Magic Notes

Chapter 250: Accident (15)


The soldiers slept in the same common room full of uncomfortable cots, but the owner of the arena did not see any harm in allowing us to enjoy this external pleasure. Maybe they think that the soldiers should not be ignorant, they should know what is happening in the world. I don't know if this is to make us docile or to fill our minds with the horrors of life outside the wall. This is confusing. Not all fighters fighting in the pits are slaves; some do it to get a better life and make money.

not me. I used to be a prince. A humble second-born prince, he has never ruled the wolf pack I grew up in, but I am still a prince. Instead of living in a luxurious environment, I was trapped here to repay the blood debt owed by my brother Eaton, who is the future ruler of the Mark Thiel wolf pack.

Instead of him, I fight. In his place, I paid with blood, sweat and tears. I was enslaved until I completed the quota for my contracted spouse. Only in this way can I leave ZìYóu, maybe, just maybe, to find my fiance. My brother violated the divine rules of the abyss. Fighting cannot be interfered with. If so, the fighter will become the property of the owner of the arena. In order to save my brother's life, I am willing to intervene. If he died, he would never become the leader of the wolves of Mark Tier.

But he will never stay in jail for a day. On the contrary, I served him and made him bleed and suffer.

For the wolf royal family living in Temple City, things have never been that simple. There has never been anything in this supernatural hell. I hardly knew that once I finished my semester in this pit, I would never live as spoiled as before. Instead, I was assigned to a senior position and never really lived as a member of the royal family. My future was branded with emptiness, and a huge black bar crossed it, replaced by the fate of an outsider, an abandoned person.

Nevertheless, I am still me. It's still Fren, the second child of the royal stronghold of the Marktier wolves, and I will stick to it.

Why? Because she was there, and I was destined to find her again.

I eliminated the puffy expression on my face while I was sleeping, and this expression still concealed my appearance. The trial that happened the day before left me feeling exhausted. After that, I ran all over the city without thinking about where I would end up. Somehow, I finally came to the place where Everem and I ate together. Maybe when I sit at one of the tables and wait for fate to take me away, I am looking for a sense of comfort and familiarity. Whatever it is, I don't know where else to go.

How does it feel to be evicted from my home forever? I'm not very clear, but it doesn't feel good. I feel lost and thrown away like trash yesterday. It is worthless and unpopular. At least, I think so now.

On the other hand, Ephron also returned to the restaurant and joined us with a smile. He did not reject me like my wolves, but hoped that we would exchange ardent amulets again. His marriage promise is still valid, and our engagement is still very real, even if the royal backpacks of Mark Thiel and Aknet will never recognize our union. We don't care. We are in love.

He saved me, but he didn't even know it.

Now, the next morning when my new life began, I stared at the opposite bed, watching Ephron breathe gently, and he was lying beside me. Only a piece of cloth covered his waist, but when I looked down, I felt blood boil on my face. It's hard to look away, so I didn't. I watched his sex for a long time.

He may be God. There is no imperfection in him. Although his body was covered with rows of faded scars, no one attracted me more than him. After all, he is now my fiance. I can not believe it. Our marriage contract has been voided. He doesn't owe me anything, but he still wants to marry me. Whether his family agrees or not. This filled my heart with love for him, and I cuddled up next to him just to feel his strong arms around me. He exudes a heavenly fragrance, and at the same time exudes a comforting heat, driving away the cold.

He is everything I need, and everything I have.

A few hours later, we all wake up and enter a brand new day, preparing what comes our way. He is still the guard of the Outland Legion, but I hope his job will not keep us apart for too long. When he is working, I will stay there, but I can explore the city in a ZìYóu.

What will I do in the outer realm of the city of the temple? I have never worked a day in my life. I've always been a spoiled princess until my only so-called friend Elise takes it all away. Can I recover from the amulet she stole from me? I have no idea. This betrayal is so deep, I still can't believe that she lied to me for so long. But that was a thing of the past, and now everything is over. Because of her, I was evicted from my home forever, so I am here, living my new life.

I got better results. She is dead, and she deserves it. Even the pain of losing a friend cannot hide my anger towards her. She will go to hell. I no longer care about her, or the past. Only look forward. If I don't want to lose myself in pain, I must keep going.

"Are you going out today?" Everett's voice awakened me from my thoughts.

"Yes. I'm thinking—I should get a job or something." I rubbed my finger on the edge of the coffee cup. The black sex is bitter and sharp, just like my thoughts.

"Close to this area. I don't want you to work late at a distant neighbor's house. You know how dangerous it is. At least I know you have the ability to take down those unlucky guys." He walked out of the bathroom, fastened his belt, and then Picking up a row of weapons, remove the backpack from the dressing table in the room. His miniature armory occupies most of the furniture, but he must make room for my things.

Delete this sentence. Our room. It's our apartment now.

I really like this sound.

"I will remember. Maybe the bookstore down the road needs help. I don't know what a job is like, but hey, it will help me look forward."

"It's this kind of jīng god. At least we know that you won't be chased by any fortress now." He bent over to me and kissed me lightly. "Now that we have retrieved the amulet, we don't have to worry about being used. What else can you ask for?"

His smile illuminates his face, and I smiled too. Once, there was a little snow in my body and goose bumps on my skin. I can't believe how lucky I am. Evere is the most xìng soldier I have ever seen. He wants me to be here and with him. His enthusiasm is contagious.

"Yes. Listen, I never thanked you. You know... Thank you for saving my life."

He slid to the fuck next to me and pulled me into his arms. This is the only place I feel safe now, even in the quiet environment of his apartment. I don’t know if I will feel safe or trust in anyone again.

"If necessary, I will do this." He kissed my head, and I stared up into his deep blue eyes. They are all hypnotizing, the most I want to do is hug him tightly and never let go. I hope he knows how grateful I am for his love and strength. I would never get here without him. I am very sure.

"I know. I will do it for you too. I just want to thank you."

"You're welcome."

He stood up, grabbed the newly sharpened knife, and inserted it into the scabbard already tied to his belt. He was ready to patrol Orland for another night, just in case Mark Till's wolves were threatened. His patrols did not necessarily lead him to the area where his apartment was located, which was a neutral zone between the two gang strongholds, but he promised that he would inspect the area at least a few times.

His promise is the only real thing I know. His words are the only thing I believe. I hope he can stay in my life for a long time, because I need this kind of comfort.

"If you need anything, you can use this to contact me." He put a small mobile phone into my hand. "There is my phone number. Leave me a message or call. Anyway, tell me how you are. I promise to call you back as soon as possible."

I nodded. "OK, thanks."

I watched him slip away quietly, leaving me alone in his modest apartment. It's comfortable here, but it feels empty without him. Interestingly, the time it took him to become a large part of my world was so little that when he left, I felt scared and lonely.

I put my jacket on my clothes and put my phone in a pocket. It's time to step into this world and start my new life. This is a new adventure, and I should be more excited.

On the contrary, my heart is full of fear, and this fear is only amplified when I walk in that door. There will never be peace here. The backpack ensures this. There is nothing but the ruthless world outside, but I decided to find my place anyway.

Researching the restructuring plan of some military departments of the company gave me a headache. My general and right-hand man Alec suggested these reforms. When I stare at the mixed charts, graphs, and names, each page blurs to the next. This is a difficult task, and I am lucky that he can accompany me through every section of the road. In the center of Outland, the sheer number of soldiers who are promoted, need to be promoted, or demoted is incredible. I was relieved because the whole process was more formal than my duties. Alec covered it, but he had to show me the plan formally. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)