Magic Notes

Chapter 307: Nether (45)


Question 336

The preparation photos before the wedding are the most interesting. An atmosphere full of excitement and anticipation surrounds me. I am very happy to let myself forget everything and be swept away in the stream of joy.

The bride and groom want to take a formal photo of their first meeting before the wedding. Nick and I played the groom on the cliff overlooking the sea. The bride quietly walked behind him. I took these photos from the perspective of the bride and Nick took the groom’s face—first surprise, then awe, and then a look—I’ve never seen this expression before, as if at that moment, he would do it for her. Go through the fire. I was stunned by this expression and almost missed the opportunity to take pictures of it.

I like weddings. I prefer those trivial and surprising moments to excitement and drama. I like the expression of pure love and dedication on the groom's face. How there are tears in his eyes. I glanced at Nick. When he attracted my eyes, he smiled at me. I also smiled back. Sometimes a perfect moment is enough.

The wedding itself was beautiful. I cried a little bit, one or two tears, but almost no one cried dry. The bride's father cried shamelessly, and at the same time, the bride's mother wiped her knees with a smile.

The newlyweds kissed each other's lips and entered the world as husband and wife. They successfully walked onto the red carpet and walked into their new life arm in arm. I squatted, capturing every hopeful step in their new life as inconspicuously as possible. Don't let anyone separate.

After the parade, Nick put his hand on my back.

"What's next, pretty girl?"

"Next, we go to the entrance of the reception and take pictures of the guests. We can eat too," I raised my eyebrows at him. "We even have our own seats and everything."

"Very good," he said. "You are the best, Neely."

In my wedding package, I put a small instant camera on each table to encourage guests to take photos of themselves and anything they think can be captured. I hung a big notice board at the entrance of the banquet hall, put a marker on it, let people write good wishes to the newlyweds, pin their pictures on the wall for everyone to appreciate, and let the bride and groom stay Around. I also built a digital slide show using the original unedited photos taken earlier in the day.

The last thing on the schedule is the farewell of the bride and groom. Everyone was blowing bubbles, clapping their hands, and cheering. My last official photo was of a newly married limousine dragging cans along the luxury driveway of the hotel. Anyway, my work is done.

I was sitting alone at the table eating chocolate cake, this is my second cake. Don't tell others. The others at the table are either busy spinning on the dance floor or socializing with friends and family, or the night is over.

I am alone in a crowded room. as usual. This is your own fault. You can only blame yourself, my mother's voice rattles in my head. I declined two invitations to dance. I just want to be professional. At least that's what I told myself. No one wants a reveller to be their wedding photographer. I was hired to watch and not participate in the competition. Now, I watch myself decorate my cake pan with tines and raspberry sauce. If I get the third piece of cake, will anyone notice

The sun did not set until after 9 o'clock that evening. Finally gave up on this day, it slid below the horizon, and when it slid across the sky, it appeared orange-red. In the last hour, in the dark night, the forecasted storm arrived. The windows of the reception hall were open, and I could hear the sound of waves hitting the coast and the sound of rain falling on the roof.

Nick finally became a victim of the rǔditch match. I am not surprised at all. The bridesmaids seduce him all day, eyebrows and eyebrows. He persisted longer than I thought. Now, he is dancing with two bridesmaids at the same time. It is a good time to have something that anyone can see. He looked at me, blinked, and motioned for me to go to the dance floor. I shook my head and begged them to let me go. I picked up my camera with one hand and showed a picture: Look, I'm working, looking at my camera face. He sighed exaggeratedly and shrugged. He grabbed a bridesmaid and turned around until she laughed hysterically and leaned on him. Dizzy, I nicknamed her. She grabbed Nick's other hand and turned it around.

Once upon a time, I could easily become any of those bridesmaids—a dizzy blonde, a lively black-haired girl, a curvy Su, and wearing pink underwear with a bright pink lipstick mouth. Kate. In my opinion, they belong to ZìYóu. Like a bird. Bright and infinite, not bound by anyone or anything. They are hope ー ー beautiful, xìng sense, a little bit ** ー ーhope. Of course I am like them a long time ago. Before I met Benjamin Morrow. Before he broke my heart and two fingers. The fingers may be accidental. The heart is not an accident.

"Why are you so depressed, Miss Abigail?" Nick escaped from the bridesmaid and sat down on the chair next to me. "Sorry, is your cake missing? I bet you can get the second piece and no one will notice."

