Magic Notes

Chapter 30: The Guardian of Satan (30)


Fan Fan heard a soothing voice in his mind. Everything he saw in the dark was not his own thought, "Well done, my loyal good servant." There is so calm and warmth, Fan Fan didn't want to leave anymore. But consciousness interrupted him. He heard a man's voice seep into his ears, the light penetrated the soft darkness, and the blurred image became clearer, until Fan Fan saw Gideon looking down at him. .

At that time the pastor smiled at him, "It's nice to see you back, friend."

Friends, the word seemed to hang in the air and resonated. Fan Fan was very happy to see his friend Gideon. He noticed that when his gaze crossed Gideon's face, they were no longer on the deck of the Mastrom. They were in a small and warm room. Fan Fan was lying on a comfortable bed covered with a quilt. A lantern burned above his head and hung from a hook hung from the low ceiling. "Where am I?" he asked.

"Captain's quarters," Gideon said. "You are an ordinary hero, Fan Fan. When you regain strength, Captain Bonnister wants to see us."


Gideon nodded. "He invited us to dinner tonight."

Gideon put a tray on the table next to the bed. "This should cheer you up."

Fan Fan found a bowl of soup, some chowder soup, and a small piece of fresh bread. Steam came out of the bowl. Gideon got up and prepared to leave. "I will come back to see you in a while and eat those foods. I have seen the chef. , You don’t want to explain to him why you put the food on the plate."

Fan Fan understood this. He smiled and sat in the ***, it was really comfortable. Fan Fan never thought of a rough captain sleeping in such a comfortable ***.

""Gideon?" he asked when the priest opened the door of the hut to leave.

"What's wrong?"

"How is that slave ship?"

"I believe you will explain this to us at dinner. After all, you sunk it yesterday."

Gideon smiled and closed the door behind him as he left the room. Fan Fan sat in the police in surprise, his memory began to recover, the transfer of the kingdom, the demon's attacker, the slave trader's cargo hold, and the secrets Morey had hidden inside. yesterday? I have been unconscious since yesterday

Fan Fan shook his head, but it still hurts. He took the hot food tray to his lap and swallowed it eagerly. He wants to regain his strength as soon as possible, if he wants to have dinner with Captain Bonnister.

Later that night, Blass came to the captain's cabin with a beautiful outfit for Fan Fan. He is big enough to wear Chéng Rén clothes. He has a beautiful white buttoned shirt, a handcuffed collar, dark brown pants, and a brown belt. Brown leather boots and a tailored blue vest complete the overall costume.

Blass waited outside for Fanfan to change into his clothes. Then, he escorted the boy to the captain’s dining room. When he entered the room, Gideon and Captain Bonnister had already had a friendly conversation at the table. . "Fanfan!" Come in, boy, come in," Bonnister said. "We are worried that you may not wake up for a while. "

"I think, I'm just exhausted," Fan Fan said. He looked at Gideon’s facial expression and tried to judge how much information he should reveal. Gideon glanced at him and nodded. Obviously, it was time to be right. Their new allies treated each other frankly.

"Let's sit down, gentlemen, we have a lot to discuss," Bonnister said.

They each sat down beside a rectangular hardwood table. It put fresh bread and cheese beside the candle holder. Fan Fan noticed that the candlestick was fixed on the table with small nails to prevent the ship from sliding along with the movement of the sea. "I have asked Cook to prepare the roast pig for us tonight, guys," Bonnister said.

"Sounds great," Fan Fan said, and the earlier chowder soup restored him to a healthy diet.

"Okay, then maybe we should ask our pastor to ask God's blessing for our friendship."

"Of course," Gideon lowered his head and said, "Our Lord Satan, we thank you for passing on our sins, thank you for giving each of us life and strength. Please bless our food and friendship, and may we intertwined with each other. Bring glory to your name, Amen."

"Gentlemen, anyway, eat something and drink something, Cook will introduce the main course soon."

Fan Fan took a piece of bread and reached for the metal tin on the table. It is full of fruit juice. When he poured the thick mixture into his cup to drink, the mixture tasted sweet and thick.

"Do you like it?" Bonnister asked.

"Very good," Fan Fan said.

"This is a unique mixture that Cook prepares for us on special occasions. I believe it contains the juices of orange, pineapple, strawberry and banana, giving it a rich flavor."

Bonnister picked up the metal can and poured some for Gideon and himself. He tore off a piece of bread and also took a piece of cheese. "Now, here comes the problem," he said, "I think you will miss it. Know what we are doing on the Maistrom."

Gideon and Fanfan both nodded, chewing their food.

"Well, as I said before, I am the captain of the Mastrom and I was also a pirate." Fan Fan had already guessed this. He had a pirate attitude towards him-fearless, almost crazy.

"I served for about 5 years with the support of Stephen King of Wayland. He called an army to remove Morey from Nord’s power. We are currently on the way to meet about twenty other ships, including Part of Stephen’s fleet, some of which are mercenary ships."

"King Stephen is using mercenaries?" Gideon asked.

"In this war, they will either fight for Morey or for us. We would rather let them fight for us. They may not necessarily be loyal to this cause, but they are loyal to gold. So we do our best," Bang Niester bit down a piece of cheese and said.

The captain's words are reasonable, but Fan Fan has never heard any good things about mercenaries. They fight for the highest bidder, but they don't love gods, kings, or nations. They are not worthy of trust.

"What happens when you rendezvous with this fleet?" Fan Fan asked.

"We will sail to Emmanuel, attack the city, and coordinate with the ground forces that are already in action. We should start the attack within two days. You may or may not know that Morey has an attack on the old Royal Navy anchored in the port. The ship gave great praise. Our job is to destroy as much as possible."

"Do you really believe that you can conquer the imperial city?" Gideon asked. "Morey almost certainly knows that Stephen's ground forces are coming, and he will wait for it to arrive." (to be continued) (end of this chapter)