Magic Notes

Chapter 236: Accident (1)


But who asked him to help me? My confusion is like the stone in my stomach. Very good.

I frowned and pressed my lips tightly. I hate this. Speaking out loud will make the wound deeper. I am so happy that my tears disappeared as the raindrops slid down my cheeks. If I were still a member of the royal family, I would scold him for embarrassing me. but I do not have. I will never be anymore.

"I was banished," I whispered, but I knew he heard it. I turned and walked away, the words still on my tongue. I don't want to see his pity for me now, because I have told him the reason for my unusual appearance outside the palace. I have nowhere to go. No money, nothing. I was driven out carrying my clothes and a bag of property. I walked through the kingdom in shame, walked out the gate, and entered midnight, which was the worst thing I have ever experienced. Even so, I decided to succeed anyway.

With a hand on my shoulder, I spun, and there was a gurgling sound in my throat, which I couldn't restrain. He shouldn't scare a shapeshifter. I know my eyes will scare anyone who does not belong to me, but my unusual, yellow eyes and fangs growing from my jaw, when I let this change change my appearance should be enough to scare anyone NS. not him. When he watched me fight the Shapeshifter, his arms hung beside him.

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There was no trace of fear in his blue eyes. In fact, no emotion betrayed his feelings. Just like a good soldier. His indifference made the flames in my veins bigger and bigger, making me ready to fight. Frustrated, I gave up my werewolf magic and let my people return.

Exhaling a deep breath in the night air, I closed my eyes and raised my head back.

"Leave me alone." Tears kept pouring out, and I really wanted to drown in it.

"Miss, I can't leave you here alone. It's not safe."

I opened my eyes abruptly and stared at him. "I told you I was banished. You can stop being obsessed with etiquette. I don't have time to waste on a poor royal guard. Especially Mark Till. I'm fine by myself."

"If you go with me, I know a safe place where you can stay warm from the rain."

I laughed. It turned out to be more hysterical than I expected, but I was not in the mood to bear it anymore. In fact, he offered me any asylum, most likely his home, which was kind, but knowing it was most likely on the territory, making the offer more bittersweet. I was not only expelled from the Royal Palace, but also from any wolves' territory, including most of the entire city.

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I am really alone now.

"You will be punished for harboring a non-citizen like me... a traitor. I can't do it. You know I can't."

He stretched out his hand. It shone with water because he was soaked in bones, just like me. The cold rain did not affect him at all. I was shaking, on the verge of hypothermia, but he waited patiently.

"It's outside the border, I promise." His eyes gleamed in the moonlight for an instant, and the moonlight passed over the storm clouds above his head. They are amazing and unusual. I have never seen another man with deformed eyes like his.

It may be outside the base camp, but they are not the only rulers of the city.

"But those vendors..."

"They have no jurisdiction there either."

I looked at him suspiciously, staring at him intently forever. His proposal caused me more problems than anything else. Even so, there is still something that makes me trance, motioning me to follow it. Absorbed by the hypnotic sea of cobalt, I stretched out my hand and accepted his hand, letting him lead me through the path of the dark city that I had never set foot on, into the unknown world.

This place is now my new home. There is nothing but strange and frightening.

But what choice do I have

I focused my attention on the garden outside the window. And the hard platinum bracelet signifies that I am an ancestor, and I can't help but frown. This road is always golden for a group of princes. Anything I want will be delivered to me immediately, anything.

What I want is the most impossible to get. My father died today after being attacked by an unknown assailant. I hope that person, that creature or that thing will hang for it.

This is my only wish.

Instead of watching the surrounding circus perform in the vast garden my mother manages as I lamented. She is now outside, pruning branches and leaves, digging in the soil, planting and nurturing her nest of precious flowers, fruit trees and other gardening expertise. I don't know anything about them. I have never liked her gardening skills, but when I watched her wearing gloves and methodically walking through the tulips, morning glory and other flowers she kept alone, I hope I can let her achieve that kind of peace. degree.

