I had been floating on the sea. I had no choice but to move on after my mother died. Although I was still breathing and moving, I clearly realized that without Cade, I would never Can't live. I'm just an empty shell of the person I used to be, and that person was not that great from the beginning. After this failure, I couldn't make up for it, I couldn't cheer myself up again. Unless I kill something, it's more intense than what's left in my body. For this reason, my heart is filled with struggle and anger.

I am ready to fight, but strangely, in the past few days, alien monsters have been scarce. I don't know what this means, but I know I won't stop hunting them. Until I knew exactly whether Cade was still alive.

If he is still alive, I will do everything I can to save him back.

I leaned forward, holding the gun tightly in my hand, and stopped switching back and forth. "Did you see anything?"

Brett sat up next to me, his broad shoulders rubbing mine. I don't need to look at him to know the warmth of his gentle green eyes or the gentle sweeping of his dirty blonde hair. I like his handsome face. Until Cade appeared in my life again and showed me what it was like to fall in love with someone, I might have married Brett and built a simple life with him. But then I met CapitaLand again, and everything changed. I love Bright, I really love him, but Cade has my heart and soul, and he owns everything about me. He always does.

What happened between Cade and I made Brett very sad. He still hopes that one day we will be together again, no matter how hard I try to make him understand that we will not be together. Bright wanted to believe that my feelings for Cade were because Cade saved my life and because I was traumatized by the gods because of the loss of my mother. He chose to believe that one day I would be convinced like everyone else that Cade was dead, and I would ask him for help again.

However, even if Cade is really dead, this is a fact I don't want to believe, and I will not turn to Brett for help. I can not do it. At the thought of Cade’s disappearance forever, I almost broke down, but if the news is confirmed, I don’t know how I will react and how I will deal with it. I don't know if I can still be a good person, and I don't know how good I am now, but I am afraid that I will get worse.

There is no one else, and I would never treat Brett like this. He deserves better treatment than the cruel and ruthless person I have become. If Cade disappeared forever, I would be much better than the broken me. Brett deserves love; he deserves the intense surprise and joy that I felt when I was with Cade, even if it was only a short time.

I just hope Bright can see this eventually.

"No," I murmured.

"It's almost time to go back anyway."

My fingers tapped the gun lightly. I'm not ready to go back yet.

This is a patrol, just like this one. Although it couldn't save Cade's life, it saved my life. Although I may feel that my life is worthless now, there are others who may need our help. They can appear at any time, just like the seven of us emerged from nowhere.

I stood up and stretched the tight muscles in my back and legs. With a rifle on my shoulders, I bent down to grab the flashlight on the ground. Because of prolonged inactivity, my whole body felt pain; I had to walk around to let the blood flow back to my feet.

Brett grabbed my arm, and when he put a finger against my mouth, I was stunned. I was still bent over halfway, and my eyes returned to where we were sitting. We are in the suburbs, surrounded by trees, but I suddenly felt incredibly vulnerable.

I squinted, looking for something that caught Brett's attention. Then, across the field, I saw a flickering movement. I quickly folded back to the ground, trying to make myself as invisible as possible, because all my senses were in a state of high-speed operation. We haven't seen any traces of aliens for several days, but now something has appeared, right on the edge of the tall grass.

I felt the movement on the right, but it was not an alien over there. Replaced by others in our team. I caught a glimpse of Darnell crawling through the bushes and wanted to get closer, his deep skin and camouflage uniform almost blended into the surrounding night. Sergeant Darnell Hastings has the highest rank and is responsible for managing the remaining five soldiers in the survivor group. One was killed, and the other went to Rhode Island to find his sister and niece. I hope he has done it, but we can never be sure.

Darnell is responsible for training survivors, or at least those who are eager to learn how to fight, fight, and protect themselves. What I want to do most now is to fight, to kill, to destroy everything that once ruined our lives. My heart was beating, and I couldn't wait to look forward to what was about to happen. I long for blood and revenge.

Darnell motioned us to stay where we were. In the past two weeks, we have been under his strict training, but he still thinks that we are not capable. I am angry at the restrictions he has placed on us, and I want this. I need this.

Darnell continued to climb forward; he motioned to Lloyd and Sara to keep them behind. Before "Frozen", the three of them stayed together for nearly two years; they knew each other's movements, gestures, and thoughts without even speaking. It's fascinating to watch them move almost uniformly and work together.

Although the aliens disbanded all branches of the army seven months after their arrival, the three aliens have been living in the Wareham, Buzzards Bay area. They will meet with another soldier from the area every day to continue their secret training. Thankfully, they, like me, have doubts about the alien's declaration of peace.

They were lucky that they were together when the freezing happened; eight of them survived. None of them can return to their family members, and no one can find them again. They yearn for revenge and justice as much as I do, and I believe they will one day turn me into a murderous machine just like them. They tiptoed to the edge of the woods and changed positions very close to the ground.

I bit my lower lip, took my rifle back, and clasped it tightly in front of me. I wanted to get closer, but stayed where I was. I am not a soldier under his command, but I obeyed Darnell's orders. He knew what he was doing, but I was still clueless. I want him to teach me everything he knows, and it doesn't help to annoy him if he doesn't listen to him.

Thanks to Darnell, and the predicament we are in, I can use a more capable gun than a few weeks ago. At first I was not good at shooting, but recently I seem to have acquired some strange natural abilities. We didn't practice often because we couldn't waste ammunition, and we couldn't attract the attention of others, but when I was able to shoot the last few times, I didn't miss it.

