Magic Notes

Chapter 285: Nether (23)


So what can you find here

It's so cold, even if you sit naked on the Swiss Alps, you can't explain it all. This is a completely different thing. This is not from the earth, but from another deep place-for millions of years, a kind of eternal cold arrived through touch, proclaiming that his new home is spreading. waiting.

Only now do I think of desperately trying to sleep in this tense world, perhaps because when my mind really opened up, I was almost completely exhausted. I recalled drinking with a professor from Paris in 1940, and both of them drank. Too much red wine, discussing the use of chemical weapons by Germans and Russians, suddenly told me a story when his 12-year-old grandfather was hunting in a remote mountain hut. He was with two Czechoslovak climbers. For the night, they chose the same cabin because they didn't want to go further in the night. They told me the reason for this story on a cold night.

The professor explained that they were climbing a dormant volcano-the Elbrus Caucasus Mountains in southern Russia near the border with Georgia. West Peak has two peaks, both of which are dormant volcanic domes, with a height of more than 18,500 feet. The two climbers met another climber, and he told us the story of the other two climbers who wanted to climb without being affected by the weather.

The two Czechs thought it was very strange and eagerly welcomed their expedition partners, thinking that he must be crazy and almost frozen, because this man has almost no clothes and equipment, he has a rather thin and geared weird style, simple And a bit dated.

Sharing their food, guests sit quietly and answer their questions with a few simple words or occasional nodding. A Czech found something on this man, but did not emphasize the problem because he was exhausted and fell asleep soon after eating, but before that he told them to be very careful about the ice bridge Because it is not safe.

When they woke up, the man had disappeared. He thought he had completed the journey forward, so they started climbing back from the top of the mountain and stopped at the same refuge, because there was only the refuge they reached before they had spent the night near the dark place.

The sleep from the long journey was good, and the next morning they continued to celebrate their success in reaching the bottom of the valley in the afternoon. Two farmers asked them-who died? This confused the two farmers. They told them that no one had died. In fact, they were the only two people on the mountain. Except for the other one, they spent the night in the refuge and then left. They thought they had returned yesterday.

The farmers told the Czechs that no one came down from the mountain to ask about the cause of death, except for themselves, because a man came to their farm late the previous night and told them to beware of the ice bridge. I don’t know this person, but the two farmers who know this mountain must not have an ice bridge on the route east of Elbrus. He told this person that he must have made a mistake. He turned around and entered the night, except for saying to be careful Outside this bridge, there is nothing else.

The Czech asked what the well-dressed man was like, and the man replied that he might be rich by nature. This made the Czechs wonder that they must not be the same person. Except for a farmer who said he had a slight scar under his left eye, everything else looked fine.

The two climbers told the farmers that their people had no such fear, and again told them that there were no deaths on the eastern route that they knew, but that the ones from the west were another matter because of their own accent.

A month later, Jǐngcha came to a Czech and asked if they knew a person who fits the description of the climber. The Czech was so surprised that he almost fainted when talking with Jǐngcha. Now he recognizes the first one more clearly. Kashirov, a man who climbed the Shandong line of Elbrus. Kashirov is a skilled climber. He was invited to be a guide for a scientific expedition of the Russian imperial army. The Czech gaze shocked him, and his face became pale because of Kashiro. The ascent took place in July 189, but he was on the eastern route of Elbrus in 190. Jǐngcha Jǐng, who was standing in front of him, told him why the Czech's appearance suddenly turned pale, thinking that he might faint, Jǐngcha told the man to sit down and they continued to investigate.

After a while, the Czech was still visibly frightened from the torture. He told Jǐng to observe all of their climbing, seeing the man in the photo, and the details of his first climb to the east of Elbrus.

At first, Jǐng's investigation was just the beginning, and then carefully checked whether the person who heard the details was correct, which meant that if it was really this person, then Khachirov was over 100 years old.

After a while, when he was asked again if he was sure that this was the person he and his colleague spent the night with, the Czech just nodded, staring at him dumbly, while trying to remember what he was doing now. The reason flashed in his mind, the only picture in his mind at the time of meeting in the cabin was more profound.

