Magic Notes

Chapter 253: Accident (18)


When I was young, I used to help my mother in the garden on the edge of the reserve. I have forgotten how much I like the feeling of dirt under my fingertips. The earthy covering and gravel have more vitality than the artificial concrete around me now. Life and the responsibilities of the royal family always prevent me from enjoying these little things, and I rarely return to the garden to protect myself like an adult.

Now, when I arrive at the park, the urge to touch the ground makes me have to tear my shoes off my aching feet, just to walk barefoot on the wet grass. Compared with the feeling of being one with the earth, there is almost nothing in life. I want to know whether the deformed wolf draws power from the ground. Could it be that living in these concrete cities suppressed a deep-seated vibration of the sex, filling us with more magical potential than anything else? I know this city has supernatural appeal, but walking on the sidewalk does not demonstrate its potential like walking barefoot on the surface of the earth.

It's like a skin-to-skin hug, it nourishes my soul, beyond my imagination. I need this, and it made me realize that it wouldn't be that bad here-of course, with Every. The chaos in my heart prevented me from agreeing to him, but I didn't want to lose him. I decided that one day I must take him there so that he can feel the intoxicating power emanating from the ground. It is a miracle that there are no crowds of people on every inch of the park.

I know I have to go there every day for the rest of my time. This is the only way to make me feel at home again.

"you are not human."

The voice came from behind a big oak tree, and it chilled my bones. It is full of magic, and the goose bumps are all up. I looked around, trying to see what the speaker looked like.

He walked aside so that I could see him, but he still stayed in the shadow. His hair is obsidian face, and it frames his chiseled face. His eyes were shining with gray light, like the moon, and his black eyebrows and eyelashes formed a sharp contrast with his pale skin. He wore a fitted black sweater and tight black jeans, showing his slim but sporty figure. I was trembling in my coat, not knowing how he was not frozen, because that night was a few degrees colder than half an hour ago. He didn't seem to mind at all.

"Who are you?"

The clouds blocking the moonlight pierced the thick shadow through the silver light, exposing his face to me more. His dark hair touched his shoulder lightly, and he limped as he walked up, I barely noticed. I have never seen this person before, even though I have a strange sense of familiarity. He obviously knew that I was not a mortal, just like him.

"I'm sorry to approach you this way, but I don't know how to leave you alone."

"What's the meaning?"

"My name is Grayson. I am a scout for the Korhan Wolves. Without Prince Mark Till present, I have been waiting to see you."

Kerhans? There is no impression of the name of the ethnic group.

"Why are you doing this?" I didn't get closer. As soon as he spoke, the hairs on my neck stood up. I racked my brains to try to recall the names of the various families I have heard over the years, but did not mention the surnames of their ethnic groups. "I have never heard of your race," I said, with a hint of suspicion in my voice.

"That's because we have stayed away from wolf politics and have been isolated from the world for a long time." He tilted his head to one side, and the moonlight illuminated his eyes through the clouds. They are on me, just like a wolf would do, but he is still in human form. If there is no partial deformation, how does this happen? I don't like the fierce air flowing towards me. He obviously wants to test my defensive ability, but this time I am ready for the challenge. I can hold on.

I took out my cane weapon. He needs to know that I will not be frustrated by being messed up.

"Then why are you here?"

"We owe debts, we are here to collect debts."

"What kind of debt?"

"You are implicated in the Marc Thiel Royle family, are you?"

I squinted my eyes. "Does it matter? It looks like you need to talk to them directly."

He sneered, his black eyes gleaming with crazy light. The moonlight became dim behind the clouds, but it felt more like he was casting his own shadow at me, letting the light disappear. He smiled and showed his fangs, and I gasped. His canine teeth protruded in a challenging way, as if he was preparing to fight. Shapeshifters will not grin like that unless they want to rip others apart. I keep my senses fully jǐng aware.

I cursed myself and realized that my shoes were still hanging on my fingertips, not on my feet. I bent down, put on one, then put on the other foot, looking at him intently. Grayson's smile faded away, but he did not come closer. I dare to swear, he must find it interesting and enjoy my struggle.

