Magic Notes

Chapter 291: Nether (29)


Keep a low posture for a while, then turn around, Inna lying motionless on her side, hitting the frozen ground, may make her lose consciousness thirty yards away. If it was a mess before, then it is very different now. Except for a ball of fire that reached the cold night sky, the camp suddenly became dark. Once that ball dies, things will swell to a crazy state where the power is completely cut off, at least for now.

Imagine that they would activate a backup system somewhere, but now they only hear the sound of a huge burning ball snapping in the air and heading towards death. First of all, deep orange and red, purple and gray. In the end, there was nothing.

A moment of silence descended on the camp, only the feeling of near death knew. Still the same, the moment before the war. The peaceful life is gone, replaced by maddening inhuman screams.

Inna motionless, helped her up and walked towards the hole in the fence we just passed through. Suddenly, the sky lit up, and the fire Jǐng Jǐng sent out a terrifying light. A large group of criminals were running and staggering. They killed each other except for any authorities that imprisoned them. The firepower of the weapon soon exploded in scattered pockets and then spread throughout the concentration camp. Now armed prisoners are engaged in revenge or simple games, randomly selected and deliberately hunted.

Jǐng Wei opened a semi-automatic weapon, the prisoners threw Molotov cocktails at anything and drove the vehicle frantically. Many dry buildings were quickly ignited, their wooden structures exploded, illuminating more camps that had never been seen before, and the runners understood why this is all the world for those who enter the Gulag concentration camp. The end.

Hundreds of buildings ignited a fire on the distant horizon, and the burning cinder drifted to another place within a few seconds, flashing bright orange flames, and reached the height of the roof. Constantly paying attention to our running route, only a few lights can be seen, the others unconsciously escape and turn on anything full of anger. Twice the Indians were left behind, each holding a knife, attacking four or five of them, some even as many as twenty, praying to their weak limbs, tearing their limbs, cutting off their scalps, and burning them. Kill them, hang them. Cannibalism. Anything imagined is here. This is a war where thousands of people fight each other to release the sins of rebirth.

In fact, by the fence, the scream gradually intensified, and the sound gradually became deafening, and then suddenly a German light Jǐng car slid twenty feet on the right side, suddenly stopped, almost overturned. The windows of the car rolled up, and almost every burning building reflected the hell around them. The driver slowly lowered his head, Romintov’s head showed his enlarged smile, and he looked straight at us. , And Inna still hobbled the knife in my hands. He slowly raised a pistol and pointed it directly at us.

When "Green" left, he couldn't recall the scene when he planned to throw the Inna missile. He would definitely shoot us because Romintov was an expert who shot with his .45 caliber pistol. He was at this distance. You won't miss it.

""Come again! "Leave you alone and see what happened," he shouted at the scream, "Did you start it all?"

Inna groaned. A glance at her hair covered most of her face. Then she noticed that she was holding a Russian military pistol in her lap. She must have taken it from the jeep, but the place to hide the weapon is not small. Looking back at the barely visible hair, when his eyes slowly turned to Romintov, one eye opened wide, not with fear but something else.

Your plan doesn't matter. Whatever you think. She is a nice woman. "Maybe it's too much for you," don't have to wait, continue to say, "you know what I want." His voice seriously changed a typical Russian standard, friendly then unfriendly. Expand their qualifications in front of anyone. Take orders.

"No. I filmed during sports. Your friend may be there for me to answer now.

The change I want is coming. His expression lowered the pistol slightly.

An action turned to give him a smaller target-my right side-dropped Inna, the knife grabbed the pistol with my right hand, expecting this action would take her gun from the gun Remove the mouth, lift and fire.

He doubted whether Byros had actually stolen the report, which changed his thinking process from predator to contemplation. This change is severe in some people, and mild in others; similar requirements to write notes and then immediately start talking about them, even if they were written down a little earlier, the brain must change to use another part of itself.

