Magic Notes

Chapter 292: Nether (30)


Many people were only a few inches away from him. They themselves were shocked by their sunken eyes. Their cheekbones almost pierced the skin and did not hear our way. They stood there with their mouths opened wide because of hunger and beaten. The labor itself was crushed within a few months. They ran into the forest, always believing that the forest is safe, because when they arrived they told each other that it was where I was going but there was nothing within hundreds of miles, only the dense old forest in some areas has not been trampled on for countless years. NS. Their salvation is an illusion, and the guards and themselves firmly believe that they can find their way home. The Gulag authorities forced the criminals here to have nowhere to escape, even if they themselves did not dare to enter the forest, they only dared to walk a few yards, for fear that they could not find their way back. The small village more than a hundred miles away from here has never encountered a fugitive. Although some people tried to escape, no one reached this small village. Eaten alive or die by wild beasts. Worse still, there are legends that there are other creatures in the woods. They have a strong desire for human flesh. They are always hungry and waiting to devour anyone who staggers forward.

Another explosion may be a huge bright flame from a shell, illuminating the entire area. Its explosion shook our car and let us see what a real battle is, a human war.

With a wide view and fighting in groups, the people in the building are fighting hard, they know that those who want to go in would rather see them burned alive, maybe a better ending than being torn to pieces, or burned alive, watching The internal organs were pulled out of our own intestines, chopped into pieces, and burned to ashes. All of this was seen through the car. The fear itself might not want to look anymore, giving us a crazy speed eruption, allowing us to cross one. The old wooden bridge, just as we passed, it was collapsing directly.

Looking back from that angle, Inna's eyes reflected my own process of looking for them in the aftermath of the explosion, and found fear and doubt. She survived the war. The Nazis only witnessed from a distance or in the atrocities they passed, and never flew such a high altitude in battle. This scene was recorded with a camera and a notebook. Romintov and I, from a place in Stalingrad, witnessed a resurrection here, survived and quickly landed on a road behind us, the staff car racing worried that it might be sucked back.

Now, almost in the dark of the night, surrounded by things that even blind people could not explain as eternal, the headlights of the car suddenly jumped, pushing away the evil things, and squabbling the car and the passengers in the car. We saw those who were destined aimlessly in the forest and the ancient roads. Two Romintov attacked them. Their strange doll-like bodies were thrown on the trees and became evil and twisted. The burden is concealed.

"Here you... your compass," Romintov said hurriedly, putting a small bag on his right shoulder and quickly landing on the seat next to Inna. What if something hits you

Nonsense. I'm tired, and... your arm Talber, Romintov continued. He looked at me in the small rearview mirror, then turned his gaze to the road avoiding the hole and the crowd, even though there were fewer and fewer people coming out of the forest. Inna quickly opened the upper half of her sleeve, and the side who saw me mumbled, "Your side fell off the glass.". Profound but not threatening. Blood loss. Especially the arm

The blinding lights shone on the rear window as if queuing up. Use a pocket knife to cut open the back of the front seat, stretch out some soft cushions, and cut out thin strips of leather seats for bandages.

"Birus," Romintov said quietly. Then he raised his voice, another exercise? This little bastard is hard to kill. You have only one chance for someone like him

The bandage on my arm fixed it and slowed the bleeding, but she was right, she did bleed some. I lowered my head and saw that the sleeve of my left hand was soaked, blood dripping into the abyss, something might be awakened, and I imagined it would be staged again, dizzy stars flying in front of my eyes. Blood depletion began. It seems that if she does not stop, it will soon be difficult to manage anything. But they can just throw me into the darkness below, can't they.

"He's hallucinating," Inna said loudly, the car engine of the staff next to them screaming because they were afraid of the forest, afraid of things that would overtake us at an extremely fast speed from behind.

"Check the compass," Romintov said briefly again, which reminded me of what was upset about the man who took him to the place where he was shouting.

You got another statement with the coordinates.

"Yes," Inna said, taking the bag that was inserted, taking out the compass, opening it gently, and waiting quietly, although in this case, it is quite difficult for the rotation to stop pointing north.