"I need Everem. You are very close to him."

I laughed. "Why do you think I will bring him to see you?"

He squinted his eyes and stung my chest. He exuded a burst of magic that I was not familiar with, and my mood became heavy.

"You brought him to me because I have what you want."

"I doubt it," I murmured. I have only one wish, and that is to go home.

"Oh, you will be surprised." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bracelet. It flickered under the street lamp and seemed to emit its own light. I stared at it intently. This is beautiful and unusual. The etching marks on this piece of metal are slightly brighter than the light from other parts. When the world gradually blurred by my side, it calmed my mind and made a numb buzzing sound. Even Grayson's voice was suppressed.

"Put it on," he said, handing it to me. I walked forward, not knowing what I was doing. Even when I felt his cold fingers slip the silver bracelet onto my wrist, my wrist pressed against my vagina, I did not resist. I can not. Except for the questions he asked, the wish that I didn't want to do anything disappeared in my mind, and now there was only a cloud of happiness.

"Yes. You will get what I want. Guide him to the edge of the city, through the gate to the north, and take him into the forest. If you don't, you will suffer from the pain of silver poisoning your blood now There will be no pain within three days, but after three days, you just want to die, you just want to beg to die. Give him to me during this time, and I promise you won’t hurt you. You give him to me Before, you would act as if nothing had happened. Then you will always belong to the Korhan clan. Understand?"

I nodded. Understanding was not exactly what I felt at the time, but it penetrated my brain and his threats, and the drive to please his request was overwhelming. I must do as instructed, otherwise I will suffer from silver poisoning until I die. I don't want to die, do I? At this point, it is irrelevant. I don't care anyway. I just have to obey.

"Yes, I understand."

Tap lightly on the arm of the chair with my finger, and I struggled to settle down. One day has passed, and sitting in court is not the best way to pass the time. I had to stand patiently to finish the last case, but I had no interest in what was happening. I feel sorry for the requester because I am ready to end it. If he can't tell a good story in two sentences, then he is out of luck for me.

I hate Jill for letting me do these nasty jobs. He should be there, listening to the endless buzzing of petitioners and their constant problems that need to be solved.

"A petitioner's representative, please come in and state your case."

When Alec came in through the back door of the court, I straightened up. I was surprised to see him here because he didn't tell me he was coming or he needed to solve a problem. Why I don't know this thing makes me so confused. He is my best friend. When I first met him, he was less than twenty years old and was a member of my father's advisory committee. He has always been sober-minded and is often the only person on the committee who doesn't care about me. He always listened to my concerns and never rejected me. He would tell my father these questions or suggestions, and he always appreciated me. I have no doubt that others suspect that he is interesting to me, but his perfect record, broad wisdom about the world, and the way the army works only helped him to be promoted to a lieutenant of the Arctic Knights Palace and later a general.

Before I married Gilbert, it was this treatment that caught my attention. But Alec is not a member of the royal family and never will be. He is a nobleman, but nothing he can make him the heir to the throne. Jill is the last generation of his family. If I had no offspring, he would be the last generation. When the royal couple cannot produce an heir, the ruling Alpha can only choose a non-royal heir.

I often hope that Alec is my husband. He knows me better than Jill, but this is not his original intention, it is a bittersweet fruit. When I watched him approach, his healthy and slim body was always in good condition due to physical exhaustion, and my heart was involuntarily churning in my chest cavity.

"Thank you, sheriff. On behalf of our Alpha leader Gilbert, I have a very serious issue to deal with: He turned his eyes to me. They are full of pain, not for him, but... for me

I opened my eyes wide. What happened? Jill concealed some information from me again. Why did he let Alec go to court without notifying me? I just met Jill that morning and he acted as if nothing happened today. I can not believe it. My anger rose, mixed with hurt and a feeling of nausea. This is not good at all, and I already know that I will get a bigger surprise than I thought. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)