Magic Notes

Chapter 233: Greed (37)


The echo of water dripping into a puddle echoed in my mind, like a hammer on an anvil. The hard floor under my feet is deeply embedded in my back, and the uneven ground leaves dents. The cold air was mixed with a musty smell. This smell did not make me uncomfortable. I sat up and felt a panic and amnesia.

After a while, the room slowed down, and I noticed a strange glow from the rune in my hand. I use it to clean the rooms around me, but my eyes slowly focus. I put my hands on my knees and sighed, feeling exhausted and disgusting. I was wearing a robe that Grayson might have covered me, because my clothes had been torn to pieces when I deformed to treat the wound on my neck. Then Grayson picked me up and took me away. I don't know what I think. He was not exactly my "brother" in this life, but it was a mistake to show him naked.

My neck is still painful and stiff, but the rest of my body seems to be fine except for my wrists. It aches and burns. I stared down at it, studying the thick metal bracelet deeply embedded in my skin.

It is still on me, which means I am still under Grayson's cāo.

"Ephrem," I whispered into the darkness.

"He is not here."

"Who is there?"

I turned my head to the direction of the sound, but it was difficult to locate it because it bounced off the wall. I regretted it immediately. A deafening percussion filled my head, and I pressed my hands tightly on my temples, for fear that once I let go, my head would burst. I saw a faint flash. I remember seeing Efron screaming at me while Grayson grabbed my arm and flew away. The pain in his eyes hit me like a train, and I started to whimper. I miss my love. His warmth and care disappeared temporarily, far away in Temple City.

Where did I go

"Grayson?" I shouted in the empty darkness. My eyes adjusted to the torch light on the wall, and I started to see something. At that moment, I noticed some small holes evenly distributed in the alcove. Piles of bones are neatly stacked in each pile. On each stack of skulls stood human skulls, and the empty skulls stared at me from above. This sight awakened me from fatigue. "What the hell is this?"

Grayson walked out of the dark darkness and took out one of the torches lit on the wall he touched. On the bright side, the darkness seems to extend forever. I am probably a few miles away from the nearest exit and light. His black hair disappeared in the darkness, and his pale gray face was reflected in the light of the torch, illuminating his stiff face. He is very young, maybe only twenty years old. I am not sure because he mentioned eternal life and the century waiting for my return.

I am Maria, the long-lost princess and sister, Grayson, Alpha of the Kelhan Monster Transformed Wolves. This is the conclusion I have drawn from his casual meditation, but it hardly makes any sense. During his scuffle with Ephron, my head hit hard. My thinking is not clear enough to understand.

"We are well hidden in the catacombs on the outskirts of the temple, and will not be spied on by anyone. This is the resting place of our brothers and sisters. The Kelhan ethnic group."

I looked around and didn't see anyone.

"Where are they?" I looked at the bones, and they mocked me in the alcove.

He knelt down and raised the flashlight in front of me. I looked at the lights wincingly. It hurt my eyes and increased the lingering pain in my head.

"I'm thirsty," I added, sounding like my harsh self in the past. finally.

"Wait here," he said, then stood up and walked into a dark tunnel. I stared at the skeletons, looked at me in the pavilion, and swallowed. This place is full of ghosts from the past. My dry throat feels like sand on the beach. How long have I been in a coma

a couple of hours? How many days? Alfred may be so worried, I can't tell him that I'm still alive. When I sat there worrying about my love, a crack formed in my heart, and I was in deep water. Will he forgive me for leaving with Grayson? An inner voice told me. Of course he will. Is he looking for me now? he loves you. Of course he is.

The tears stung my eyes, but I was so dehydrated that it didn't increase enough to drop.

Grayson returned with a thermos filled with cold water and a plate of granola and fruit bars. I gobbled it down and he told me to drink it slowly, otherwise I would vomit it all out. I licked my chapped lips obediently, feeling better, and took a peek around before trying to chew the food.

"Where is the statue of our race?"

