Magic Notes

Chapter 267: Nether (5)


"Hey, wait!" I yelled after Lily as she left, but she had begun to deform. The fur came out of her pores, and she began to run faster and faster, until her legs became shorter when she jumped into the air to complete her transformation. Her nose grew longer and landed on four cushions. She stopped, turned her head and looked at me with bright yellow eyes.

She yelled to me and howled, the air at night has become very fresh, and I have goose bumps all over my body. I obeyed the call, ran towards her on a short trip, and let the Shapeshifter catch up with me, spreading a warm fur wrapper around me. I stopped next to her, she approached me, licked my face with her tongue, and then ran away.

This woman is fierce and I like her vitality. I plan to help her burn part of it.

Jumping behind her, I let the hurried wind spray through my fur. This is exciting. My long, thick hair is black, and there are strands of brown hair in it. My eyes were thrown around by the sea, and when I moved, they reflected the moonlight like a mirror. I can still feel my fiery amulet beating my chest, hiding in my fur. The closer I get to Lily, the warmer Lily will be, beating with my heart and burning with life.

Her fur is bright and dark gray, with black hair dotted on it. If you face her in one way, she is almost silver. From another perspective, she became a deep black, greasy black man. This is an unusual kind of hair, but I love every inch of her skin, whether it is an animal or a human.

Before the dense forest had time to turn into a soft and shining meadow, a small stream slowly flowed through the middle. When the moon reached the sky and the last remaining sunlight disappeared from the tree canopy, the soft grass swayed in the cool breeze. The night air made my nose itchy, and when I walked to Lily, I buried it in her fur and inhaled her smell like a drug.

This excites me even more.

She was licking the water in the stream, gasping from our first run, and I met her by the water. When I was drinking, her tongue slid over my head, stroked my thick fur, and gave me a nudge.

We can speak telepathically, but most of the time, the silence of nature is the best part that is changed.

Her twinkling eyes gleamed in the moonlight, and I could smell her yùwang in the air around us. When I approached her, I knew that she also smelled me. She jumped aside, jumped off me, put her legs down, teasing me. It was a torture. After a few minutes of frolicking, I took a step back and gave her a bad look.

I want you.

Come catch me.

I do not want to hurt you.

You can even.

If I didn't change shifts, would you still be so bold

She tilted her head to the side and screamed. tell me the story.

I changed back to my human form and fell to my knees. She looked at me like a wolf, trying to figure out my intentions. Don't you want to run

We have run enough, don’t you think? Lie with me.

She hopped forward, staring into my eyes. We were facing each other, and her hot breath made my nose and cheeks itchy. She is afraid of letting go, afraid of loving me. I knew this before our trial and brought her here to find out how she really felt. That's why I changed back into a human form, waiting for her to come to me in a clueless (movie), where those wild things grow, there is nothing better between us than being expelled, sad or disappointed. She must choose whether to switch back. She can refuse or give herself to me.

Among the weeds and reeds, there are only us. Only her and me. She can accept me or leave me, but I must know exactly where her heart is. Is it mine anyway? After our trial, she told me that she was mine in the restaurant, but this ceremony will prove to both of us that we are really serious.

Nothing compares to being outdoors, naked, fragile and helpless, wearing only our amulet to keep warm, then turning into a wolf shape, and getting mad again. This is how the wolf shaper combines love.

"Lily," I said. My breath swells in the wet clouds, because the night is cold, but I am not cold. My desire keeps me warm, my heart pumps blood to my limbs, desperately wanting to be touched. "Love me. Let me know you need me. I know things haven’t gone well recently, but I’m here anyway. I’ll always be by your side. Tell me you want me to stay here, or let me go. Either all, Either have nothing, but don’t just tell me one thing and feel another. This seals our love. Here, only the magic of nature bears witness to our contract."

It's common for me to call her. Most shapeshifters confuse each other in similar rituals. Except for lone wolves, most wolves are in groups. She and I have something in common on this point. We are not a pack of wolves. We are lonely in this world, I invite her to accept me, love me, and become a human female xìng. I asked her to take what she needed in the wild from me. Or she can continue to tear my throat like a wolf, reject me, or leave me and let me feed my broken heart forever. I pray that she will choose my love. I have never been eager like this.

Her whimper returned at night, and she tiptoed over to me, lowered her head, and surrendered to me like her Alpha. Two lonely wolves, she let me take the position of Alpha. She could have made me surrender, but she gave it to me without hesitation, and my heart became as big as the moon because of my love for her. No matter what happens in the future, I will make it worthwhile. I will be her strength and cornerstone, and she will be my light in the dark life.

"Lily," I whispered to her, stretching out my arm, she transformed back into a human form and collapsed to the ground. I knew her answer at the time. I pulled her tightly to my chest, found her unbearably soft lips, and kissed her until our body radiated more heat. Her beautiful double rǔ squeezed my skin, and I could feel them beckoning me to touch every inch of their skin. She was lying on a soft grass pillow, and I stroked her body with my mouth and fingertips until she begged me to give her some more.

The night is forgotten, we sweetly ***, until our body starts to ache from the clay **, our yùwang disappears. That night, we blocked our love with every caress, every time I took her and slid into her sweet, wet, ready entrance, her pleasant whimper was sandwiched between the words of yùwang. again and again. As human beings, when we need to recharge ourselves, we will transform into a wolf form and join the ranks of the gang again.

Once exhausted, we hugged each other tightly until night fell. I ran my fingers across her deeply moisturized hair, while her fingers wandered around the edges of my muscles. At that moment, I knew that without mutual love, we could never breathe.


"What's the matter, Efron?"

""Remember what you said to me? just you and me. forever.

She nodded. "Yes, I remember. I would love it. I like it very much."

"My heart belongs to you completely. I will always be here until the end."

She smiled, leaned forward, and kissed my lips softly.

"Always like this. Until the end."

When I stood in the arena of Zhung Yāng, I twisted my neck and listened to its crackling sound, and my nervousness was satisfactorily dissipated. The heavy rain made the sand muddy, and the rain formed small pits at my feet. The water dripping on my skin dripped on my muscles. When I waited in front of my elders, the impact of cold water on the heat wave made me feel good. Standing high among the crowds of spectators on the island, they seemed alienated and forgetful. I have been preparing for this all my life, even though I never thought I would get there.

Fight with the Alpha of the archer team. This is a once-in-a-lifetime challenge, if not for the entire world, it is also an opportunity to be the ruler of the greatest wolf pack in Temple. Nothing makes me want more than this, except for the love of a woman who stole my heart many years ago, the current queen: Raphaela. She is the driving force behind this struggle and the fuel that ignites the anger in my heart.

I have wanted her since I can remember, and now this is my chance to be with her, this is what we have wanted for a long time. Rather than let this hidden yù hope be suppressed for many years, winning this challenge will bring her to my side. I will rule the entire team as a leader and have the love of the woman who made my world burn.

Gilbert, now Alpha, stood 10 feet away from me, facing the same direction: toward the crowd and the royal box, Raphaela stared down at us. Magistrate Nathan stood beside her, raising his hands to soothe the roaring crowd. This is an open-air stadium full of colors, and there are still more people pouring into the arena to watch the game, regardless of the continuous heavy rain.

This is a battle of the centuries, maybe even centuries.

The winner is king, and the loser is the bandit. Many things are at stake.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the judge said into the small microphone on the wire hanging from his face. He cleared his throat, then paused to silence the audience. It took them a while before they could not wait to see the start of the game. No one is more eager to know the result than I am, but patience is a strong feature of me, and this patience definitely pays off while I wait for him to continue. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)