I have no such luxury.

Her husband died before he died, and she was so peaceful before the storm. I like and hate this feature of her, but that is my mother. Adelaide is neither keen on war nor peace, but her presence calmed everyone who saw her in person. This is an ability that confuses me, and sometimes I can see the same qualities in my partner Raphaela. My parents chose her as my fiancée when I was born, even though I strongly suspect that my mother is more responsible than my father. Raphaela is my perfect companion, but I know it has nothing to do with fate. Adelaide is closely related to choice.

"It's time." At this moment, the voice of my beautiful bride-to-be interrupted my reverie. I didn't look away, but continued to stare, immersed in the repeated movements of my mother's hands.

"My mother?"

Raphaela approached the window, breathing, looking tired. "I will take care of it."

She turned around, her long dark brown hair dangling before my eyes, she was going to find my mother. The gentle breeze replaced her, leaving behind the fragrance of honeysuckle and spring air. Close my eyes, I let it swirl around me. Rafaela is intoxicating. That's the word. No one can compare to her, and I don't know how my parents found her many years ago. Her parents are not members. They come from another ethnic group, far away from here, on the other side of the earth. Because they had a new-age daughter and wanted to ally with our wolves, they were called to become a family of werewolves. They moved to another place and happily sealed our future with a blood oath, and guaranteed the bonds of our two families forever.

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Now, when we are 22 years old, we can usually get married as we wish. The only exception is that if the ruling Alpha dies or becomes disabled in any way, we will get married within three days and occupy a leading position in the family.

We have two days to prepare for the wedding.

I know that Rafella is in control and may be as nervous to death as I am, but it all came too soon. We just grew up Chéng Rén, and with the marriage, a series of other problems also followed.

I don't expect it, whether this is my destiny.

I removed my eyes from the glass, turned around and grabbed my jacket. It's time to hit the road. I hate funerals, especially those involving family members. Who hasn't? My task now is to find the murderer of my father, and I am pretty sure that the only person who can help me has just been banished to this city and may be dead now.

I shouldn't have banished her so quickly. It was a hasty decision to send Lily away so soon. I was so upset that Lily was pushed out of the door before Raphaela came.

Beyond the borders of the Arctic Knight’s fortress, most lone wolves will not survive one night in the slums of the city. No. I'm pretty sure that my fiance's sister is no longer there. I regret letting the old people deal with her fate, and I dealt with it too quickly. I never thought that until later, she could have some answers to the circumstances surrounding his death. Now... That's a dead end. Finding her in an abandoned house and impoverished street is almost an impossible task. In a city the size of Temple, it is almost comparable to New York City. In addition, there are a group of competitors nearby, they must really want to bite her.

The Mark Dier family shares this city with us, but they control the south of the city, and we control the north. The middle, east and west are neutral lands, officially called the Temple City, but not under the rule of any tribe. No one has crossed the other's territory, but between the two? Everything is possible.

"Ready?" Raphaela asked, returning after finding her mother.

I nodded. "Yes, and you?"

She sighed and gave me a melancholy smile. "I will always be like this."

"Tell me, dear?"

"What's the matter?" She cheered up and waited for me to sort out what I wanted to say. If it is wrong, I might offend her. That's something I don't want to do.

"Do you think Liliana knows who killed my father?"

When I mentioned Raphaela's sister, her once cheerful face became tense. She does love her brother, but their relationship is more based on responsibility than love. I never noticed. Although Raphaela rarely showed slight indifference to her sister, Liliana never said wrong to her sister. The two have a close relationship in private. Although their relationship has not completely broken down, the public life of the royal family has broken down.

"I don't know." Raphaela lifted her chin and stared at me with cold eyes. "If she knew, she would tell me."

"She always tells you everything, right?" I eased my provocative gaze. It is necessary to walk carefully here. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)