Magic Notes

Chapter 288: Nether (26)


"You are Ukrainian," murmured in my head.

"But what about you?" He said, looking at me carefully.

"Yes. Of course, I have seen your files."

"What did you see?"

"Then you know, he is a stand-in."

"Relaxed Talber, you are too far from home."

He also knows my real name, "a double agent," I mumbled.

If so, what I am doing here is that his voice is low, asking questions instead of raising, as he often does when expressing opinions.

"You are a stand-in. I didn't get him in Belarus, and the anger spread to myself. A command mission named "Highly Killing" was dispatched—you can see the termination at a glance—because the confirmed code-named "Byrus" double The spy, assassinated three Allied colonels, a Soviet general, and two attaches to the British Embassy in New York, and relayed secret information to the Russian and German counterintelligence in Moscow and Hamburg, and further developed the "istation" remote "return" Encryption technology has suffered major damage, six in Eastern Europe, and one in Scotland. Byrus passed the detailed information of each site and the security code to allow access to the encrypted interception site bank. The bank measures the source of the wireless signal and returns the so-called tick. Attaching itself along the same frequency, any coded information from that source is sent to iStation, its content is changed, and then the original coded information is forwarded to the recipient without any change or interception.

False information, its correct management, has become a new bomb.

Give the money to Bairus. "Always for money," I raised my voice slightly, not caring, or maybe caring, but uncertain, tired slowly approaching, tracking search, waiting for weakness to appear, and then without prejudice, like any good condition The same offensive as the predator.

"Naturally," he smiled big, then suddenly put it down and continued to smile happily, because this was his heaven, a kind of weakness, a kind of impatience. Financial status. the most important is. Especially now. I am here to discuss this issue with you. The amount you know

His chattering speech was both exciting and emphatic, and first caught my attention, because I didn't notice what he said, but how they were presented-the characteristics of what is happening behind the eyes.

"Yes. You know what Talber I'm talking about. It's written on your stupid face. Look at yourself. It's easy to get caught and brought here without a problem. It's too typical.

Being captured can explain the reaction of the Indians when I left. It's stupid. That bald man got on me. He may also be involved in this matter, otherwise, how could this document be contrary to the facts-this document can be obtained with all official seals and signatures. My flight sequence was perfect, and the Supreme Command knew nothing about it. How can they do this? I don’t want more than £5 million in British currency—a close but rough estimate of the amount of gold ingots, said to be given to the Russian guerrillas fighting the Germans—as far as they know, the money was spent It is wise to blow up the various targets listed.

but it is not the truth. The Ukrainians used the gold and weapons provided by the Tiger tanks to deal with the upcoming Soviet invasion, instead of implementing the list of countermeasures required by London in exchange for the money.

As far as MI5 knows, all the confirmed targets were successfully destroyed. In fact, they were indeed destroyed. However, the stolen German explosives and weapons were stored by Birus himself and planned to be sold on the black market. I also gave The Ukrainians revealed the news, which came from Birus and another agent of MI5, and another double agent cooperating with Birus discovered in a communiqué. Not even London knows.

The bulletin between Birus and his contacts was passed along the "tick". Once it was changed, it meant that the cargo found by the Russians was immediately confiscated and used against the Germans. But now that Birus is here, it means that he is trying to track his stolen goods, which during the war transferred more than $80 billion in value across Europe through a huge global network.

Only part of the information received to confirm receipt of the money, they will all have a good whiskey in my commemoration of their last Ukrainian, what happened, his millions know, but for sure. I don't know all their whereabouts, and Byrus doesn't know that means he doesn't know either. But he still intends to try. Do everything possible.

"I told you he knew. They thought they were smart, but they were as stupid as a mouse in a kennel. Romintov's voice was low, turning around in the background, not finding any place, and lying down at once. On the flushing icy floor, the tingling and boredom on the neck and shoulders began to subside. Because there was no heating, their interrogation room and the specific period that I only experienced in this situation for an hour, maybe longer, incomprehensible The cold wind blown by the cinder bricks that people face is no different. Almost nothing was wasted. The Russians were not interested in relaxed conversation and pulled me out of the small room. A few minutes ago, I was still feeling, tasting the seal. Na’s sweetness, what might have made me leave their job, they took off my clothes, tied my wrists only a few inches from the ground, and started using a soaked rope with some knots tied to the rope , Which represents the nine tails of the cat from that era not long ago, because there hasn't been much change here in the past thousand years.

