Magic Notes

Chapter 298: Nether (36)


But what about Bairus? Turning around quickly, the first shot came from the top of my left shoulder. One of his men raised a weapon. The rifle had a high caliber. It was probably the one who shot me in the tree to cover me. He must have seen snipers, but how is their cover so complete? Or just to stabilize his goal with exhaustion and cold work.

At this moment, the tree he used as a cover or support sprayed a puff of smoke, and then the man's head exploded. Someone shone through the tree, and the bullet continued to shuffle into the head, almost completely flying away, leaving only the back of the skull down from the eyes. What's interesting is that such a precise impact and high-energy bullet made him stand motionless. If you don't see the only evidence of what happened, it is a large swath of red water splashing on the snow from the heads of people who are almost disgraced.

If he stayed a little longer, the cold would freeze into ice, leaving a statue until the next time it thaws, and then another round would sound. If there is no hope, the next one will be Inna or Romintov. They look back and see that the criminal closest to Romintov just strode and fell to the ground. Once again, there is no change in the slightest influence, the body from the round hit will either reverse or throw the normal person, the man just falls.

Fire came back from behind me. Three bullets shone quickly from the three weapons. One of them sent waves of snowflakes into the cold night sky. Not even a foot high jumped out of the impression just now, leaving behind a steaming one. In shape, the second shot flew towards Inna, who was three feet behind her, and the third shot aimed at the sniper; everything was wrong.

The headless gunner almost froze the high-caliber weapon in his hand, but instinct still dominates, and Inna hasn't even considered the slightest moment. When two snipers swept over our heads with infrared carbines, I was surprised to find out who they were and why they didn’t aim at us, but the real shock happened to Inna’s face because she found that it was not her, and It's another completely different woman!

Break through the fear and shout to yourself: This is drugs! It's drugs! I desperately wanted to get rid of this incredible burden. This burden exhausted all my energy. Our eyes met in an instant. My brain was full of certain information. The overdose of drugs made me almost collapsed. Because the same woman met Anderson's wife, but it was impossible to be in a place I hadn't been.

Her lips whispered ZìYóu, not Inna's voice, but another one, but she couldn't hear such a weak voice, she moved closer.

"Be careful..." The voice was almost inaudible.

The sniper fired two more shots, but I didn't dare to look away from her, thinking that if I did so, it would definitely lead to long-term jīng blunders.

What? Yelling, only 10 inches away from her, because I was panicked and the only voice was a sniper.

Her lips moved again, her eyes turned to her head and said, "... the glass ice bridge."

Taking a step back, it seemed that something grabbed my chest from behind and passed through my feet. When the glass wall collapsed, the huge sheet turned into spearheads and daggers, and I almost tripped over. The crystal once hit the floor and exploded into fragments, cutting anything within half the size of the reception desk into fragments, and extending it to the sidewalks and streets in the same way. Fortunately, only five armed entrants were caught, which was their intended goal, almost cutting off the heads of two people, while the third person was overwhelmed by the weight of the glass itself on what was already on the floor and that Between the fallen things.

The two men fired their guns in reverse. The bullet hit the reception desk and swept to the right. The blood of the two dead was sprayed on the white walls and floor. A bullet pierced the back of the Los Angeles man's head, tore his face, and splashed on the bottom of the wall and the door to the cold storage room.

I found a place to hide on the wall next to me. I could only see some small fragments. I was ready to return to the reception desk, away from the continuous sheets. As a few stones fell, a loud noise broke. Almost no pedestrians have witnessed the collapse. They stood there, forgetting the fact that only their awesome mouth was still open, but logic told them to fly. But for most animals, this behavior is completely normal. Even the shortest hesitation will allow danger to appear in the background, in the most common way to become victims of their own constant curiosity. They All of his attention is focused on the louder the voice, the greater the attraction, and the deeper the area of interest.

At least on this level.

At the same time, in another case, the opposite application is due to the fact that stillness has been enchanted, and when watching something new, it clings to people’s attention, full concentration, without prejudgment and lack of understanding. The first moment.

The same goes for the buttons on that woman, they found dead on the beach, and the same for the buttons on that woman. They flew together, saved my life, and fell in love with me horribly. Inna and the woman in the green dress are the same person, Anderson's wife.