Suddenly, there was a soft knocking sound, and then the rear window glass of the staff compartment burst, and the glass splashed on me and Inna and hit the back seat. It was another tape bullet that came out of the car. This time it hit the trunk through our seat, into the front, and maybe even the engine. At that distance, if you calculate our unstable driving and distance, they are good hands. Maybe if they get close enough I can throw him down into the darkness...

Romintov took further defensive measures. He yanked the steering wheel and the car turned. Both men turned around on the back glass, grabbed my neck and pulled me closer, and then shouted, "Good direction!" When the car was struggling at the end of its death, the wind and noise, the engine must have been hit, and it started to smoke, steam gushing from the front, clogging, and splashing.

With more taps, Romintov swung the steering wheel this round to go wide, grabbing the driver's mirror and blowing it completely off.

This time, Romintov's voice was a little higher, and he issued a Jǐng report. Looking back at Romintov, I saw why Inna gripped me tightly, her hand was stabilized like an anchor, because she was still holding the compass in order to get the north.

"Sorry, dear," and then whispered into her ears, she tilted her head back and looked at me, pushing her into the abyss, where she touched PPSh next to her hip. He quickly picked up his weapon and yelled at Romintov for him to drive the car over. The other two bullets shattered the glass in front of him. Romintov slammed and almost knocked the working car next to him to the ground, slammed on the brakes, skidded on the ice, and finally stopped on the road and chased behind. The coming car lights rushed forward with more violent anger than the car inside.

Kicked open the back door again, four-wheeled bullets passed through the suitcase, the air suddenly filled with a strong smell of gasoline, he calmly knelt on one knee, raised the semi-automatic pistol, still firmly put the tree butt on my shoulder Come on, wait a moment.

"There is nothing better than this moment, um, Tobler!" One of my teachers likes to yell at me when the pressure is almost unbearable, suddenly appear, scream in my ear, and then loudly Laugh, there seems to be no better joke in the world. As it should be. Not much better than the Talber boy in reality. Everything else is just noise. If you can’t calm down, maybe one day you will be saved by it

Just for that moment.

I am not waiting for them, nor am I waiting for something to happen. This is beyond my control. If the sharpshooter fired again, our car might explode from the fuel. Otherwise we will be finished. This is beyond my complete control. Damn it, maybe at that speed, they ran into a hole in the road where the control failed, and hit a tree. This is beyond my control. You can only use what you have to work. Take everything into consideration and find the best solution.

Only in due time can I calm down. The heartbeat speeds up, everything is wrong to take the right blow.

Our transportation has come to an end. The staff’s car used to be someone’s pride and is now almost dying on an icy abandoned road. Inna was exhausted by the shock that was pushed down from the jeep, just like she went from man to man until she got the honor and rank of aviation colonel that she naturally deserved.

Romintov was tired of having to deal with bad things like Birus. He hated the Gulag system and hoped that it would all be burned down, at least part of it now, but not all. For this hero, there are some other things. In fact, he is, but the overwhelming power of the new Soviet Empire will crush him. He knows this, and the most likely ending is to return here. A criminal.

Calm, breathing slowly, PPSh's relatively accurate weapon, pull its light trigger to send two wheels to the windshield, two wheels to the engine. At the same moment, three more shots were fired. One shot hit the ground six feet in front of me, throwing ice and rocks out, the second shot missed, and the third shot hit my chest and knocked me away. The ground lifted up and hit the rear of the car severely. I fell straight on the ice with my back to the rear wheel, still holding the rear wheel, and the chasing lights suddenly turned at the fastest speed and hit. I got a hole, the right front tire completely broke, fell ten yards before the advancing ice showers and rocks, suddenly flipped to the right side of the axle, left the road and hit a tree, fifty yards away from us, the engine suddenly There was a fire.

Feeling all the wind blowing from the lungs, panting, and hearing the same scream of Inna, Romintov opened his .45 caliber pistol and the bullet hit a man who climbed out of the car door from the back seat Another injured person limped out of the broken front glass. At this moment, more flames burst out from the chassis. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)