Magic Notes

Chapter 263: Nether (1)


She nodded and smiled with tears. "Thank you for coming. I know you took a big risk to come back to see me."

"Tell Raphaela that I love her too."

I smiled and walked towards the door on the wall. I stopped before opening it, exhaled, and closed my eyes. It is possible that I will never go back there again, and this time is more difficult than the day I was banished.

"I love you mom."

""Me too, my daughter. Be careful outside. "

"I will. Goodbye."

I opened the door, walked into the tunnel, and closed the door again. I swear to myself that I will not look back. I knew that if I did this, I would collapse.

I stood in front of the court, with my head held high, my eyes focused on the front. Alec stood beside me and did the same thing. The justice of the peace knocked his gavel over and over again, and we all avoided meeting Jill’s angry eyes. The crowd was burning, shouting inspiring shouts and maddening slogans. I just presented my challenge to Jill, and he couldn't accept it.

His answer was "You can't do this, I don't allow it", which made him coldly welcomed in the crowd, and they beat him down. He brought his new mistress to the meeting and it didn't help much. She curled up in the seat next to him, shaking her head down. She didn't know what kind of things she was involved in, and it wouldn't make me feel pain if she didn't care.

"I can challenge you for the throne. Anyone can. This is an ancient law, but it is also a law. I don't think you are suitable for rule. Therefore, I challenge you for the throne."

His eyes burned with intense hatred, and I never happily pointed me in the direction. He has this kind of contempt for his subordinates, but I am no longer a soldier or servant trampling everywhere. My challenge to the throne requires a quick response or he will lose his rule.

"I will never step down. You are a woman. Women are forbidden to challenge the heir to the male throne."

"It is true, unless they have a male champion to fight for them."

Purple red blooms on his face, and blood vessels around his temples are swollen, which makes me wonder if Jill has coronary arteries. He is too young to be so nervous. I almost want to step back in case he explodes.

"Queen Raphaela," said the sheriff, "who did you choose to fight with your fighters for the Alpha Throne?"

I stretched my arm to Alec, and he approached slowly, his back stiffened like a wooden board. I have never been so convinced of my decision as I am now. He agreed to defend me, but Jill failed me in the worst way possible. The pain of his betrayal lingered beneath my surface, but I pushed it down, and I hope it might never break through again. He is something I must get rid of, like a thorn, a parasite eating my life, my pride, my love. This incident will hurt him more than it hurts me, but none of the things have developed according to my wishes. He tried to put me aside, and I would enjoy this revenge with every bite of delicious food.

I waited until the crowd calmed down before announcing, "Alec has accepted the challenge in my name."

Another panting, shocked expression, and curious chatter made the judge even more annoyed than before, and he threw the gavel down over and over again.

"Quiet! I will drive the crowd away if necessary." Most people became silent, paying too much attention to the result that they did not dare to risk being kicked out. "Very well, Queen Raphaela," he said with satisfaction. "When are you going to achieve it?"

"Tonight. They fought until only one champion was left in the midfield."

"Will you die?"

I looked at Jill, his expression now almost catatonic. He sat down and said nothing, staring at the hardwood floor in front of him. Is he already so obedient? Is he out of fighting spirit? It makes no difference to me, but a small part of me still suffers from hurting him.

Nevertheless, he still got the punishment he deserved.

"No. Until a champion falls for more than 10 seconds. Then the loser can choose to stay, demote, or leave the base camp with his bride." I snickered softly, trying to hide my contempt.

I mean that the last horn is either Jill or Alec. I cannot predict the future. Even if I have confidence in my new fiancé, I have to consider the real possibility of our failure. I haven't observed Jill's battle for a long time, but Alec has. He assured me that it would be a fierce battle, but he was sure that he could defeat Alpha Wolf. I pray that he is right, because if we lose, I will have to leave my home forever.

"Does the Alpha Warrior accept the challenge?" The justice of the peace waited with the impatient crowd. This will be a battle of the century, and everyone will definitely want to participate.

