Magic Notes

Chapter 296: Nether (34)


Inna may not be aware of the bandage containing the absorbent DonaX. Its application is equivalent to an overdose. Research has concluded that the minds of animals and humans simply burn themselves to death, and the body quickly follows, expiring within a few minutes first through a wide range of Muscle contraction, seizure. Some cases end with a comma and usually last from one day to a week. However, a documented case lasts for more than six months. Although it is impossible to confirm that they are German researchers, they have taken pills from a captured agent. After the torture, the agent told the scientists that these pills were just vitamins, they could not correctly determine the composition of the medicine and did not trust the agent, so they carried out them.

As a German, outstanding musical notes and movies form an almost perfect collection, showing how a person can tear himself apart with his hands and teeth. This recorded case was recorded after a failed interrogation. Within 0 minutes, two pills caused the necessary restraint. Otherwise, two eyes were dug out with the thumb, and the big arms and legs were torn off. After the piece of meat, he tore his lips and tore his throat. After the convulsions, he was unconscious and finally died in a coma lasting 177 days before the agent died.

Once the details of the experiment reached the Jǐng report of the Supreme Command, all agents would receive a Jǐng warning, admonishing them to take the second pill at least 48 hours after taking the first pill.

Stopped one foot under the snow-covered mat, it hasn’t frozen yet, knowing that the medicine has been injected, not only want to know how and where to get it, but also want to know the current form of medical compress applied to the entrance and exit Wounds on the chest.

Are the Russians also from DonaX, and they changed the form of the pill into a bandage? In any case, when other things dominate, it is clear that it is on the verge of death. When the final burning is over.

So, is this really important? Lying here, suffering fatal injuries, the eyes and brain boiled together and turned into a pond of collective consciousness. The last consideration is, does this really mean all so many things

"You remember," his voice replied, "far from those rough-designed things. What's the matter? It's really far. More about... the environment. Evolution. Appeared, but in this coming, the East And the West is not ready at all

He stood there and handed me the small satchel, still calm and composed, impeccably dressed in a three-piece pure white suit that was exquisitely tailored. His cane itself is pitch black, and the tip of the cane is shiny silver, which leaves a deep impression on people, as if fighting an eternal battle against the dark side of the cane. Putting his hands on the ivory handle, whispering the sound of a vertebrate that has never touched this land, staring at this land through gold-rimmed glasses, there seems to be no trace of life in those sharp blue eyes. trace.

When the glass door opened inward, the first two people immediately walked in from both sides, let the two people directly follow the kneeling behind, and raised their weapons. Stand for a moment no more than 10 feet ago, move along the glass to observe their progress, evaluate possible results, and encounter similar scenarios in the field.

At least these people think so.

But something very similar happened, almost exactly the same as Hitler’s Sixth Army’s battle with the Russian army in Stalingrad. This battle lasted for five months from the end of August 194, especially in the winter of that year. It's down to minus thirty degrees Fahrenheit. At the end of the battle, more than a thousand German soldiers were killed every day. They fought to control the city. They themselves ordered the Luftwaffe to dive into 16,000 bombs, turning this wooden-structured building into a hell. , You can read newspapers from the fire that is forty miles away. The Nazis in this city turned into rubble, and now they themselves are trapped in the Russian army's fighting method called embracing the enemy.

The Soviet general in charge of defending Stalingrad instructed his soldiers to use hand-held weapons as close as possible to the enemy, which greatly reduced the use of artillery and mortars by the Germans against the Russians. This close combat lasted for several months. For the buildings and even the floors, the fighting was carried out from house to house. One layer of the Germans would occupy, while the other layer was above or below the Russians. I heard many times across the wall. Other people's conversations, even whispering.

It became ruthless, with no cover, no retreat, and no surrender. Both sides were merciless, and both sides suffered huge losses. Unable to replenish their troops that used to exceed 300,000, now there are only 16,000 left, surrounded by more than 1 million Russians, and the Germans finally surrendered.

This battle changed the German war against Russia. Once mastered and realized through superior resources and tactics, now the Soviet Red Army began to attack Berlin, and one of them chose me to deal with those who attacked the glass wall. When the soldiers entered from the door, their backs had easily entered the glass, and they had adopted standard tactical methods. Their goal was easily achieved, and in fact they fell into a situation of overconfidence just like the Germans.

