Magic Notes

Chapter 262: Accident (27)


I spread out the unlocking tools Everem had bought me, and started picking the lock, fiddling with the brakes until I heard a satisfying click. My curious childhood finally paid off. I slipped into the dark corridor, closed the door, and locked it again. They do need to block this entrance because it is too easy to sneak in. I doubt very much whether Jill comes to these halls often. He is not the kind of person who wanders in dirty, forgotten corridors.

On the other hand, my sister Raphaela probably knew these halls in her sleep. She has been preparing for situations that are just in case. Not only that, she is the only reason I know them. Our childhood adventures gave me a lot of time to wander the halls without supervision. Who cares about the second royal daughter born? They would rather sweep me out.

I have been very satisfied with this. It allows me to fully prepare for this day.

Finding the door I was looking for, I reached out and knocked on the dusty wood. I listened to the sound of movement, hoping that my mother opened the door. The last time someone knocked on this door was when I was eleven years old. Since then, time flies.

The locks opened one after another, and my mother opened the door. Her smile made me walk into the room, close the door behind me, and plunge into her open arms.

"Lily! My dear daughter. I miss you so much."

"Mom!" I inhale her fragrant lavender scent. It evokes cháo water-like memories, stings my eyes, and makes me sob forcibly. "I need your help."

She stroked my hair, held me by her side for a minute, then let go of me and led me to a nearby reading chair. I have never really been close to her, but now I wish I had more time to talk to her. The books are piled in the small table she likes to sit in between the chairs and read stories in the afternoon. She has read the book for a lifetime, and I still remember when my sister and I were young, she told us bedtime stories.

This thought strangled my throat again.

"It's been a long time. You look pale. What happened?" she asked.

"I..." I wrung my hands, looking for something to say. Looking down at the black gloves I was wearing, with bright runes hidden in my hands, I decided either all or nothing. If my mother knew about the Kelhan family and my relationship with them, she would definitely see that sign.

I tore off my gloves abruptly and turned my hand over to show her the mark.

She was not surprised, it confused me. In fact, she never flinched once, she reached out, took my hand, and stared at the glowing lines. "I want to know when it will appear."

"What do you know about this?" I asked in surprise. I don't want to guess whether she knows the gargoyle tribe, but I have a lot of questions about them and me. about us.

She patted my hand lightly, then let go and leaned back on the chair. She took a deep breath and said. "I have been waiting for this day for a long time. I am worried that it will happen when you are so far away. So fragile. I am sorry to let you bear it all alone."

"What am I? Are you too? Is it my father?"

"No. We are not Kerhan. We adopted you when you were born. Part of your mother is Kerhan and cannot take care of you."

When I tried to understand her words, the whole world froze.


But Rafaela is my sister. Isn't it

"Raphaela is our biological daughter," she said, answering questions I didn't ask. ""But both of you are my daughters. You have always been my daughter. "

"Why did you never tell me?"

My mother's brown eyes looked tired. For the first time, I noticed the spread of crow's feet on the skin around her eyes. She looks older. Is my expulsion so difficult for her? What else happened in the palace? Of course, this is not easy for her. In any case, I am her daughter. Raphaela is also, I think her painful experience is also a heavy burden. It was a mixed blessing to see the pain I caused my mother.

"I want to tell you, believe me, I did it. Your father thought we better wait for you to grow up. Then, when he died, I didn't know how to bring it up."

""So what am I? What does it mean to be a member of the Korhan tribe?"

"You are an arc knight. There is no Kelhanbag here. Most of them died after being exiled to the forest. They were doted throughout their lives and had no conditions to learn how to hunt or survive on land. They could not return to the temple. The family left them to die and never come back. Their number has decreased, and their curse has made them outcasts among all ethnic groups.

""However, before all this happened, some people had already defected. Those Kelhan were affected by the curse, but not fully affected by it. This means you have the ability to transform into a drip beast at will, but you cannot turn into a stone during the day. The cursed people will turn into stone during the day and can only roam when there is no sun or at night, where they can transform into their human form or terrible dripping mouth at will. "

My heart is struggling. It fluttered in my chest because I had forgotten to breathe. I finally took a breath of exhilarating air, because her words sank to the bottom of my heart, but they dragged me like a chain to the bottom of the muddy lake, but there was no chance of escape in front of me. How could things become so out of control

"So, what does this mean to me? Why are they looking for me now?"

My mother's concern was engraved on her tired face. I don't want to mention what happened a long time ago, but it is necessary.

"Your mother told me an old prophecy shortly after you were born and before you died. The story is about a cursebreaker who can transform as he pleases. He is not bound by the curse like other Kerhan people. This man Must be willing to sacrifice themselves for the Kerhan, guide them, and bleed for them in the end. They give up everything to help the wolves. Only in this way will the spell be lifted and let them roam the world again during the day. It may be you, they are looking for People. They must win your heart, you must accept them and love them just like your family."

"Then die for them?"

"I don't know. Your mother never told me that this meant death or some kind of blood sacrifice. She probably didn't know. This legend has been distorted for years, and none of their elders stayed to clarify the facts for the record. Now they Almost extinct. I even believe that the Maguire family thinks they are all dead."

"Then the Colehan family might need me to save them?"

"Yes, I think so."

"I have never become a Dripper statue," I said. I don't know why this is the first thing that comes to my mind, but it is indeed a problem. "I don't know anything about these superpowers."

Mother reached out and touched my hand, turned it over, and checked the rune again. "I wish I had more answers, but there is one more thing I can tell you about Maguire and Colehan."

I opened my eyes curiously. "what is that?"

"I know you are in love with Prince Efron. I have never been surprised. He never told you that when we came here, you were already engaged, did you?"

I opened my mouth wide. "what?"

"It's true. But when our ethnic groups have fierce disputes over territorial issues, they will cut off our contact."

"He knows about it, right?"

She nodded. "He is eight years older than you. He has known his life since you were thirteen and you were five."

"Why didn't he tell me?"

"Maybe he thinks this is no longer valid. I can't say. Maybe he doesn't want you to know."

I understood the news and thought it was irrelevant now. Maybe this is why he never told me. There is no point in sticking to the past.

"What about Kerhans?" I reminded her.

""Ah, yes. Wait here. "My mother stood up and walked gracefully to her room. I heard her flipping through her things. I waited patiently without moving. I can't do anything about what she told me, so I left it behind. Behind my head. There must be something more useful, I just don't know what questions to ask.

"Here." My mother stretched out her hand when she returned to the room. "I have kept it for so many years, although when we joined, you had made a new ardent amulet. This is your amulet, from the Kerhan bag."

I stood up and stared at her palm. A bright blue sè stone inlaid in silverware is surrounded by a simple platinum chain. When she handed it to me, I stretched out my hand and stroked it with my fingers. When I picked it up, hummed vigorously, and rallied again after decades of sleep, it suddenly came to life.

"Wow... it's so vivid." I looked at the shining blue stone carefully. I have never seen anything like this in my life. After a while, I want to forget it more and more. Rumors echoed in my ears, full of information that I should have known from birth. This amulet preserves my legacy-centuries of knowledge, and the pain of my cursed ancestors called me in the long river of time, begging me to save them.

I grabbed the pendant without realizing that I was crying until my mother pulled me into her arms.

"I'm sorry. I should have given it to you a long time ago. I don't want to accept the fact that your ethnic group curses. I don't want it to follow you into this life. If I make a mistake, please forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive. Thank you for giving it to me now. It has helped me beyond your imagination." I hugged her back and wiped the tears from my eyes. In any case, she will always be my mother. "I have to go." (to be continued) (end of this chapter)