Magic Notes

Chapter 251: Accident (16)


I would rather do a dozen other things.

There are actually thousands of soldiers. How did I accomplish this task? That's right, Jill has no brains in this area, at least that's what he told me. When Jill decided that there was something more important to do than dealing with it, it became an annoying duty for me. I personally think that he just hates Alec for making him feel inferior because of his lack of experience in this field. I don't mind that Alec surpassed me. He can talk about war strategies as much as he wants. Its left ear goes in and the right ear goes out. I just like listening to him.

Jill refused to waste his talents on these ordinary rubbish. He pawned it to me. He is a political genius, but lacks any ability in military tactics and ceremonial duties. The latter is my job because he assigned it to me and then suddenly rushed out of the room earlier. The first one is Alec’s question.

Fortunately, taking over Alpha's military duties did not bother Alec; it was his second day. However, seeing Jill treat me as an ordinary organizer, he was very angry.

"So we held a promotion ceremony at the training ground in the west, right?" I yawned, stretched out my arms, and collapsed on a chair. I'm exhausted today, and it's not yet noon.

"Yes, this is the largest one. We can gather the army inside to provide enough space for the family. The promoted soldiers can actually occupy a small part of the vicinity of the center, while the spectators occupy the rest of the seats. There will be. Many people come to visit."

"It's perfect. Just remind me, where should I be in all this?" I pointed to a high seating area, protected by bulletproof glass. ""Here, right? Is it a bit claustrophobic inside?"

"This is to protect you. Since the temple is open to citizens, we should be careful."

I took a deep breath and nodded in agreement. My mind is confused. "Sounds perfect. Where will you be during the ceremony?" I raised my eyebrows and looked at him, hoping that he was nearby, in the box.

"Of course it's by your side." His mischievous eyes flashed, making me feel palpitations. His gaze was so intense that he was sitting next to me close at hand, none of these could escape my eyes. I know how much he likes me, even though he never told me loudly. He is fifteen years older than me, and I am married. This is an obstacle that we can never overcome. Deep down, I know he knows it. Nevertheless, he looks very beautiful, and I like his company more than Jill. Fortunately, no one noticed that Alec liked to discuss these things with me instead of Alpha. Jill just doesn't have this mind.

So it all fell on me. It was inevitable, but Alec tried his best to make it less painful. Even so, I usually leave everything to him in the end.

"If you are in the box with us, who will give the prize?" I asked.

"My second lieutenant, Richard, will do what he can." Alec freed me from his staring gaze, but it was too late. It has left a mark on my soul, without it I feel inexplicably cold.

"Sounds great. It seems we arranged things well, didn't they?"

"Yes, ma'am."

I didn't move, waiting to see what he had to say. Sometimes I wish he could tell me more things. whatever. I like hearing his voice. His passion for life is addictive.

"So, I think my task is complete." I stood up, but before I turned and left, Alec was standing beside me with his hand on my arm.

"Wait, Ella... "As we stood face to face, Alec's eyes sparkled. He is too close to me. If I take a step forward, I will touch his nose, possibly my lips. I had to hold my breath and watch his nostrils open, which was a sign of another wolf's desire or challenge. There is no doubt which one it is. He was obsessed with my smell, if Jill was there, it would be a highly aggressive move. "I have to talk to you. This has bothered me for a while, but I..."

When I heard the door of the conference room creak open, my breath caught in my throat. I immediately sat in the chair, avoiding looking at Alec, whoever came, he might be staring at me now.

I know who it is. I felt it deep inside and spoke the amulet from my enthusiasm. This medal belonged to Jill before we got engaged, but I have been wearing it ever since. It connects me and my partner in many ways, telling me when he is nearby and when he has gone too far.

My amulet is not strong enough to connect us completely. This is not the only time I feel relieved. This way you can communicate with people like Alec.

"Oh, hello, Eric. Is Rafaela here? You are here!" Jill reached around the high chair and kissed my cheek lightly. I pray that my face will not burn red, because now it feels suffocating in the usually cool conference room. "Have you cleaned up this mess?" He waved his arm at the file on the table.

**The files are piled high. Organized chaos. This is indeed a bunch of horrible things, but I like it. This is what Alec and I are best at, creating order from disorder, rearranging things, and creating all the beauty. I hope I can work with Jill to achieve such harmony.

"Yes. Actually, we just finished. What about you? What the hell are you doing?" I joked, hoping to ease the atmosphere.

Jill’s mischievous smile made his dimples stand out, and I watched him push some documents aside without paying attention. It irritated me and definitely stimulated Alec’s nerves. I could feel the tension overwhelming his previously relaxed manner. I hate seeing Alec like that. I have known him for a lifetime, and I have never seen him so nervous when serving Jill's father.

"I have a perfect idea to add more rooms to the side hall of our palace." He spread out another blueprint he had brought and pointed to a new room near our master bedroom. "When we tear down the meeting room next to it, we will reinforce the insulation of the room and transform part of it into a nursery. In this part," he pointed to the opposite side of the nursery, "we will add a suite to our mother. , Let them share.". It will be a larger area than they are now at the northern end of the palace. When our children need them, they will be closer. What do you think?"

I opened my eyes wide. "Nursery? Why do we need a nursery?" When I realized what he meant, my stomach sank.

"Well, when we have a child, we need a child. This is the next step, isn't it?"

I jumped up, and when my mind heard the thought, I felt uncomfortable. I haven't even recovered from the pain of losing my sister. I miss her very much. Thinking about having a baby now? The timing is wrong. I am too busy. We were still very young.

""now? A baby? "As I tried to control the stuttering, my voice became hoarse. His plan made me stand aside, and I had no countermeasures.

"Yes. Of course it is now. Why do you think I want to expand this part? It will take several months to complete, so we need to start right away. The sooner the better. Some people get pregnant right after they get married. There are cases like this. It may happen."

Not for me. Absolutely not. A baby? I don't want to start a family. Not yet.

"I don't know, Jill. Is it really a good time to think about this? We just got married.. Losing Lily is not a good thing. For me, for my mother. Maybe we need to think about it. This is a big step. ."

The silence that followed made me want to hide under the table. Either this or go out. Alec had been enduring intense surprise, and now he looked a little happy, his eyes scanned back and forth between Jill and me with interest. Jill, on the other hand, was close to the edge of collapse, his face turned purple.

"What? Then you don't want children anymore?"

"I don't mean that. I just think we should wait until the matter is resolved. We just took over your father's job. He just died, for God's sake! And we are still looking for his murderer. Not now. when."

"You don't want to have a baby with me, do you?" Jill's face became heavy, and a disturbing calm filled his face. This makes my bones cold.

"I never said that."

"You don't have to do this. I know you hate this idea. For so many years you have been telling me that you are not sure whether you want your own children. This is the duty of the Alpha Wolf spouse. Give him a baby. Give him an heir. If you don't hurry up To have a baby, I have to find someone else." When I stretched out my hand, Jill turned away from me abruptly. He strode out of the room and slammed the door behind him without looking back.

"Wait! Jill!" I rushed over to stand up, but found myself staring at the door dumbfounded.

Alec's hand grabbed my arm again and stopped me. My heart beat faster, and Jill’s burst still made me tremble.

""Let him go. He didn't mean that. Where else can he find someone like you who is special and capable of managing affairs? He was just angry and impatient because you rejected him. "

"We are no longer in school, Eric. He may be very serious. You don't think he would do this? Find another partner?"

"I doubt it." He took me back to my chair and I sat down, still shocked by Jill's threats. I agree with Alec on this matter. I doubt that Jill will do anything, but this thing makes me uneasy and my nerves are greatly hurt. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)