Magic Notes

Chapter 320: Nether (58)


"How do you feel?" he asked.

"Sore. My hands really hurt, and I have a terrible headache, I can't breathe at all."

"You know that Jǐng Cha is looking for you, looking for your testimony about the accident. When you disappeared from the hospital, they almost started a missing person case. Except for the surveillance video of the hospital, which asked you to leave voluntarily." He said. "You worry me very much."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Why did you leave the hospital?"

"It's complicated. I really can't explain it."

He pressured me. "You can try. I am a good listener."

I turned to the refrigerator and took out the cold pizza from last night. Cold pizza and coffee are the breakfast of champions.

"Pizza?" I asked.

""no, thank you. You won't tell me?"

"You will think I'm crazy."

"I already think you are crazy," he said, sweet as a pie.

"Haha, it's not really crazy, it's the crazy of jīng god ward. You can't help me anyway," I said.

He immediately became serious, "Do you need help? No matter what, I can help."

He put a hand on my shoulder to show his helpfulness. I opened my mouth to tell him, but closed it again. I can't see that telling him will help the situation a little bit. Before I could open my mouth to tell him, the phone rang.

I answered the phone and turned my back to Nick.

"Abby?" a woman's voice asked.

"Yes, I am Abby."

"Oh my God, Abby. I'm Jill, Jill Ward."

"Oh, hey, Jill. Wow, long time no see. How good these days? What's wrong?" I haven't seen Jill for a long time. Probably soon after I graduated from university. She and I are friends in the same circle. Sweet and beautiful Jill, she has a singing voice that can make you cry-that kind of nice cry. The sound of my singing can also make you cry, but that kind of terrible cry. Over the years, we have drifted farther and farther away-just like me and all my old friends.

"Abby, something terrible happened to Ben."

My heart is about to jump out.

"What happened?"

"Ben called to ask me your contact information. I know how you broke up with Ben, what happened, etc., but I think it’s been a long time. He said he wanted to invite you to his The wedding, I think he’s so good, you know? It’s like mending a fence. He said he promised to invite you to his wedding a long time ago, and you promised to invite him to your wedding. Well, I think it’s very cute , Just like you guys, so I don’t think you would mind, so I gave it to him."

"Is going to get married?" I said. I felt as if I was blown down by the wind. I know this will happen at some point. The reality upsets me more than I thought.

"This is not the worst part, Abby."

"Isn't it? What's the worst?"

"Ben obviously decided to tell you in person that he had a serious motorcycle accident on the way to see you. He is still in a coma."

"Ben fell into a coma? Where is it?"

"He is in a hospital now," she told me which hospital it was. "I just found out. I think you should know. I think you want to know." She began to cry.

"Thank you," I said. "Thank you for calling and telling me."

"Oh, God, it's terrible. Poor Ben," she sobbed.

"Yes. It's terrible," I agreed. "I'll call you in a few days, Jill, we can chat and relive the past, but I have to go now. I'm sorry."

I hung up the phone and wiped the tears from my face.

I turned to Nick.

"I have to go." I said.

"I heard," he said. "Ben fell into a coma." He took a sip of coffee. "Who is Ben?"

I thought about what to tell him.

Nick was still leaning on the counter, his coffee cup in his hand, his head tilted to the side. He appeared in my kitchen 100%. "This is my ex-boyfriend"

"Ah, that ex-girlfriend," he said. "He's an ex-boyfriend, isn't he? The one who broke your heart. The one you can't forget?"

"Well, he is an ex-boyfriend." I said. ""I have forgotten him. trust it completely. "

"Will he get better?"

"I don't know. That's my friend Jill. Apparently, he had a motorcycle accident outside Salem."

"Are you going to see him?" he asked.

"Yes," I said. I wiped my hands on my pants. My hands were sweating profusely.

He rinsed the coffee cup and put it in the sink.

"If you want, I can go with you," he said. He turned his back to me. His shoulders are tight and his arms are stiff.

"I can't ask you to do that," I said.

"You didn't ask. I said."

""No, thank you. You are so kind, but I have to do it myself," I said.

"one hand?"


His hand grabbed the edge of the work surface. He waited a long time before turning his head to face me.

"Be careful," without saying a word, he strode across the living room and out the door.

"Damn it," I said loudly, no one. The talkative Nick doesn't look so talkative anymore.