Grayson was sitting on a creaking wooden chair. I hadn't noticed him before. He stroked his chin and looked at me thoughtfully. He looked tired, if it was possible for an immortal. Does he need to sleep? Maybe he is just like everyone else, except that he will never die. This makes me wonder how he can endure in that kind of gloomy environment without losing his mind.

"When you are ready, I will take you to the room of the soul, where they sleep."

"Are you alone still awake?"

He straightened up and stared at me with stoic eyes. "Yes. One of us must stay awake to find you and help you remember what you need to do to save us... Free us from this abyss of hell. You chose me as the new Alpha, and My only job is to wait for your return. I have been waiting for centuries." He rubbed his face and stared at me with those bright black eyes.

It was a long wait. I hope he has not lost his mind during this period of time.

"Grayson, what have you been doing all this time?" I had to make him speak. My brother makes me creepy. He is not a pleasant person, if there is anything, maybe I can use his feelings for his sister. I look like her. I hope his care for her will not hurt me. I want to know the ins and outs of the whole story, because I don't remember anything anymore, so he had no choice but to do so.

"I travel a lot, especially when I'm bored. I blocked this place, hoping that no one will find it. That's why the soul room is in the depths of this maze. In case someone finds this place by accident, our The wolves will be left alone and isolated from the world." He twisted his neck and turned his shoulders, looking even more tired. Obviously he needs to rest. How long has he not slept well

"So I should break this curse... Does it make you live forever?"

"Yes. When our Alpha warriors decided to steal the forbidden magic from the Little Red Riding Hood, we stopped aging. Although we did not support the actions of the former Prince Alpha, the curse was passed on to the people who stayed in the Palace of Mark Till at the time. Everyone." He paused when he stood up. "Our father."

I opened my eyes wide. "Our father brought a curse to our family?"

"Yes. Our own flesh and blood."

"Where is he? Is he with you?"

"He's dead." Grayson narrowed his eyes and stared at me sharply, his eyes darkened. "I have to kill him to inherit the throne and become Kelhan Alpha. It was Maguire who asked me to do this. He died in my hands, because it was other members of our race who followed me into the wilderness and came here. , The only way to enter the darkness of our home in the catacombs." He sighed. "So close to home, but so far away."

Hearing how he faced our father and killed him to save us, my heart was pounding. How much did Grayson lose in the battle to maintain the race? This reminds me whether he is still sane, or whether his best side has gradually disappeared after centuries of repeated thinking. After experiencing this self-evident crime and centuries of isolation, not many people can remain intact.

"Why do others choose to become stone?"

"You ask me as if you don't know it. You, that is, yourself, ask everyone to take potions so that they don’t suffer a more tragic ending. Most people don’t want to live under such a curse and never see again. To the light, but looking at the sun through cold, icy eyes. You gave them a way out. You gave them a potion to sleep them until the curse was lifted and washed away from our system."

"How come? How did I reincarnate when you were here a few centuries ago? Am I dead?"

His eyes stiffened, and he walked over to me, with nothing but disgust on his face. I stepped back until my shoulder hit the stone wall, flattening my body, hoping to escape his anger. He was furious, and when he bent down to face me, the veins on his temple burst out, causing his head to tilt slightly.

"Why don't you remember? You told me that once you are an adult, your memory will rush back like a dam breach. Why not? I even gave you a year to recover it, but I am in yours I can't see my sister's shadow in my eyes. It's like... "He walked away slowly, pondering his thoughts. I wish he could say it out loud. I need to hear anything that can evoke my memory, give me the information I need, and keep this madman away from me. "It's as if her soul didn't return to this world with her body. It's as if she was... replaced by you."

He stared and narrowed his eyes, as if to call out his sister. Suddenly, he jumped up and walked away without saying a word.

"Wait!" I shouted loudly. "Where are you going?" I got up, and the water and food he gave me made me jīng vigorous. My body screamed in protest, but I tried to follow him and grabbed my neck, because in the melee between Grayson and Everem, I almost broke my neck in a tree A terrible kink of the.

Female name Female name. His name pierced my eyes, and I wiped away the water that leaked from them.

"Go to the catacombs," Grayson shouted in the darkness. "You should see my brothers." (to be continued) (end of this chapter)