From where I was hiding in the tall grass, I focused on the thing that was crossing the field in front of me. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but it doesn't look like a giant tick/octopus/crab/jellyfish-like thing, which can wake people who have been frozen by violently sucking blood. Those who we still don’t know how to reawaken on our own. We are not even sure if those people are still alive or if we can save them. It has been so long since "Frozen", it seems impossible for any of them to survive in their frozen form.

However, none of us is willing to give up hope.

If this is an alien creature, then it is much smaller than what we see now. They are usually large and swollen like ticks full of human blood. The aliens themselves are anomalous human appearances with their black hair, eyes, and olive skin to deep skin. Before "Frozen", they rarely got off the spacecraft, and since the attack began, there has been no sign that they have come back.

I suspect they will not. They wanted our life and blood, but they never showed a real interest in our planet. I put my hand on a rough white oak bark and looked at the other side of the field laboriously. I can't see what caused this movement, but if the movement of grass is some kind of sign, then it is getting closer and closer to us.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and a cold sweat began to flow down my back. Then, the grass split open, and a young girl came out. My jaw dropped and my hand was tightly clasped on the tree trunk. I don't think I will be surprised when I see Elvis step out of this field by himself.

I don't know where she came from, but there is something so lost and lonely in her that I have the strangest urge to cry. A strap hung in front of her blood-stained tank top skirt. There was copper hair on her slender shoulders. There was more blood on her forehead and cheeks, and the eyes on her thin, pale face were sunken. She is so petite, so delicate and fragile, my heart aches for her, she reminds me of Abby, I almost rushed out of the woods and ran towards her. I managed to stop myself only because Brett stepped on a part in front of me.

Darnell pointed to Sarah, one of his soldiers, and then pointed to the young girl, who was staring at the woods mercilessly. Sarah nodded, and then slipped into the shadow of Yin. I know which direction she is heading, but I can't see her almost immediately. When she appeared again, it was three hundred feet to our right, and she was walking from the woods to where the little girl was.

The girl turned to her, but did not notice Sarah's presence. She must be terrified, I thought crazily. Sarah being pointed at by a gun may not help much, but I will do the same if I change. If we have learned anything recently, it is that anyone and anything can be dangerous. Never let your guard down.

Sarah walked steadily towards the girl, her face still expressionless, but I could feel her confusion and hesitation. Brett grabbed my arm and I wanted to approach him. I almost protested his control, but I remained silent. I was too scared to make any sounds or movements because Sarah was completely exposed.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asked. The girl was motionless, without a sound. "Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

I stopped breathing, my lungs started to burn, but I still couldn't let myself breathe. Something is wrong, this is not normal. When Darnell stood up and pointed his rifle at his shoulder, he seemed to feel the same thing.

Then it happened. So fast, none of us had a chance to shoot. The girl was still standing there one second before, and the next second she was pressing on Sarah. At first I didn't know what happened or who moved out first, but then everything became painful and obvious. That girl is not a girl.

When she jumped forward, something came out of her mouth. The tentacle/tongue punched Sarah in the face. Disgusting bone cracks resounded through the silent night sky. I couldn't move or react, because Sarah's face collapsed like a rotten pumpkin. That thing, I now realize that it is surprisingly similar to the tentacles of those monsters who are chasing us. It slid down Sara’s throat, and the ugly girl knocked her to the ground with more force than I thought. .

By the time Darnell recovered and fired at this terrifying creature, it was too late for Sarah. When the bullet passed through the creature [girl], she bowed sharply. When the little monster fell, it made a strange hissing sound. Its tentacles slammed through the air, and then quickly retracted into its mouth.

In front of us, the girl/the thing seemed to melt. ** and bones have been reshaped into a completely different thing, but strangely, one of the ugly deadly creatures we are more familiar with emerges from the body of a young girl.

It is not as huge as some of the others we have encountered, but this one looks more threatening than any bigger one. First, it seems to be able to imitate humans very well. This is something we have never experienced before.

I didn't realize that I was pulling the trigger until I felt the recoil of the gun in my hand. I pulled the trigger again and again, even though the gun was empty, I still did it. There is still a sane part of my mind that realizes that I should stop hitting. However, I couldn't let myself put down the empty gun until Bright grabbed the gun and forced it to the ground.

I feel ashamed because my whole body quacked and even my teeth trembled. I lost my mother, I lost Cade, these things I have seen are far beyond my memory, but for some strange reason, I shivered so badly that I could hardly stand up. What I just witnessed made me panicked, and I thought I might really have to pee my pants.

It looked so human, so weirdly childish, what it did... all it did was shatter Sarah's pretty face. Even from my distant position, I can see that she has nothing left. When I realized that Sarah's mother, if she were still alive, would not recognize the pile of bones and pieces in front of us, my tears burst into tears.

"It's okay, Beth." Brett trembled as he said these words. I temporarily doubted whether he believed them. I do not have. "It's ok."

I swallowed heavily, I wanted to sit down, but I couldn't. I must stay strong; I can't let them see that I was upset by what happened just now. "No," I disagree. "That's not the case. This situation hasn't happened for a long time, and it won't happen again in the future."

This is the first time I have said this idea out loud. This is the first time I have truly admitted to others that I have more and more doubts. When I saw Brett's clear green eyes, I realized that the worst part was that Brett, who was optimistic and loved Brett, also believed it. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)