Romintov calculated three different situations, usually a person will have a few seconds, but he is not an ordinary person. Well trained. Subtract one or two seconds from the equation. He drank alcohol. Subtract one more second. Quite heavily, his face showed signs. Another second. He is very tired. One second, four seconds in total. But he was an arrogant Romintov and returned to the two-person world.

The bullet aimed at the body of the deceased. The bullet hit the criminal who was standing by the passenger door and was about to throw a knife at the driver. The bullet first passed through the car and was only a few inches from Romintov’s head. .

The military pistol is very light. There is one more bullet in the magazine, maybe two bullets. Another shadow appeared, moving low around the front of the car. Wait, if they have weapons, they will fire, but they can’t risk seeing Romintov for the first time, knowing that he is needed, if we are to fly away from here, in the second training pistol, although there is no need to worry Doing this all the time, Romintov stepped on the accelerator to drive the man, who was still alive, weeping in pain under the car, Romintov then turned the crushed man into silence immediately, all at the same time not from my eyes .

Maybe he knows that the person is there, but what does it matter? Another person dying in this place has no effect on its purpose, because there were thousands of people in the past, and their physical and spiritual endings were longer and slower than this ending.

Maybe this is just a test. A person named Luomintov thought the smile on his face was funny, which might decide everything.

""boarding. "Before they eat our liver," he cried, reaching out his left hand to open the back door. If I want to kill him, he will give me a great opportunity. He knows this.

Inna tried to stand up, changed the pistol to my left hand, grabbed her clothes from behind, picked her up from the waist, and walked towards the car, when Romintov fired two shots in my left hand. The two criminals fell down, of course they could kill us. Their sharpening knife is ready, and they are probably taken out of the kitchen, shining in the blood-stained place, and it is easy to chop off people’s heads. Come down.

Inna was a little incoherent, she stretched her hand to the back seat with her strength and pulled herself in. Romintov shot again from his right side. Inna turned around on the seat in front of me and immediately screamed. I instinctively knelt on one knee because the knife cut the air above my head. Romintov was about to open fire when suddenly the passenger door opened sharply, and the two rushed towards Romintov, who shot them in the chest at close range.

At the moment she screamed, a whistle and a cháo water-like air flow suddenly passed over my head. Inna picked up a knife that I had dropped, released it, and stuck the one from behind. The attacker who raised his knife to pass through my exposed back immediately fell off his chest and stumbled back into the half-dark night.

Without further hesitation, Romintov added enough fuel. The car is still going backwards. Its rear end lift has undoubtedly surpassed the other one. The wheels of the car spin to look for traction, and the body enters the chassis, and when it finally takes to catch On the ground, we bolt forward the rear of the car to whip thrust from the engine.

As our car doors closed, the passengers and my own car doors slapped and relaxed for a moment. Inna looked at each other's filthy faces below me, our lips were full of hope and exhaustion, seeking from hell. It seems impossible at the moment to get out of the air, wanting to be together, touching each other, her hands gripping my back tightly, making my hips groan. In the shortest time, there was nothing but her.

The staff’s car turned abruptly, stood up, and put down those who were reluctant to rush in. After all, Romintov was saving ammunition instead of treating the car as a ram. Before reaching a place, the car There were too many corpses worth counting, and he drove at full speed because its condition was confiscated, probably from the senior staff of Gulag.

Once Romintov crossed the fence, he also drove along the "kill zone" as fast as the car could stand. There are no headlights. For those witnesses who are close enough, we assume a dark shadow, a ghost walking by in a huge haste. Compared to their own walking, its engine can only be heard between weapons strikes, now from higher. The caliber, they heard far more profoundly than smaller weapons, followed by unimaginable horror screams. If they are so close to the fence, they even watch carefully, instead of for survival, enter the black forest that was once considered safe, and become another prison. Unknowingly escape from prison, it is better than where they ran out. The bounce on our road is worse.

Unless you have transportation, you have nowhere to escape, and those brave enough try to stop us with anything, including their own bodies. Romintov exchanged his fighters for the wreckage of the third Leiqi fighter jet, which passed through the body we saw, from the side closest to the fence to the trees posing. Jǐng tells civilization, opposes Entrance place. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)