Magic Notes

Chapter 277: Nether (15)


This is their home, and I broke in. They enter very calmly, even their speeches, are you absolutely sure? "I am the leader..." Beyond concern, it is more of a comment than a problem. It's as if they already know this situation and just follow the rules for completing the task, and these rules are too dismissive for them.

A voice came from the door, there may be two more. Either way, these concepts must return to my mind, focus my attention on the ten bullets in this video, calm myself down, and push the door open.

Absolute clarity is essential. For the entire duration, without it, any problem is possible and usually arises in any way. After all, we are spies. Some of us are often terrible, swapping camps after the war, if they are not killed or captured in the war, because you will never really know what is happening to you.

As the war draws to a close, this becomes so sad because you know that the comrades you work with will either disappear completely or be killed, replaced by fear of realizing that your values are declining. Your moral problems are in a state of collapse. The avalanche began.

"Your flight is waiting," he said calmly and clearly as before, with a slight smile on his face, and opened his hand, believing it was a sign of friendship, but when he looked down, he saw only two pills on it. There are obvious marks.

"The first rule they taught you..." He paused, letting my eyes go back to his eyes, and then added, "Use every possible method... "

In the winter of 1941-194, the Battle of Moscow and Stalingrad was called the Battle of Stalingrad from the end of 194 to the end of 194, and I desperately hope not to return.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this all-out large-scale attack that lasted from October 1941 to January of the following year, the outcome of the Second World War was pending. Under surveillance, relying on returning to London was a setback for the Germans to destroy xìng. Their grand plan to quickly triumph in the Soviet Union ended. With the German offensive blocked, the Soviet Union’s strategic counter-offensive and small-scale offensive The action forced the German Communists to retreat. They never regained their lost ground, and finally the Red Army entered Berlin at the end of April 1945.

I also established a network within Moscow, and the Allies realized that once the war is over, Russia will close everything to ensure the security of its new borders. Now, entering this world not long ago was open and accepted. Almost all branches of communication with the West were closed, and only designated planes were allowed to enter Moscow itself. This is serious in itself, but even more serious is that although my Russian traffic will undoubtedly be Encountered security forces, if lucky, would immediately put me in jail, but in the end as a spy, they caught me.

Don't worry about language issues, and don't worry about flying permits. After leaving this man and his gold-rimmed glasses, the three tall men met again, even though they were different from the first man. The man with a gun in a British uniform is not sure which department thinks it might have a different idea after the war is over. In fact, it's not far away from everything. Most people simply want to continue living because they have survived the entire miserable war, whether it is civil or military. I eagerly wanted to take off this uniform and spend the rest of my life in obscurity. For example, Dakko other people work on a farm. Only horses and big dogs need to worry. The hidden information that they were not tortured to death was not known at the time, and they had been carried with them for a period of time; DonaX pills.

The three of them took me to a waiting car. Of course, they sat down with me, opened the folder that bald bastard gave me, and started reviewing the task.

I didn't feel that the car was moving faster and was too focused on information. why? This is a large and secure airport outside Zurich. The war is over. My Jǐng guard was replaced by a calm mood that shattered the moment I finished reading the file; when the tremors in my brain broke out.

They must be frightened by their unknown uniforms now, realizing that they have been trembling there, maybe the moment they turned around from the bald man and saw the three of them with holstered weapons , It’s not a British person, but something completely different. Anything I didn’t notice might kill me.

This is not just because their uniforms are different. Their weapons do not have the necessary additional lanyards to prevent someone from taking the weapons during the war. But there is no war. And this neutral Switzerland, due to their position in the war, was seen by some people, not even some people in Europe, creating their own traps to avoid the massacres that raged around them.

But, always enjoy Switzerland and the land itself, which is why reading is so profoundly shocking. This is why the car accelerates at such a high speed at the last moment, the driver brakes, and when the truck in front stopped and let us just pass its right side, our car exploded from the splashing glass, and the window was on the truck. The machine gun inside burst after a quick shot.

