Magic Notes

Chapter 254: Accident (19)


I was going to kill Jill.

"I must fully point out that a judge here today is directly related to this matter. Her opinion will be invalid due to a conflict of interest and the final judgment will not apply. Are you clear, madam?"

He is talking to me. I opened my mouth but was choked by these words. I want to hear what Jill asks Alec to say, but fear revolves around me and tells me it’s not a good thing.

I cleared my throat, nodded, and finally answered successfully. "Yes, I understand."

"I understand," Alec confirmed after I spoke. He gave me a sympathetic smile, then turned his eyes back to the judge.

"Judge of the Peace, Nathan, I, Alec Stannover of the Knights has been sent by Gilbert of the Knights to present to the council a situation that is of vital importance to our leader." He paused, staring as he spoke. He looked at me as if he was talking to me alone. I know Jill imitated his words, but the way he said these words to me was more like an apology than anything else.

I prepared for the worst. This will tear me to pieces. I already know.

"Explain the situation," Magistrate Nathan said, motioning for him to continue.

Alec cleared his throat and finally looked away from him. He stared straight ahead, reciting the lines my husband forced him to say.

"It has been two months since our Alpha, Gilbert and Princess Raphaela got married. They had been in love for two years before they got married. This relationship did not give birth to any heirs of royal blood. Our leaders are worried. His spouse may be infertile and he asked for the lifting of the ban on Alpha polygamy, hoping to conceive an heir as soon as possible."

There was a rapid gasp and protest in the room. I was stunned, speechless, and unable to breathe. My whole world has been turned upside down. How could Jill do this to me? No one has ever asked for a second wife in the company, or ever needed a second wife. I can't even accept this betrayal.

Magistrate Nathan slammed his gavel, his face flushed, and he was obviously angry at the sudden sāo** in the room. "Quiet!"

The noise disappeared, but I was screaming inside. Now I know how Jill thinks about our relationship, and it blows me up.

"Does the petitioner have any medical evidence that his spouse is infertile?" he asked.

Alec didn't feel embarrassed by this request, or even flinched. He took out a letter that was folded into one third and passed it to the court official, who would submit it to the magistrate.

His Majesty the Cavalier Gilbert provided the Queen’s medical records as evidence

"What?" I laughed. "This is ridiculous! I have never done an infertility test. Everything he shows you is forged!" I gripped the edge of the chair tightly, until I was sure that the piece of wood had been with my flesh. Merged into one. This is crazy. Jill made such a nasty accusation against me, he should really check his head.

However, my heart is broken. How dare he

Magistrate Nathan looked at the creased newspaper and ignored my anger. He stared under his nose through his glasses, studying the document carefully. While waiting for the results of his analysis, I felt my heart beat faster and dizzy. If he approves Jill’s request to find another partner, my chances of getting pregnant will be zero. This is an insult, and at the same time it is destructive. How could he do this behind my back? I just love him wholeheartedly, the deepest love a spouse can give? Why doesn't he divorce me directly

I swallowed my tears and felt like they were about to shed. I hate this idea, because he is Alpha, and he has the right to ask me to be tested without my consent. Every time I go to see a doctor, I never thought this would happen. I once believed in him, but now it's all over. He took my heart and ruined it. Kick it across the court like a practice ball, accept all the insults, all the luster and freshness before the ball for the game is shown.

If the administrator agrees to Jill's wishes, I will be defeated.

I glanced at Alec and found a reserved sadness gleaming in his eyes. He was hurt for me, and he let me know it. Years of friendship taught me little signs that he let emotions escape from his expressions. For me, seeing how he feels about all this is enough, and I can breathe again. He calmed me down without saying a word. He is just a pawn in a game we are forced to participate in.

While we were waiting, he did not break the connection between us, but willingly accepted my grief. He nodded slightly to me, then lowered his head slightly. He was respected, and he was even more ashamed of this situation than Jill. Alec is my lifesaver. He is not my husband. I can't count on Jill anymore, and it's a mixed blessing to realize this.

