Magic Notes

Chapter 211: Greed (15)


The previous homeowner gave me a good price for bringing the murderer of their daughter to justice. What qualifications do I have to argue

I walked around the car and glanced at my front bumper. The collision with the guardrail is much more serious than I said, and the bumper looks a bit loose. Well, it's already in danger.

I moved the seven stones to the front door, and when I was about to take the doorknob, the doghouse door suddenly opened and something passed through my lap. Unless Baxter stands still, it is impossible to tell if he is a dog, cat, hamster or squash. I mean I like dogs, but I don't like dogs smaller than cats. This completely goes against the will of God. I once saw Baxter being beaten by a rabbit. I'm not kidding. A little white rabbit beat him so hard. He refused to go out for a month.

I walked into the front door, put the cooler on the kitchen counter, and thought of the sandwich. I got back into the car, grabbed the Angelini in the passenger seat, and noticed that Baxter jumped into the car and fell asleep quickly in the driver's seat.

Did I mention that Baxter is a narcolepsy

He may fall into a deep sleep on a whim. Before the vet diagnosed him with sleep disorders, he visited the doctor four times.

I gently pushed the pug with my hand, watched him move, and then he disappeared in a puff of smoke. I concluded that Baxter is a half pug and a haunted guy. He is a pug lover.

When I walked back to the kitchen, Lacey was pouring the contents of my freezer into the refrigerator, and her dark brown hair was exposed from the top of the refrigerator door. Her voice came from behind the stainless steel, "How about the sandwich?"

"It's great. I had egg salad and sausage."

"You didn't eat turkey?" Lacey is famous for her turkey sandwiches. She stood up and put her right hand heavily on her hip. She smiled and said, "Very good. We can eat when you take me to paint tomorrow."

painting? Oh, right. "When do you want to leave?"

"I want to watch rìluo." She smiled. "Well, it's not looking, it means literally."

I laughed with her. Lacey calmly treated her blindness. If you weren't smarter, you would never doubt that Lacey's blue-green eyes were just for decoration. She suffers from multiple sclerosis. The current acute attack, which is more widely known as an attack, relapse or sudden attack, is temporary blindness. According to the doctor, Lacey’s condition was due to inflammation of her optic nerve. He said this usually clears within four to twelve weeks. It's been eight weeks since the ** light went out. I pray every night that she can open her eyes and the world will look back at me.

I answered her drawing question, "Sounds great. By the way, I will be rowing with your boyfriend tomorrow morning."

"That's how I heard. I'm glad you and Connor are still together, even if you broke up with Caitlin."

Connor is Caitlin's younger brother. Caitlin and I were the ones who hooked up the two of them. "Speaking of Caitlin, she left a message on my phone this afternoon. She wants to have dinner together. I have been thinking about excuses for the past hour."

"Tell her you're blind, it's useful to me." She laughed at her wit and said, "Just kidding. I asked her to call you."

"What do you mean by asking her to call me?"

"I had lunch with her this afternoon and we talked about you. This is usually a forbidden topic, but I can see how lonely she is. She really misses you. God knows you are too stubborn to give her Call. Even if you are just as lonely, let me add. You two are great. Don't let the other person run away just because you are an idiot."

Speaking of this, I want to know if they have an idiot relationship. Next time I go to the bookshelf bookstore, I remember to ask Marguerite.

Lacey and I picked up the sandwich and went back to the living room. Italian leather sofas, an oak entertainment center across the wall, and a flat glass coffee table come with the house for $10,000. With a plop, Lei Xi sat on a yellow-brown sofa and picked up the remote control. If I were a fan of the Mariners, Lacey would be a diehard. She forced me to buy some digital cable TV sets, and you can watch all the baseball games on the planet (there is even a channel where you can see little Asian boys playing pickled cucumbers).

Lacey discovered the Mariners' playoffs—they fell 4-5 in the seventh game—and ate a third of her sandwich in one bite. She smiled, revealing a huge meatball made by Angelini, bulging from both cheeks.

I couldn't help but say: "Connor trains you very well."

Lacey said she was going to bed, and I watched her walk up the stairs, perfect. On the other hand, I retreated to the back deck to read leisurely. I'm not cold, but I got goose bumps on my arms, and I threw a few logs into the outdoor fireplace. (When Lacey bought a novelty for the first time, I used to blame her, but now it has become my favorite house.)

