Magic Notes

Chapter 252: Accident (17)


I doubt that Jill will do anything, but this thing makes me uneasy and my nerves are greatly hurt.

"Here." Alec put a glass of cold water in front of me. "Drink. Don't let him hit you like that. He just wants to impose his authority on you."

"Thank you." I swallowed a few sips, then put the glass back on the table. "Since his father passed away, the atmosphere has been very tense. I sneaked into Marktier's palace. He was angry because I almost died, and I'm sure he doesn't trust me that much now. I understand, but he does. Stop telling me anything. I can feel it. His lie hurt my heart. Why? I know when he knows he is lying. He has never been good at hiding his emotions. Why would he take this risk? ?"

"Because he is upset. Let's go with the flow. Nothing will happen."

I closed my eyes and nodded. "I think so. I just don't think everything is right."

"Give it some time."

"I will." I sighed and looked at Alec again. "Before we were interrupted, what were you talking about?"

"Oh, you can wait. It doesn't matter." He patted my hand lightly before turning and leaving.

"Okay," I whispered, trying to calm my trembling body. "We will finalize the ceremony later. If anyone needs me, I will lie down."

"Yes, ma'am. Take a good rest."

"Wait." I kissed the top of Lily's head and walked towards the bedroom. Our bedroom. It's incredible to think of her and me staying here for so long. Her exile was a cruel turn of destiny, but she was told that it was a permanent situation, which made me realize that some things happened for a reason. The relationship between us may really succeed. She and I, I plan to marry her, go to hell with her exile. She is my partner, and deep in my heart I feel that this is the only real thing. This is everything.

"What are you doing?" Lily shouted behind me. I prepared a surprise for her, and I don't want her to see the gift I received at the last minute. I spent hours searching for it, but when I finally found it, I knew it was perfect.

"Wait a minute. You have to make sure to close your eyes before I come back," I demanded.

Her groan convinced me that she was listening. When I came back, I enjoyed the way she looked at me with her eyes closed. Her face was distorted with depression, but the previous pressure had disappeared. This is another worry engraved on her face, but I want it all to disappear. Although she would protest, and I knew that I might be expelled from the Mackitire field army forever, I didn't care. I am willing to take this risk for her. She deserves every consequence.

""what's up? You are going to kill me!" Her hand was waving between us, and I held one of her wrists with my free hand.

"Be patient, dear" I bent forward and kissed her incredibly soft lips. At first it was gentle, but as the pressure increased and the sense of urgency increased. Her mouth is as sweet as candy, and I can't eat enough. I had to force myself to leave because I knew that if I continued, I would never stop.

She is a medicine that awakens my most primitive needs.

"Okay." I sat down next to her and raised the box. "Open your eyes."

She obeyed. Her eyes met mine first, and then slowly slid towards the velvet box in the palm of my hand.

"What's wrong?"

"Open it."

She hesitated, her eyes moved from my hand to my face, and a kind of excitement and fear flickered among her students. I held my breath, and she reached out and snatched the box from me. Anticipating what would happen, I prayed silently, hoping to get her response. In my heart, I know this is what I really want, and I can't wait to see the joy she gets from my gift.

The deep velvet box clicked open between her fingers, and she stared at the contents of the box in surprise. When she continued to study this project, a moment passed. I couldn't hold my breath anymore, I exhaled slowly, waiting impatiently.

"Lily?" I asked. I can't help it anymore. I must know what was thinking in her head.

"Huh?" she replied, still staring at the box, fascinated.

"I know that things are not developing as you imagined, but I know that deep in my heart, I want us to be together forever. Will you marry me?"

Finally, she blinked at me, as if she didn't hear anything I said. Her face was pale and disappeared from the pink touch just now. This is not the response I expected, but I must remember that everything Lily has done since the trial was not what I expected.