"This is my second one," I licked the raspberry jam off my fork and looked at him sheepishly.

""So, what about the third one? God knows you can do this. I will even give it to you and pretend it is mine so that no one will look down on you. "

I thought about it, the little chocolate cake lover in my mind almost accepted his proposal, but I couldn't do it. I think, but I can't do it.

"No, thank you. I really want to go, but three pieces of cake? I licked the last piece of raspberry jam on the fork." What they should do is make the damn piece of cake bigger or not so delicious. "I frowned and pushed the plate away, put my chin in my hand, and sighed.

It's just a piece of cake," he said.

I glanced at him, "This is more than just a cake."

He smiled. He crossed the gap between us and stroked my upper arm. His hands were warm and strong, and he gently pinched my elbow. His Mackenzie soda-like eyes gleamed. No matter how you look at it, Nick is handsome, tall, strong, and attractive. Female name Female name.

A gong sounded in my stomach. I was stunned.

"Your bridesmaids miss you very much. They are looking over here now." I said.

"They are stupid. Don't you think so?"

"They are beautiful, right?" I said, "and fun. You like fun."

"Are you driving back tonight?" he asked, diverting the subject from the bridesmaid.

A sudden hum filled my ears and my stomach turned up. I can't hear what Nick said. I can see his mouth moving, but I can't hear his voice. My hands and feet were bitten and tingled again, just like when I was in the Candy House Cafe before. To be precise, I was panicked and overwhelmed. What's wrong with me

"What?" I said. Focus on Nick's mouth. Willing to listen. Everything hit me like a wall of static electricity. I can see Nick's mouth moving again, his voice is buzzing and he can't hear clearly. When a sudden pain poured into my body, I took a sharp breath. The arm next to Nick's fingertips, the elbow he had just pinched, felt terrible. It felt like it was on fire.

"Sorry, what did you just say?" I said.

"Are you driving back tonight?" He repeated for the third time, his face full of worry.

This time I heard him say "Can't live in a hotel".

"It's raining heavily. I have a room. You can stay with me and drive back tomorrow morning.". To express his point of view, thunder came from a distance, and the sound of raindrops falling louder, knocking on the roof for emphasis, flooding the DJ and electronic slides. I lowered my head and pressed my forehead against the edge of the table. so cool. The table was next to my forehead and it was very cool. My temples beat with the music of time.

Nick frowned. He picked up my wine glass and sniffed it. I only drank water. He put it back on the table.

"Nick?" A woman's voice came from my shoulder. I thought it was dizziness, but I didn't see it. "I didn't mean to interrupt." Of course, she did mean to interrupt. "We are thinking about taking a bottle of champagne and looking at the waves. Do you want to go together?"

Nick hesitated and looked at me.

"Come on, Nick. I'm leaving anyway. I can't stay." Thank you for your suggestion. "My vague voice rose from the table. This is a fact. I have to leave. I'm leaving and running away. There was an explosion deep in my mind. Suddenly, somehow, irrationally, I wanted to leave desperately. I needed to escape, just like I needed to breathe. Earlier, I used cold medicine and aspirin to get rid of the headache, but In the end there was a violent reaction. I lifted my head from the table and pressed my cold hand on my forehead. Under my hand, my forehead burned.

"Oh, that's too bad." You could have come," Diez said, her voice sounded very sincere. Give her support. She said to Nick, "I promise, it will be fun. "

Her promise was fully fulfilled.

"No thanks," Nick said.

"Okay," her voice was full of disappointment, "If you change your mind..." She let it go, and left when he changed his mind.

"Don't stop going because of me," I said. I tried to stand up. The conversation is over. time to go. When I stood up, my camera slid off my lap, and I rushed to grab it. Nick caught it.

My lunges made me lose my balance and bend over Nick. Our faces are only a few inches apart. He held my elbow with one hand to stabilize my body. He said softly: "It's too dangerous to drive home tonight. You are not comfortable. Stay in my room. Two beds. Just friends. Nothing else. No big deal."

"I can't," I said, I really can't. I have to go. I stood up and tripped again. Nick reached out his hand to stabilize me, and I turned around and ignored him like a grumpy kid.

"I will be careful," I said.

"Damn it," he said. "You can't even lift your head. You are sick. Please don't go. Stay for me."

What he said-please don't go, stay for me-irritated me. Irritated me. I can't explain why, I only know that I saw red sè and white sè, anger and pain, I was very angry, and people told me what to do. I gave him a push. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)