"The result seems reasonable. Queen Raphaela can check it now." Magistrate Nathan handed the wrinkled piece of paper to the court guard Jǐng, and then Jǐng guard showed it to me. I stared at this paper, with the signs of Temple City Laboratory and Research Operations Department embossed on it. This is absolutely true. It is degrading to confirm that my husband is carrying me to check on some issues that I have never thought of. I will never forgive Jill for insulting me. will never.

"This is ridiculous." I crumpled the newspaper into a ball and threw it behind me. I stood up straight and tried to erase the traces of sadness that had been left on my face. "This is ridiculous."

My mouth felt tingling, because the blood poured into my face, my fingers turned into marble-white white, and I squeezed the armrest of my chair. As I waited for the results, everything became numb. I am not ignorant of the justice of the peace's answer to this situation. At that moment I felt helpless like never before. I was caught without weapons, and Jill knocked me down. It's all over now. Everything we built was reduced to ashes, and there was nothing we could do except grin.

"Unfortunately, this is caused by our Alpha’s concerns and demands. Taking into account the surrounding environment and the urgent needs of the heirs, I tend to agree to Alpha’s second companion’s request. This issue will be reconsidered once an heir’s Conceived, whether it is Queen Lafira or the second mate who is not yet known. The court is adjourned today.”

His knocking sound should make me jump, but it makes me feel my soul is broken. I can not believe it. I lost to Jill. In less than ten minutes, he did not appear in front of me, completely discouraged.

The crowd left slowly, with sympathetic eyes, but I still sat, ignoring their faces. I am afraid that if I stand now, my legs will not listen. It is impossible to fall down gracefully. This is what I need. Humiliation of humiliation. No thanks. If necessary, I can sit there all night.

"Miss?" A voice interrupted my thoughts, so I looked up and found that Alec was standing beside me and extending his hand. "let's go."

My lips trembled, and the real fear that was already in tears before I returned to the room was more frightening than anything else. The only thing I can do is shake my head.

I can't go back with Jill. I can not... I choked and cried.

You don't need to do this.

My eyes widened, and the light in them gave way to a teardrop on my cheek. He took my cheek and wiped away the tears with his fingers.

He can hear my thoughts. But how to do it


He put his hand on my cheek and put a finger on his lips to make me shut up.

Do not talk. I know you can't go back. I have prepared the largest guest room for you. As for our ability to communicate with each other in our heads, you can't let anyone know about it. Agree

I nodded, grabbed his hand, and stood up slowly. With his help, I managed to get off the podium and out of the courtroom. No one would think that he dragged me down. This verdict may have been blown away by the wind, and I may seem to be a little worried**.

I now how to do? I think.

We will solve it. Let's leave here first.

I exhaled as we left, and felt like I had changed back to what I was before. To be honest, it was so calming to see Alec present. Although his telepathy is clumsy, it is very useful. I am very happy that I have an ally in this chaos, because it takes a war to correct things.

I clenched my hands into fists, and I was ready to fight.

Walking on the streets of Temple City, after another storm, I couldn't vent my emotions in a way that I couldn't explain. The raindrops lightly tapped the hat of my raincoat, which made me feel calm, because there are so many things flying in my head. As I proceeded along the night patrol route, the smell of the wet asphalt road and the clean ozone layer came alive again. I still have a few hours before I get off work, but wandering around on the street never annoys me. It could be worse. I might be trapped in Marktier’s palace like my brother Itan, and become the number one man in Marktier’s gang, tired of politics and constant jokes about rules and regulations. I don't envy his life at all, even if I have to go through pain to get things back to the original state.

Yitan is not used to his position yet. My father suddenly retreated from the throne, and Yitan has only recently taken over the Alpha throne. He was not even required to get married beforehand. This is a very strange thing, we are still trying to figure it out, but so far my father has remained silent on the reason for his abdication. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)