Magic Notes

Chapter 300: Nether (38)


But something has changed. When you reported the accident to the driver by radio, you told me, "Time is the most important thing, but don't believe it or anyone. The traitor is cut off, and there are some things related to red eyes." You mean Say that the Soviet Union has a huge "red eye" and uses its radar to monitor everything? But it was destroyed in the dam, half of the forest was lit, and the fire of hell may still be burning. "

Even if you are well-trained, you will not reveal hatred and shock. These two emotions are difficult to combine. Although Anderson showed these two points a little bit, his thoughts were different-the purpose of revealing my own secrets, his mental calculations-did not focus on my hands as they should. .

When I raised my hand and threw the gravel of the Blood Mountain at him, he allowed me to carefully consider the written records and information sent, how unfavorable it was for him.

They are not for destroying anything, but for distraction-the same is to let something fly to you, and you are not sure what requires a lot of mental calculations to understand. Anderson's thinking has once again shifted from the past to the present, and he has to understand what happened just now and how to do his best in this situation.

The condition said that he would send his weapons, these stones only changed his aiming direction, let me slide my back against the wall to the ground, landing in a sitting position, at the same time attracted Browning.

We all shot. His bullet hit five inches above my head. If I kept standing, it would be my lower abdomen. At the reception desk just in front of Anderson, I bumped into that round. Suddenly, a burst of fire came from my right. The two agents are still able to open their eyes. One of them hits in front of the reception, causing Anderson to either be injured or hide, while the others aim at the worst. In fact, half of the face was cut off and only used One eye exploded on the floor three feet in front of me.

I don’t know where Anderson’s situation and location are behind the big table. I don’t want to blindly fire. My weapon aimed at two agents is the most direct threat and fire. I also move along the wall away from them. If Anderson rises will have to take another second. Resettled me times.

Two bullets hit the agents, and they immediately lay down quietly. There was silence in the room, and the sound of Jǐng in the distance gradually approached. I only had a few minutes to escape into the street or chase Anderson.

Investigating the surrounding environment is not a good choice. The most unbearable heat in my mind now is water. I was so thirst that the energy consumed by thinking about it exceeded my expectations. Need to concentrate and slow down. calm. Although I saw the blood of myself and the five dead agents on the floor that was once white, the amount of blood lost... five? But only four people came in. Five people approached outside, but four of them were definitely cut to pieces by the glass. However, there are now five lying in the glass.

When my mind was trying to think about this problem, the fifth shot suddenly rose, pointed a finger, and fired a shot.

You only need to use the essentials to tell who is a professional. The bullet hit me and slammed me against the wall. I sat down again with my weapon on my knees and my head lowered, watching the blood slowly flow out of my stomach.

Knowing that the body's response to shock is based on the current state of the mind, it feels very little, if anything, there is only a more intense burn from the wound than the rest of my body. A person can live with such a wound, but he must get medical care as soon as possible. In this case, my arm wound almost used up the amount of blood my body needs to stay awake, and the second wound may be caused 4 to 5 minutes before the coma.

Free my mind from the chaos of survival, and let me deal with the shè hand who can easily fire again but is still waiting. Why

Of course, Anderson may still be alive. He chose this moment very carefully because he knew he had only one chance to miss, which would lead to a worse situation than it is now.

But who is the fifth guard? An ordinary agent who uses more bullets, especially with their weapons, will not risk almost emptying the magazine. He just stood and watched. From the corner of my eye, I can see that the man has terrible scars on his face and arms. He wears a low hat and covers the entire scar.

Have you had enough, the man asked, closing in a low voice.

The Jǐng alarm sounded, his weapon remained level, and he walked towards me from the side, knowing that I would have to turn to fire. In this case, it was almost impossible to increase my energy consumption for the heavy Browning.

We have waited long enough for this stupid game, now tell me if these gold nuggets are beyond your ability, or if your last moments are beyond your ability.

"" know what you did. If we have time, I want you to experience what it's like to recover in the slaughterhouse you left behind, without even pain relief. But they have tried their best

It's almost three feet away now, but when the study is not over, they almost beat me to death, away from your assets. In fact, it is terrible. The deep scar tissue fused together and stretched to a part of his face, not only gave him an inhuman look, but his eyes were almost red and turned into a monster. Another clue came from Anderson, who said on the radio, "Beware of red-eye flights." Anderson knew that Byrus was looking for me and Jin Jin. It seems that they are not working together as we thought. No... Of course not... His Sauer8H weapons are mainly used by the Luftwaffe because Anderson is a Nazi and Byrus is a Soviet.

"One chance, and then I cut," Biros took out a starting knife from his boot, as they said, flashing hungry and preparing to start the operation; some knives only need to be processed. This is one, and knowing that Byrus, he can cause more pain than anything in a few seconds, especially with a knife in this sense.

"Now, my friend... tell me that place!!!"

What are the options? I understand now, this is a fact. Then tell him.

The next thing is difficult to understand, probably because of pain.

In an instant, Birus chopped off my left side with a move. He obviously had a lot of practice, working with Anderson, posing as a Nazi, and doing everything.

He took a step forward, reached out his hand to hold the Browning pistols on my knees, put them on the floor, and stepped on them, although not very hard, just keep them in place, and don’t want any on either side. trouble. There was no injury to the left arm, he didn't notice, but the wound in the stomach...that was what he wanted, we all know it. The wound in that place was painful anyway, more painful than other places, so he put the tip of the knife into the bullet hole and slowly turned the blade.

At this point, he might realize what I would say if I knew. Not much is needed in this case. If you want to get information quickly, you will inflict severe pain quickly. It comes from the shock of the information you get, and it comes from your pain.

If you have time, you just hang them up and hit them.

But in general, he made a mistake, that is, his back to the street.

Pushing and turning, the screams put him in a state of euphoria, people like this are just simple love. But with love comes blindness.

There was a bang from the left. Feeling more than an eyewitness, closing his eyes and cutting through his intestines and stomach with a severe knife, Birus suddenly disappeared.

My eyes opened almost immediately, my vision was blurred, panting heavily, and vaguely saw a figure on the right approaching with something blue, followed by two or three people who could hardly tell my attention. The first person who was almost the closest to me seemed a bit familiar. In the next moment, I looked up at the perfect white ceiling. Although I still couldn't concentrate, a face appeared, like the familiar smell.

Four months later.

Romintov and Inna were sitting at a small round table filled with empty plates and wine glasses. They talked, staring at the sea.

I stopped when I sat down next to Inna, and they all looked at me blankly. Then Romintov spoke. So Billus fled. Anderson too. Inna wants to stay in London. I must go back to Moscow... You know Talber Moscow is very good, you should come. We will have a big party, make new friends, tell us how to escape the forest, about the HA of the "two" Inna! impossible! But some people may not like you. I think you ruined the radar they could use. But they are also embarrassed by this happening. The commander of the Gulag concentration camp used criminals to use Nazi gold to build such a station! Anderson's gold medal. what! what's up? incredible. I thought it was built by us Russians except those criminals. but. Anderson used this to steal Bairus' gold coin. All this is for the new empire. You know this. All the time, put your little "ice bridge", really you have to come, we will have a lot of time to talk

And vodka, I asked.

"Of course, you know everything, dear friend. A lot" he smiled sincerely. "Contract" and his transaction.

"My dear, you don't know everything," Inna said, holding my hand and looking at the sea.

I am happy to know when the tremor starts. Or is it over? (To be continued) (End of this chapter)