Is it possible that Jǐng was inquiring about Kashirov? The incredible Czech replied. First, the man they met was not around 100 years old; second, the Czech must have died a few years ago, although he was not sure that both the Kabadian and Karachay claimed to have Kashirov’s Nationality, military DúLì and isolation of the Kabadians and Karachays in the mountainous Caucasus has resulted in very little information, to say the least, not trustworthy.

But in his report, the Czech’s absolute age should be around thirty-five of their own. Except for thin clothes and sparse climbing equipment with only a small backpack and an ice axe, his The health condition looks normal. Of course, there was no trace of scars under his left eye.

Jǐngcha was surprised to ask what he meant by saying this. The Czech man looked at me intently, his speech slowed down, and now he told me that he and his colleagues met a group of farmers at the foot of the mountain, and they asked, "Who died?" Seeing the night before, A man came to their farm and clearly told them to take good care of the "Ice Bridge".

Hearing this, the two Jǐngcha looked at each other and then returned to the Czech Republic and said, but this is indeed the reason for their question, in order to investigate why your colleague came from the ice bridge on the eastern route on the same day he claimed to return from the mountain. They fell from the mountain and were found dead. They asked the two farmers you mentioned and said that they had never spoken to the farmers who only walked by. No one, only you, came back from the mountain. Obviously you are completely alone. .

The Czech just stared outside, mumbled Khan Tengri twice, and then slowly began to shake his body back and forth like a mother with a child; he shook his body back and forth to calm the soul.

The Czechs don't speak anymore. Stop talking. There is not enough evidence to find in the court that his colleague may have been murdered, he fell or he was pushed, will never be known.

The professor paused and gave me a chance to ask.

Until the study found that the word literally means heavenly king in Kazakh, it is likely to refer to heaven and earth mother, including shamanism, animism, totem worship and ancestor worship. Located on the border of China-Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan, this mountain is more than 900 feet above sea level. It is the highest northern mountain in the world. However, due to the short climbing season, harsh weather and thin air, it is more difficult.

In 191, a Ukrainian climbed the mountain for the first time via a route from the south. The terrible rugged climb report said. It turns out that this team hates Stalin and will not claim that this is an achievement of the Soviet Union, because they spent ten years in the Gulag concentration camp. It is called Mustag Mountain.

Recalling that conversation, I sat upright in the almost dim room in shock, only a small oil lamp was burning, and my own shadow was frozen on the old wooded wall. "God, I forgot." A low whisper came from my mouth, mist drifted from my breath, and my body slid around my head and past the seal on my neck. Throwing the blanket of sex from my sex, immediately put my feet on the icy floor, trying to wake up completely electrically.

Our last conversation was sitting at the end of the bed. In fact, the professor mentioned the "Council" when calling Anderson, just like Commander Anderson. Of course, this is what he called the "Blood Mountain". Khan Tengri has the shape of a huge pyramid, covered with snow and ice, which glows red when the rì falls, which makes it named the Blood Mountain in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

Blood Mountain... Ukrainian climbers... Gulag. It starts to make sense. This may be the reason we came here, but "Market Garden" is the code name for this mission. Does Khan Tengri have a mission? Does Ukraine know what to lock them up means sending them to refugee camps in Siberia? But not mine! My coordinates are different from those of Inna and Luomintov. It leads to somewhere outside the camp. "I have to get there before them," I said, thinking about all the possibilities.

At this time of winter, we walked towards the door wearing clothes because the light cannot penetrate the horizon for a period of time. Even if it crosses the horizon, the sun itself may only reveal a silver ray in less than an hour, and then It fell back to the ground.

Listening at the door, thinking that traffic will be a problem, but seeing that there are only five miles, they can go back and forth before waking up. Seeing Romintov and Ina sleeping together in the sex, this kind of thought only generates heat from jealousy and anger, which makes the heart beat. The coach often trains the agents for a few hours, keeps us from sleeping for a few days, and always yells "Push the sand away from your head". Of course, I feel sleep deprived. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)