Magic Notes

Chapter 239: Accident (4)


Uh, I went again. Not that he is not worth seeing. Since I was an adult, I have been deprived of any decent quarrel with a boy. It's as if my family doesn't want me to fall in love with any potential male suitors. The reasons for all this puzzled me. I am an unknown person, not even now, but still, there is not even any rumors that I am going to be engaged to anyone. Should I stay single forever? of course not.

My poor attempt to evade his censorship was not missed by Everem. Before he interrupted our communication and put the tray on the bedside table, his suspicious eyes lingered for a while.

"I made breakfast. I make it by myself every morning, just adding a little more to your plate."

"Wow, I... You don't have to do this. Really." Delete this sentence. I am starving to death.

"Nutrition is not a blessing, but a necessity. Please... Eat. You need your strength."

I raised an eyebrow, doubting what he said.

"what do you mean?"

If you want to survive on the streets of the temple without group protection, you need to start your training today. You can't always hide in the apartment. You need to walk around the city from time to time, especially when you need something. I can't always look at you either. You have to learn to take care of yourself. "

"Wow... Wow soldier. I'm trained. Believe me. Look at it for yourself! This is my right to speak in the palace. A second-class member of the royal family who has no chance to rule a race or even get married. Do whatever they want to keep busy. If you must know, I choose to learn the art of fighting. I'm sure you can't beat me as fast as you think. "I stuffed a piece of bacon Put it into your mouth and chew vigorously. He underestimated me. Just like everyone else. Oh my goodness.

He smiled and shook his head, as if he didn't believe me. I don't blame him. Most members of the royal family will not voluntarily choose to receive training in self-defense and martial arts. Yes, all members of the royal family have been trained in ArcKnight's stronghold, but maybe he doesn't know it. I want to know if the Mark Dier family nurtured their royal family members. Maybe not. Maybe they rely more on the help of bodyguards than my ethnic group. Maybe he joined the Jǐng guard so he can be a little adventurous.

My backpack? No... My previous ethnic group.

I sighed. Fuck. If I can, I won't let myself fall into more danger, but I can protect myself. When I was young, I was more like a tomboy, and my parents were very happy to send me for training to keep me busy. When they were busy with the affairs of the kingdom and there was no time for him to take care of them, I was missing one more person. I know this better than anyone, and I seize the opportunity to learn what I desperately desire to learn.

""Ok, I trust you. I did see a colorful performance last night. Even so, we still need to test your abilities and expand your training. Do you think they don’t really take the training of royal family members seriously? Your sneakers have not brought you any benefits. "

Knowing that he insulted my formal training, my displeasure grew spontaneously. What a bastard, but it doesn't matter. I am playing a game. I can take him if I want. I don't need testing or similar crazy things. He doesn't know what will happen to him, but I would be happy to give him a few bruises.

"Very good," I said vaguely. "Can I buy more bacon?"

He nodded, turned and left the room. "There is more on the stove. You can use anything in the apartment, miss."

"I told you not to call me like that!" I shouted after him, but he had already left the room, leaving me alone to speak into the air.

I hate that, but when I saw the food plate he handed me, I suppressed my anger. No one can keep angry around the food when the roar of empty **** and the rebellious stomach are involved. I don't want to admit it, but the eggs, sausages, toast and bacon he piled on his plate looked absolutely delicious. How can I say no to such a feast? Oh, of course not!

I jumped down from the sex and felt a bump on my breastbone. I looked down and saw the amulet that Ephraim wore last night. Why is this thing hanging around my neck? I stared down at it, my fingers slid across the warm metal, spinning it in my hands.

These runes are unfamiliar to me, like a language I have never seen before, but they make me feel like I have seen them before. This metal feels both vibrant and warm, just like it generates heat on its own. I swear I can feel it buzzing just under my skin. The stone is the face of the moon, shining in the sunshine.

Is it an ardent amulet

I shook my head and let it fall back to my chest. I'll have to ask Ephraim later. He couldn't have it. Only people with royal blood can do it, right? I sighed. There are so many things circling in my mind that I don't want to add another one. First of all, breakfast is an angry call.