They paused and asked the same question, about millions of people, without answers. They are not stupid. The Russians know what to do and how long it will take to get results. Unlike the Gestapo, the Soviet torture techniques are very unique. They don't want to cause serious harm, nor do they want me to be too helpless. They want someone who can at least walk, otherwise, I have to get help. Here, no one does anything they absolutely have to do.

After a while, everyone started talking. You insist, but they get what they want. In this case, the information given is not unknown to them. The two men were defeated. Birus and Romintov were smoking and chatting in the corner. Their discussion stopped, only the screams became louder, like dogs wishing that something would be thrown on their way. Inna stood aside. Poker face.

Almost fainted, thinking about Inna's body, what it was like, naked and lying on the white sheets, she wanted the shape of firm beauty. Remember that kiss. They muttered something, stopped approaching, they might bite someone’s ear, but they might beat me to death, even Romintov couldn’t stop these two people because they loved their work. After all, this is a sport. There is nothing more meaningful than beating prisoners, there are thousands of prisoners to choose from. We bet on how long the prisoner can live and what tool to hit which part of the body. Once they have tasted the sport, they will not stop until the blood on the floor bleeds out, showing considerable consciousness.

This is not the only room like this. There must be twenty camps this big, maybe more. When we walked out of the room and prepared to go for reconnaissance, light shone from the frozen horizon. This happened to be the closest to us. We were surprised by the hundreds of long blocks holding all the prisoners, and we were glad that there was no risk. Go out because it must be difficult to get back to this place. Besides, if it were the Boy Scouts, this would not be the case now.

The instructor told us that in this case, as it is now, you only need to think of a specific idea. Persevere at all costs. As long as you concentrate, as long as you are lucky, you may survive. Only the thought of Inna being with her. Dance. Dinner walks along the beach. Get drunk together. God bless you not to be beaten again. But all of a sudden, the four of them burst into laughter, and there was a dead silence. Slowly opened one of the swollen eyes, and the other did not move. It zoomed in from the whipping, and through a layer of reddish mist, the eyes were hurting and bleeding. Two Jǐng guards pointed at my groin and smiled. Non-stop. Looking at Byrus and Romintov, they just smiled, and Byros nodded towards Inna. Walking slowly along the wall, she found her blush; blush.

What is more, they want to know how long they can endure, and then they laugh and think about something, maybe they can take a proper timeout and interrogation, and look down at what a joke is.

There, my sex was erected so engrossedly, although incompletely but obviously, it aroused their humor because they didn't know why. Except Inna, at every possible moment, my eyes can see her standing by the wall, imagining everything around her. She knew I thought she might be out of resentment. But now I realize the truth. She has experienced these types of problems, training how to suppress all information, if you are in the same situation, use the only weapon you have, cleverly, your own thoughts.

Hearing Birus's voice, the cold floor suddenly banged against me. It seems to be the case. I can’t understand the direction. The balance may be affected by the ruptured eardrum, and the cold shock curled inward somewhere in my stomach. The salt has worked. Not only did my body burn from the whipping, but it also didn't respond, except for one leg desperately trying to slowly approach the gap to my chest, and suddenly stopped, a boot stepped on my ankle, The weight was on the ankle, against the ice cement.

"Is your cock still in Talber? Jesus, that's mature, isn't it that the voice became low because of his problem. The smell of vodka, tobacco, and garlic on Bairus's body is too strong. He deliberately Supporting the weight of his body with his right elbow, lying on my right side, vomiting on his trouser leg, using the remaining strength to push the floor down, let a jet of salt water spray down from his knees, he knelt down, his hands and Keep my face at a certain distance. (to be continued) (end of this chapter)