She got a job in a restaurant instead of a bookstore, I think she would like it better. This was originally a quiet place, and she could work in a pleasant atmosphere, but she chose a mess in the restaurant. Of course, this is a well-functioning machine that keeps her busy, but I can't pinpoint exactly why she wants to go there. The public did not completely recognize her, but her hair and face were different from before. The media was forbidden to find her in the city, so she was almost alone. The only thing I can think of is that she needs stimulation. This is something that makes her exhausted, so that she doesn't have to think about the unpleasantness that happened in the middle of the night.

There is nothing like fainting to prevent yourself from being exhausted by thoughts you can't do.

"Lily?" The silence was maddening, but when she turned the ring with her fingers to let the light illuminate all aspects of it, her mind went blank. "How are you?"

She nodded and put the ring in the little black box without trying it on. She closed the lid with a snap and handed it to me.

"I love you, Everem, but I can't marry you now. I'm sorry. I think. Really, I do. I've never felt this way for anyone, but the timing is completely wrong."

She stuffed the velvet box into my hand and stood up. She crossed her arms, walked to the window, stood there, staring at the street outside. The rain started again, and as usual, the raindrops danced a hazy dance on her beautiful face. Her brown eyes gleamed against the soft sunlight through the gray clouds. They skimmed through the scene below, and I tried my best to restrain my disappointment.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up.

"You can take your time. I'm here for you. You know, right?" I stood by the window with her, holding out my arms around her slim body. It suits me like a puzzle. We are a natural couple, and she must know this. I deeply know that this is true. The question is, does Lily also know

I hope she did. I need her to do this, but I am not the kind of person who forces women to do things. She must open her heart and mind willingly to come to me. Now, her brain is sealed and it doesn't leak.

"I'm sorry, Ephron. I don't even know why I think I need more time. It's just... everything happened so fast. I don't even know who I am. Princess Liliana is gone forever. All that is left for me is a pile of scattered debris. I have to pick it up by myself. I know you want to help but it is my own business. I love you, but now I need to know who I am, not part of the royal family. Who am I now?"

"You are still you. You no longer live in the palace doesn't mean you can't be yourself. Nothing can change this. You are still here, you are a strong woman. You will survive."

"I know." She sighed and put her hand to cover her forehead. I hope I didn't give her a headache. As far as I know, since that trial, she has been thinking about her life almost every moment. I don't want to increase the pressure of this transition. "It's just that I always know what my goal in life is. Here, everything is foreign. The future has never been so vague."

She waved in the air to vent her frustration. I understand, but I don't. I had to let her do what she needed to do, so I remained silent.

"I'll be back soon," I said. I put on the guard belt and put the back sheath on my head. The sword in its sheath leaned on my back, and this familiar feeling stabilized my emotions. There was nothing else to do, I turned to her, pulled her closer, kissed her, and said goodbye to her. "see you later?"

She nodded and gave me a weak smile. I hope my proposal will not continue to make her more anxious. I will wait for her forever. I have been waiting for several years. How about a few more

The night air is a mixture of ozone and cháo wet concrete. I like the moist feeling of the cool air brought by the last heavy rain. I have become accustomed to the frequent rain here. It is such moments that make me fall in love with it. I can stand on the edge of the sidewalk, raise my head, and breathe the fresh air soaked in rain. With a clear mind, I am eager for more. Especially after Efron's proposal. Maybe it's just because of how clean it smells in this usually polluted city, but it's enough to rejuvenate me after a busy night.

While I was waiting for the green light signal to pass, the car sped past. The restaurant is not far from Efron’s apartment, but I am not going in that direction. It was evening, and I needed more time to clear the cobwebs in my mind. I need to walk a long way in the city. Fortunately, I began to know which streets and narrow areas can avoid the places where the abandoned people like to gather. This street is quite safe. I like to walk to the nearby park. I can feel the earth calling my name.

My fingers itchy to touch trees, grass and flowers...anything that is alive. There is a sanctuary in the palace where the royal family can move and run in ZìYóu. I missed the feeling of touching the earth with my paw. There is no such refuge here. Even in a park with miles and a half wilderness, migration and crossing are too risky. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)