The driver was immediately thrown into the back seat and turned defensively in order to change direction while increasing speed. When the soldier sitting in the front passenger seat fired a gun from his seat, his weapon had been blown inward, and his back on the dashboard seemed better for aiming, but in fact the whole car was closed because The explosion almost caused my entire brain to shut down, because the absolute collapse caused by the lack of anything from this world contained my feeling that I was under the direct firepower of the ensuing concussion.

The only luck at that moment was that my head was almost on the floor, helping to attenuate the sound waves of the eardrums of the two soldiers behind. They were about to shoot when the car stopped the crackling of the engine. We rotated so that the side of the truck was facing the truck no more than thirty yards away. My three guards walked out calmly, raised their weapons, opened fire, and observed this completely detached form through all of it, except for the mission. One hand; protect assets.

The three people seemed to be dancing. Everyone has his own role, and the performance is perfect, and the accurate result is like rehearsing a thousand times. They did not hesitate once, nor did they communicate. They seem to be unaware of their actions. Only reaction. I know. They took something different from DonaX.

Like most battles, it is over in an instant. We waited for less than 8 to 10 seconds, looking at the truck, and then the three of them returned to the car together. The driver's speed was a little slower, but if it weren't for the rear wheel almost deflated, it would definitely reach the top speed, and the engine from time to time Steam came out, blocking the driver's view, because the front windshield was only half of the original size.

Quickly consider whether the wheel is injured and measure only scratches from the broken glass. There were blood stains on the front and rear seats of the car, and large pieces of decorations were blown away by high-impact bullets. These bullets were used by the truck driver when they opened fire. It is hard to tell who fired the gun and how many bullets there were. The three must have fallen to the ground and died. The driver stretched his limbs on the wheel, which was also covered with glass; everyone was hit in the head by bullets, half dead. If there are more survivors, they will not bother to show, although they will give feedback on their mission.

The escort did not bother to check, there seems to be a timeline, it is just a slight obstacle, it is very likely to be told from the very beginning that there is a high possibility xìng, only death prevents me from disappearing. My plane will be tolerated unless it is. Mine. They returned to the car, and the car galloped away immediately under the condition of rapid erosion.

Who are these ulterior people, whose secrets are never revealed, will definitely be taken to the grave, because such people only exist under extreme circumstances. When they appeared, there was only a pure nothingness left, where there were only rare clues of wear that connected the world of reason.

Except when the car will stop, I don’t have to bother to understand other details. I just need to face the wind and the smoke from the engine and ruthlessly pour in from the remaining part of the car window. I notice the soldiers on the passengers and use blood stains. Scattered left hand reloaded, because his two fingers did not see the crimson blood on the seat.

Seeing the driver grasping a twitching steering wheel with both hands, the front wheel quickly loses its breath, knowing that it will give way at any moment, and at this speed, the car will well escape the heat. This often happens. When you bring it back, it is actually There is a Hungarian driver who was shot in the shoulder, with the same calm determination to look at the situation and admit that either you did it or you didn't, in two ways, you will complete the assigned task because it will complete you if you fail. At these moments, life is the simplest. Only "now" exists. You may never see the future.

In addition, this problem constitutes that weapons that fire at close range severely damage the ears, so that few people speak loudly, because they know it will draw people’s attention to this problem. You can listen to everything except the sound that lasts for several days. If it doesn't, the mission will be endangered. As in this case, both the driver and the passenger’s ears have blood oozing, which shows that this is by no means the first rupture of their eardrums. The severity of the damage increases the serious fragility of the inner ear. Even clapping hands can cause almost ear-shaking and deafness. Tones. Now this effect is likely to cause almost complete hearing loss.

They are experienced commandos, leaving few ideas from branches of some countries, because there is no obvious badge on their uniforms, only they are the first time they meet on the corridors of the UK, from their loosening the laces At the time, it was reminded that this was an unusual situation, not their smell. Often surrounded by countless armies, it enhances a sense on the battlefield to know who you are particularly dealing with when performing tasks, especially in the almost dark night or in a room, where the silent voice rarely speaks, mainly relying on Smell and hearing. Here exudes the unique fragrance of heather. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)