I got dressed quickly, and today will be another hot day.

I wear simple, one-handed clothes, which are not necessarily the lightest or most suitable summer clothes. I don't have buttons, except the one on the jeans, which I tried several times before putting them on. I couldn't even comb a decent ponytail, so I let it fall off and shook my shoulders frantically. Da Da.

The deep blood, black and blue crescent moons surround my eyes. My nose was swollen and red, and it was accompanied by a heartbeat. In fact, my entire face was red, right where I slammed it into the airbag. No amount of cosmetics can cover the airbag. I didn't even try. I have seen better children.

Before long, the borrowed Buick and I drove towards Salem on the I-5.

Towards this.

After walking on the road for nearly an hour, I entered the border of Salem. The road was calm. I sang loudly to the radio, trying my best to calm my running heart. There are too many things to think about, and it's best not to let yourself think about anything.

About fifteen minutes after I left the hospital, my hands and feet started to numb.

Oh damn it.

Just like after a wedding, it starts with hands and feet, then spreads its limbs. I tried to get around that feeling and not let myself fall into the panic that started to swell deep in my heart. This is hardly as painful as last time ー ー However.

I slowed down and drove it into the faulty lane. I breathed deeply, took a deep breath, and tried to think of something happy, while slowly blowing the air out of my mouth.

The tingling sensation becomes more painful.

Once I brought the car to a complete stop, I climbed out. Cars and trucks gallop past me. I am close to Buick, away from traffic. I feel dizzy and unsteady. As soon as I turned around, I staggered into the bushes beside the highway and started to vomit. I sat on the ground with difficulty. Most of the ground was mud and gravel. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and the fire in my hand stung. My vision was distorted until it looked like the whole world was lying on its side. The next moment, I heard the sound of cars on the highway, but I could never see them again.

here we go again. here we go again.

I clenched my fist, hit the ground with one fist, and fought with this feeling, with the pain. Frightened to pee.

A huge panic finally reached the top of my head and almost lifted me from the ground.

I get up.

Do not! I plan to resist. I don't want this to happen to me again. I stumbled and dizzy. I felt like I was electrocuted. I shouted.

I pitched forward, rude and rude. My face sank deeply into the gravel-like soil.

Turn off the lights.

She sat alone in the half-dark light before dawn. Being alone is nothing new to her. It's just that she is usually alone in a group of people. She wrapped her arms around her legs and curled up into a ball. She drew the braid from the back of her head and chewed the end nervously. No one beat her because of her bad habits. She is allowed to grow long hair only because she can take good care of her hair. She was very careful not to lose her only hairband. She was sure that if she lost it, she would be sheltered like a sheep - just like everyone else.

She shook to and fro. Although it is summer, she still feels bitterly cold early this morning. For a sweater, she is willing to do anything. She was wearing an ugly gray dress. No one can look at her without mistakenly thinking that she is an academic girl. She must find new clothes, otherwise it won't work.

She stretched her arms into the sleeves of her dress and wrapped them around her legs. From the arms of the sex to the legs of the sex. The weather is getting warmer, but not much.

She did it! She couldn't believe it.

She looked around, half-heartedly expecting a team of men to descend the search area to find her. She ran away!

She wanted to cheer loudly, because it was a joy. She wants to dance. She wanted to give a hug--she looked around--the tree, anything would do. She stood up and walked towards the street, which was lined with neat little houses. She crouched, trying to move her body as fast as possible.

"Yù speed is not good." yù speed is not good." She could hear the nurses' voices echoing in her mind. She knew she had to get up quickly. She was impatient and secretive.

She tiptoed down the dark road. The shiny car was drowsy in the driveway. The faint house drew the curtains while sleeping. If she closes her eyes, she can imagine those little children, those cute and wanted little children, sleeping in their sleeping house. What do you dream about? She can't imagine what the children dream when they have everything. Of course, their dreams are different from hers.

Aha! In the search of three streets, she found what she was looking for. A clothesline runs through a backyard. The clothes swayed in the breeze. Their shadows looked like a group of monsters grasping with their claws, trying to squeeze into the center of the earth.

She was still afraid of dark shadows. She was fifteen years old, and she was no longer afraid of this stupid fear. In her defense, Yin Ying in the institute was kind of afraid that a little girl would be wise. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)