I stuffed the delicious greasy food into my throat in five minutes and frowned until they were all finished. I didn't realize how hungry I would become. Being exiled is a hungry job.

It's not a bad thing to have a soldier who can cook and take care of me now. Maybe the exile is not so terrible.


Lily was pushed off the ground, making everyone angry. This is the fifteenth time, maybe more, or this time, I dropped her to the ground. It is also very painful for me. She is not suitable for this kind of punishment, I hate it. My friend Jason and I are committed to defeating her in as many creative ways as possible, just to prove how sad her so-called training in this base camp is.

Hey, she doesn't believe us. The look on her face now proves that she is reconsidering everything I told her and wondering how difficult it will be to escalate.

I hope she is overestimated. She was beaten up.

""Are you going to give up now? We are just starting to do things. "Jason stood up and giggled, waiting for Lily's attack. Her face was flushed, her long black hair was drenched in sweat, soaking her face and neck. In this case, she can't Use the word "panic**" to describe it. If I hadn't spoken to her, I would say that she could collapse at any time.

"Come on, Lily. What are you waiting for?" I shouted. She needs someone to push her. She has no other requirements. She has this skill. They just need to be refined, we are the best Mark Tilbao who can train her.

Jason is now the chief scout of the Outland Army. Soldiers guarding neutral nations call themselves this way. We are a group of organized people. Well-lubricated machine. The army is only composed of soldiers from Mark Thiel, because the Knights of the Big Horn have their own legions to search the borders of Outland near the borders. Here, we get mixed up from time to time, but this doesn't happen very often. If necessary. If Jason knew that Lily was an arc knight, he would have an epic fit. He may have been banished here with me. He is my best friend, but he is still a spoiled soldier of the noble Marktier, if I have ever seen it.

Anyway, he is the only person in the world I trust enough to help me train Lily, and if he happens to find out who she is, he can shut his damn mouth. There is a long list of people who want her life, if they know her true identity, but I will not allow it. She is my fiancee, and I respect her, even if we no longer promise each other. We went there once and that was what I needed.

She rolled up her face angrily, her fingers crossed her palms, her knuckles stiff and white. "You have to pay for the last point."

Jason waved to her, blinked at her, and continued to jump back and forth. "Baby, give me what you have."

I never said that he was not a macho, but it was so good that it irritated Lily and put her into warrior mode. Anger is more useful than the expression of giving up on her face when she realizes how badly she is training.

"Whatever, bastard. You have a date with the floor!"

She rushed towards him, throwing her body into the air and approaching the ground. She grabbed Jason's ankle and yanked hard. This action threw him onto the floor next to her, grabbing him unsuspectingly so that she could let go and turn around, grab his arm, and fold it behind his back when he faces the ground. She sat on his back to prevent him from running away.

Jason used his only good arm to yank and hunch as much as possible, but she pressed her tightly with her thigh and pulled his arm harder. The situation is not good for him.

"Relax!" she asked, pulling his arm again.

"Stop! Alright, alright! I'll give it!" Jason Zisè's face and the blue veins protruding from his temple made me feel that he had had enough.

I clapped my hands, shook my head, and laughed. Jason is very familiar with Lily, and Lily is fast and petite enough to avoid him. It was surprising, but I was so excited to see her winning in the battle.

"Good job! I need to see you fighting like that more often." I grinned at Lily, and she panted hard, echoing my smile. Her teeth are white and neat. Jason frowned, deepened the wrinkles on his sun-bathed face, rubbed his arms, looking very depressed. "You were beaten by a girl, man," I said.

He roared, the low hum of wolf boiling through the surface, his eyes gleaming yellow.

"Wow, we don't want anything crazy to happen, do we?" I squinted at him, and he immediately calmed down. He is not my second lieutenant for nothing. When he had to do this, he knew exactly what he had to do. Jason jumped up and walked away angrily to calm himself down. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)