The wave rushed thirty yards behind me, and it made the sound of directing the band toward the baritone haze of the lighthouse.

In October, I opened the second "Eight", and the white paper was shining in the moonlight. I had a weird feeling that the moon wanted to read it from my shoulder. On October 8th, he reunited with his long-lost cousin in an outdoor fireplace, and I saw Thoms's half of the description of the third victim. The center of the book suddenly burned, and the deck gleamed in the light yellow fire. I lay down on the recliner, the goose bumps became a distant memory.

When I woke up, the light on the fingers of a couple with jaundice began to appear on the horizon. The Surrey Breakwater Lighthouse was floating in the fog, and it took thirty seconds for its piercing sound to be heard.

I wandered down the deck stairs to the beach, did a hundred sit-ups, then a hundred push-ups, and then sprinted along the coastline. In twelve seconds, the ratio of seagulls to sand has changed from about one to eight to one to zero. If you have never seen a clumsy seagull, then you are one of the lucky seagulls. It is almost a pain to watch these birds consume so much energy just hovering in the air. This is equivalent to paying only the interest on your credit card bill. That's it for the topic of birds.

After running a quarter of a mile, my right quadriceps tightened, and I stopped and rubbed the muscles with my hands. My right quadriceps muscle is obviously smaller than the left quadriceps muscle. My fingers subconsciously noticed the bullets coming in and coming out of the wound. Both scars are close to the size of a five-cent coin, and they look and feel like tissue made of cork.

When I set off again, the sun had officially broken through the horizon, and its light slowly rushed from the waves to the coast. It took me twenty minutes to walk to the Owl Head Peninsula, pat the sign with my open palm, and then turned around. I ran the distance in about half the time, sprinted through the last three bellows of the fog number, and then fell on the white sand beach.

I glanced at the bay and saw Lacey treading on the water thirty yards away. Lexi was a statewide swimmer in high school. After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, she has been studying at Temple University on a swimming scholarship. Due to a brief period of blindness, she began to tread water for 45 minutes a day to stay healthy. She must have heard my sand collapse, and then screamed: "Connor called ten minutes ago. He said that if you don't get it within ten minutes, he will hire a lawyer and kill you."

The Verona Rowing Club is a huge red brick building surrounded by high terracotta walls. There were four women hovering in front of the club, and when I approached, they all peeked in my direction. I'm not sure whether the reputation or the shame caused the public's attention. In any case, this is unpleasant, I speeded up my pace and walked past them. In hindsight, I wouldn't walk as if I was holding a coin with my butt, but with hindsight, twenty years is twenty years. do you understand

When I entered the outdoor locker through the front door, I saw Connor doing stretching exercises on the other side of the bridge, with a paddle on his shoulder and his waist bent. I grabbed my rowing shoes from the locker, ran the last one hundred yards, and crossed the bridge.

Connor grabbed my last steps and straightened his body. He took off his shirt and tattooed his first letter CED on his muscular abdomen. I must be eye-catching because the initials of his name tremble evilly.

He said: "What? Rowing is not enough for exercise. You have to jog 10 miles beforehand? You look like you just escaped from your grave."

If I didn't vomit, I would laugh. Connor threw me a bottle of orange Gatorade, "Oh my God. You won't die outside, are you old guy?"

I rinsed my mouth and drank all Gatorade’s drinks. "Call me senior again, and you can start calling that paddle Bubba. Understand, Ellis?"

Connor bit his right cheek, and he would do it every time someone called his middle name. Regarding the threat, it is empty. Connor is like Godzilla, and I am an Asian who is running around, three feet five inches tall (about 1.7 meters), yelling English untimely. Connor is twenty-seven years old, a few inches taller than me, blond and blue-eyed, and his physique resembles Batman's armor.

The woman who came out of the door had already walked out, and I noticed a black-haired woman pointing me to a newcomer. She either said, "That's the guy who vomits all over the bridge", or "That's the guy who walks with a tight butt like being in love with xìng", or "That's in the book on October 8th." The guy"

All choices are painful and I am ready to avoid the paparazzi. I stretched my head to the water, suggesting that it was time to go. I jumped into the water and Connor got into the front slot of the shell. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)