Familiar and vague, leaning against the wall in the corridor outside Anderson's office, just shrugged and said: My wife. Although she can be seen from her eyes that she is very casual, but my own work and problems, the problems caused by war, and the things that happened in life, this expression faded the illusion that people believed, and penetrated into the work. It is in sharp contrast to the terrible nightmare that has been full of sweat. In the past two months, most nights have been lost between reality and fiction. In the end, Anderson said, death seems to be looking at me more and more from over his glasses.

Anderson confided to him about a doctor who might be useful, and consulted a prescription the doctor gave him. This prescription can relax his nerves, or at least take a break. Three weeks later, she appeared, a phantom; Inna. How could I misunderstand her? Her hair is different. Although the line of her chin is a little different, she still appears.

But why doesn't she stand up? No reflection at all, married Anderson! Why? Does he know who she is? He will definitely. Of course he has studied her. Or is she performing a task? Marry him just to get... confidential information? But then she and Luomintov ran in the fields for her life and to find the coordinates-as you can see from my map, in some evil ancient forest, life is being swallowed and torn into pieces. Fragments... Of course not, we have a mission... at all costs. professional. She never cared about just using me... Romintov... Anderson.

Except why we didn't follow our instincts and ran in the other direction-do not enter the forest anyway? Instinctively chased by a group of hungry prisoners. They have almost nothing to do with any crime. They just don’t want to participate in Stalin’s regime. They are chased by Bairus and his mobs. They want what we want and may not know what we know, because We don’t know it ourselves. Everyone plunged into darkness, and many people will never come back. However, the things that have not changed have not simply changed. Oh, no, this is expected, you see hovering in Around, the trees are so dense that you can't see the surrounding, twisted and twisted, from this world.

What was next to her, Inna couldn't hear what she said, it sounded just whispering, so she screamed.

"Let it down!" She yelled at me, and the volcanic ash from a tree dragged us into the hardened snow. Less than 5 yards away, the mortar exploded, passing from all directions. There was a strong scream, including Inna, who instinctively raised her arms to protect her face and neck, but was scratched by shrapnel and wood on her forearms and wrists.

In this ever-barren dark world, snowflakes are the only source of whiteness. It makes us struggle to get rid of this feeling, because snowflakes emit a faint light around her, and her eyes tell us the same feeling; it’s not worship. Ruth or anyone else, what we should be most afraid of is this place.

Those eyes appeared in the corridor again, telling me the same, scream at me and leave! Even so, I didn't bother and walked over without thinking.

What followed was intense artillery fire. Light artillery and mortar shells landed on a large area. If Gulag thinks this is crazy, then this goes beyond the infinitely relaxed ground mixed with snow and ice, and with rounds of explosive bombs shè into the stars. The splendid night sky. The entire tree was shattered, and the wood and shrapnel were sprayed outward, razing almost anything standing on the ground.

Nevertheless, those sounds that seem to be dead, in a safe place underground, only a rumbling sound can be heard, because the shelling moved along its pattern, first behind us, and then the forward moving shells pushed us into the pitch black. Forest.

Accompanied by unusual flashes, the night turned into bright orange and white lights, trees were burning, and people stumbling and running before falling into the snow. Inna tried to stand up, but hugged her tightly because she knew that once she stood up more than a foot, the bombing would easily knock her down. I hope that Romintov is the same. A person like him is difficult to understand outside of military operations. This leaves me with only one doubt. Seeing this, now it is mainly about survival, and the war is over. However, for people like Romintov, this idea proved to be extremely absurd, because war rages everywhere, and peace will only come at the end.

Arms tightly around Inna's back, holding her hard, her strength is amazing. But as each shell is fired, people who are becoming more and more calm realize that if a shell falls on the ground, both of us may be injured or killed. This is an additional risk. In fact, on several occasions, she sprinkled bursts of black dust on us, and sprinkled it on the bright white snow, so that she leaned her head on my neck, and the smell of her shoulders overwhelmed the world and wanted to kill. Our smell.

Just walked past her in the hall, less than a foot apart, but didn't notice. In that short time outside Anderson's office, how much did people miss? Eyes...her natural fragrance...her body shape...sound... The cause and effect of the relationship led to the encounter with Inna in 1945, which made her only meet her a month ago. However, with the interpretation of time when measuring the speed of change, a "change" has taken place in the Russian forest, from The moment they rose from the mud-filled hole, they saw their beating and stopped motion shapes.

But, as time defines when measuring change, then something must always change for the existence of time

With the changes in the forest, when both she and Luomintov stopped hurriedly, it was at the exact moment of "stopping", so that there was time. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)