Magic Notes

Chapter 234: Greed (38)


I applied mascara on my cheeks and my fingers left angry streaks on the wet skin. No matter how much I want to dig out my damn eyes, scream, and slam the moldy walls in those alley buildings with my fists, I don't want to admit that I have made incredible mistakes in everything so far.

So, very wrong.

It is not difficult to understand the process and reasons of all this. Who killed me, what, and when. My stupidity jumped into the lowest valley ever, and I felt like I was submerged by a bottomless puddle of mud. There is no air in such a deep place.

Bottom of the form

It's all my fault. all. mine. mistake. How can I be so naive

"Damn it!" I screamed in the rain. When I tried to stare up at the disappearing sky, the downpour made me invisible. I can't see much from the building. The rain drops from the sky like a spear from the sky. It hit my head, forcing me to lower my head to cover my red eyes.

At least the rain washed away my makeup and absorbed my tears. This is very appropriate, really.

You see, I failed tonight. in many aspects. I'm doomed. If there is any way to solve the problem that I caused tonight, I will listen to it with all ears. No one can help me now, I can only rely on myself. There is no group of wolf girls. I am a lonely person now. Because of my stupidity, contempt and complete belief that I am invincible... untouchable.

I was so wrong. Such trust and fragility.

I am dead here.

As soon as I walked in, the room was closed. The topic is obvious, but I don't have time to get angry. Even if it's not just about me, I should be told first.

I continue to walk forward, no one can know the gangsters rolling in my mind. I must act calmly, calmly, and not discouraged. Inability to show weakness, weakness means death and low self-esteem, this is not a characteristic of a wolf leader.

My only sister, Liliana, was relieved of her ardent amulet last night because she lost an important artifact in our ethnic arsenal and was kicked out. Without these two, the magic of our race will be even weaker. For her, exile is the only thing that can be done, but when they drive her away, I should be there. She was just a thorn on my body, and a thorn kept piercing my epidermis until the infection she was going to spread overwhelmed me and made me feel fanatical anger. She pushed me to the limit, no matter how much I love my sister, if I continue to control the wolf clan, her behavior will no longer be tolerated. I will be the queen. Any disrespect to the members of the queen, even my dear sister, is unforgivable.

Anyway, when she was taken to the gate and let me go casually, I should have known it. Why didn't anyone tell me it was because of a sore spot between me and Jill, who was about to become my husband, and I wanted to find out why.

Bottom of the form

With my head held high, I strode past the main conference room of our ethnic home in the suburbs of Temple, California. This is a fairly large city, located right in the middle of the state’s coastline, but the large number of supernatural activities here tilts the scale towards groups like ours. The scenery is pleasant. It is not only surrounded by mountainous deserts, orchards and dense forest mountains, but also a kind of magic. Yes, ordinary people also settle here, but the number of people who have a good impression of supernatural things far exceeds them.

This is a dangerous period of lack of magic talent.

I walked to the front of the room, and when I reached the podium where Jill was waiting, every pair of eyes was scanning my face. The funny smile in his eyes made me even more angry. He likes to get the attention of anyone willing to pay him attention. I am pretty sure I am happy-suicide decided to live with him as my fiancée, especially after I have repeatedly found him with a group of women with suspicious purposes. I am not with him for love. There are other things that are more valuable and attractive.

So far, I have not caught him cheating in the strict sense, but I have begun to suspect. If I did, I would pay a heavy price, and I made sure he knew it. I long for more than just being his wife. Power is something I desire, and this position will give me that desire. I have been waiting for a long time.

Top of form

Now, it's time to clean up the mess Lily left me. I have to organize a search team to retrieve Lily's lost crafts. It's really not her fault. She may be a cunning guy, extremely smart, but someone is much smarter than her. When her accomplices stole an antique, all her play tricks turned to her, letting her take the blame, and rot in the exile. I will find this traitor and hope to take my sister home. But I have other things to deal with first.

When I reached Jill's side, I gave him a fierce look, then turned to the group of dull-eyed people, waiting for the next move of the royal ruler. Jill and I are actually married, and since Jill’s father fell ill a few days ago, everyone knows that we are the leaders of the wolves. At this moment, he lay down on a scorpion at the end of the hall, slowly and painfully dying. Sadly, he was fatally wounded and infected with a fast-spreading virus by an unknown criminal, and soon left, but this is the law of this land. Either kill or be killed. Either fight or die. There is no kindness at this time. Those who attack him will soon pay the price.

As I watched the restless crowd in front of me, I took a long, calm breath. My thoughts were mixed, and I was with my dear sister. Anyway, I love Lily, and the worry that suffocates me is for her. I hope she can come out alive. There is no group of people to support her, she is as if she is dead, or is forever cursed in endless danger haunting those supernatural beings exiled in the city or in the wild. Most people died in exile within a year if they stayed in the city, but some survived seeking refuge in the vast wilderness surrounding the temple. I hope she is smart and find the loneliness she likes, because this city is full of souls eager to swallow everything and happen to enter their arms. As we all know, Lily always makes some reckless and sudden decisions, and these decisions usually do not have any good results, but she is an experienced fighter who can kill a wolf twice her size.

Top of form

I hope she is smarter now than ever.

Nevertheless, this hope did not calm my nervousness, because when I faced the backpack, rumors of shame spread in the crowd faster than the fire caused by gasoline. It's time to extinguish the flame, or it will devour my backpack and ruin everything I cherish.

"Welcome, knights. I am convening this vital meeting to solve some urgent issues that need attention at the moment. I hope someone will volunteer this time. I really hate that when assigning positions, those are more suitable for someone. People with these things should take the initiative, show initiative and accept the position offered. Now is the time to unite and fight for what we cherish. Our ethnic group. Our family. We really want to avoid the last time. Thing, isn't it?"

There was a whisper in the room, and I turned to Jill to signal him to continue speaking. Alpha must unite, otherwise the wolf pack is in danger of disintegrating completely. Since we learned to speak, we have become accustomed to it.

"Thank you, Rafaela. My love. As the acting Alpha of this race, I must inform you that our ruler Alpha died twenty minutes ago."

Suddenly bursts of whispers, gasps, and murmurs erupted from the wolves. The room is full of movement and anxiety, because we realize that life without a leader washes everyone's soul. My eyes drilled in Jill for a brief moment, trying my best to cover up the impact of this shocking news. Why didn't he tell me before the meeting? How could he hide such important news from me

I thanked my firm composure and kept my face from breaking down. I took my gaze away from him and focused on the exit sign at the back of the room. When I let its silhouette and its impoverished existence damage my eyesight, the red light shined with the same light. Jill’s expression hadn’t revealed any news before, and I can usually see it easily. During the years by his side, I learned to predict his every move, every need, every wish, and every emotion. However, it was only recently that I discovered that I knew very little about my fiancé and my sister.

Bottom of the form

I was surrounded by strangers, and I had never felt so alone like at that moment.

Later, I let Jill own it because it excluded me from such a critical cycle. If this alliance is to solve problems, he must learn to respect my co-leader of the wolf pack and his spouse. Otherwise, the consequences will be serious, not only for my family, but also for the entire wolf pack. Including Jill.

"The ceremony will be held later tonight, and I suggest that everyone attend." He turned to me. A lingering question lingered in his eyes, but he did not say it. "That's all." He stepped off the stage, walked towards the back of the room, and then disappeared into the door.

Everything has changed today. I know better than anyone here. I followed, not trying to catch Jill, but hoping that I could escape from the auditorium and return to my room, before my anger appeared, before my collapse, before tears. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)