"Yes." Jill looked up at the administrator. "I accept, but there is one condition."

"what is that?"

Jill turned to me. "If the queen's fighter loses, she will be my second mate, and Alec will be exiled forever."

I clenched my fists and looked at him with a bitter stare. How dare he? If the justice of the peace agrees, I can only decompose there and become a low-ranking person. Worst of all, Alec will have to leave his homeland and his beloved army.

"Impossible," I snapped.

"That's not up to you," the sheriff said with a triumphant smile. He obviously likes Jill better, and I want to demote him after all this is over. I dare say he believes Alec and I will lose. I want to make sure that he begs our forgiveness. ""I agree with the king. If he wins, the challenger will be expelled from the fortress forever, and Queen Raphaela will continue to be the second mate. If the fighter of Queen Raphaela wins, the former Alpha must leave with his bride. The challenge will be held in the arena at dusk. "

With a bang of the gavel, I jumped. There was another chatter, and Alec slid his hand over my shoulder.

"It will be over soon. Don't worry. I'll take care of it."

I reached out and touched his fingers, feeling the warmth of love radiating from them. "I know."

"I can't leave you here, you know, right?" He pulled me in, his lips rubbed against mine. Every touch makes my heart burst into flames.

"I know. I can't stay here with him. The humble second wife? How dare he? After I have helped him so much. I always make sure everything is in order, and he pays back because of me. Leave me with a child in return for not being pregnant? No one treats me like that and can get away with it. "I held Alec tighter and felt safe and secure. "I'm very happy that this happened, otherwise I will still be by his side, unhappy, and I don't know what true love is when I run out. I have you now, that's the most important thing."

Alec smiled and took my hand and led me into the corridor set aside for the royal family so they could leave the court safely. The challenge is at dusk, and there are still many things to do in advance. It is easy to break the oath in our ethnic group. One of them can only sever the relationship with the spouse. For people of royal blood, the process is the same, unless it is to challenge a position, such as Alpha. I must be married to become Alpha, because I am a woman and I cannot challenge Jill directly. If Alpha is a woman, I can. It just keeps things fairly matched. Instead, Eric will fight for me, and if he wins, he will technically take over Alpha, even though I will be the one in power.

Sharing the throne with Alec will be more enjoyable. He has treated the women in his family with the greatest love, respect and equality since he was a child. Jill's childhood spoiled him, trained him to be like his macho father, and the way he suppressed his mother I would never impose on anyone. No wonder she loses her mind living here. Who can blame this poor woman

What about the fragile former queen? If I win, what will happen to her

I was panicked. I have been taking care of Jill's mother. I make sure that her servant treats her well and keeps her clean and decent even if she is not there. I will never see her again, and I pray that my successor will be half as good as I am to her.

Every action, no matter how well-intentioned, is like a pebble thrown into a pond, affecting our lives and affecting everyone we love. Despite the potential heartache, I know that when this is all over, it will be the best for everyone.

Except Jill.

Langley pushed a pile of books towards me. They are very old and exude a scent that has been indispensable for centuries. Everything I want to know about Kerhan Bao is contained in these heaps. Langley Jǐng told me that I might not want to know what's in it. Some things are destined to be buried forever. I simply nodded to the old man and noticed that his round eyes were full of knowledge that no one should have. His Jǐng report was not issued easily, and I thank him for his concern.

Everything has to do with my fiancé Lily. For her, it is worth shaking out these bones, even if they involve a century-long curse.

I sat down at one of the tables, flipping through the beautiful documents. The archives are big and dark, with the smell of old leather. Langley actually lives there, waiting for the time to record current events and organize ancient events.

"I found another one." Langley walked to the table, holding another book with documents in his hand. The pages of the book are uneven and seem to be arbitrarily incorporated into the book. It's thinner than the other massive things he gave me before.

"I really appreciate it. Could you happen to know a Kelhan Shapeshifter named Grayson?"

Langley rubbed his white beard thoughtfully. If he wanted to, he could play Santa Claus every winter, but I doubt he had never thought of accepting such a job. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)