At this time, three things happened: One was that the commandos were surprised to find that I would go back to the room and allow a clear attack while the Germans were good at field operations; the other was that the commandos were close to each other. Lack of a comprehensive understanding of the battle, they are also dumbfounded; the second thing is that if they really shè through the glass wall, it is likely to create a rain of glass shards for them and myself, which in turn forced them to immediately reconsider their attack plan. , Thus allowing the moment needed for my own offense; the third thing is to raise my own weapon and fire at the glass from the ground to the ceiling, still holding the bloodstone and three bullets.

As the round object hits the snow on the glass, it warms and melts a deep hole, passing through the reddish snow. As the body temperature rises sharply, a faint cloud of fog is produced, which slowly drifts to nothing. Windy night. Lying and listening, an eternal deafening stroll swallows the world, and its swimming pool suddenly towers above my head, accumulating from the persuasion of various forms and disguise that have been constantly changing over the past tens of thousands of years. However, I know more clearly that reality has only changed people’s perceptions, and madness is conquering me on its insurmountable commanding heights and directing me without prejudice. A fool who believed that self-guided rules meant important from birth, in order to maintain the primary order of my simple existence, to prove facts, to prove lies, became something completely fictitious.

In addition to time itself being indulged, distorted, or even satisfying my own needs, what is the point of serving a rule of governance? As long as the declining self is so cleverly disguised that it never notices that he is about to commit suicide in order to save face Jǐng told me, because half of the mistakes come from not listening but believing in something else.

During the missionary mission, I read a report from Azerbaijani translated to me by a Russian black market businessman, learned some basic knowledge, and realized that the key factors here provided the last clue to the woman’s death; the buttons on her clothes It is spelled Tengri, which is written from right to left in ancient Turkish characters, which means Khan Tengri; Blood Mountain.

However, when the professor told the story while drinking in London, he still did not understand the connection between her and the man who came back from climbing the mountain alone. The man and his colleagues became new business partners and later found out that he was dead. On the ice bridge. It wasn’t until the moment I shè my bullet into the glass that I felt a shock. My hand held the etched stone tightly. The man wearing the gold-rimmed glasses was indeed Khan Tengri. He divided the stone into one. two.

At this point, there was no surprise in Commander Anderson’s relevant information market garden, that is, the goal of the failed Allied mission in World War II was not to seize a series of nine bridges, which could have provided an invasion route into Germany, but Refers to those who took reconnaissance photos - known as snapshots - took such photos - 58 snapshot team means the 58th German Flying Signal Company responsible for the task of shooting the market garden - -A photo of Mount Elbrus was also taken, and Anderson cited 4118N. In addition, reports related to the Los Angeles Jǐng party do not have any such numbered case reference system.

Instead, Anderson mentioned what he knew I could understand—signal companies and CICs serving in the military—in most cases, the numbers were related to coordinates; latitude and longitude.

In the mountains of Anderson, 4118 degrees north latitude becomes Mount Elbrus at 4 degrees 1 minute 18 seconds north latitude. Khan Tengri, located in the Tianshan Mountains on the border between China and the Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic, refer to 419N report 80, where it arrives at 10:0 Eastern time, and the actual coordinates are 4 degrees 1 minute 9 seconds north and 80 degrees 10 minutes 0 seconds east.

The murdered woman found on the beach was wearing a green dress with three buttons and a Khan Tengri pattern on it. The local farmers interviewed by Jǐng Fang stated that they did see only one climber that matched the businessman’s description that day. They have never seen a lone climber, either before or after they ascend to Elbrus, because they always graze livestock near the beginning of the trail and will notice anyone passing by.

But how is this woman connected

Unless it is 58585N, another reference from Anderson, 58 degrees 5 minutes 85 seconds north, its position is North Scotland above Inverness, there is no further research there, only guesses.

Anderson told me on the radio, try that good glass of Scotch, and check the bottle with the dark green label to make sure it comes from the correct distillery. It is famous for Scotch. Is the lady in green emphasizing the facts again

possible. Why didn't these things tell me earlier? Why are the details so rushed, but the conclusion is specious

Because this is usually the way the brain works. Concentrate on the details that only deal with enough information at any given moment that does not allow most people ZìYóu to flow, but are absorbed in a large amount, and then "fill in the gaps" more. After all, people’s thinking is nothing more than Swiss cheese, and until these small holes are filled, they have almost no meaning.

Anderson has never mentioned Scotch Whisky and Green Bottle in our conversation, whether at work or drinking, although the latter is rare, because he is definitely working as always. Here, however, he made it very clear, with what he knew I could understand, even though the coding could distinguish the clues he wanted others to know. However, Anderson himself was a mystery during and after the war. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)