Magic Notes

Chapter 321: Nether (59)


She was still afraid of the dark shadows, she was fifteen years old, and she was no longer afraid of this stupid fear. In her defense, Yin Ying in the institute was kind of afraid that a little girl would be wise.

Although these clothes looked gentle, she quietly walked into the backyard, unpinned them, took out a dress and a pair of underwear, and ran into the woods.

Once she was sure she was far enough away, no one could see her. She took the shift time to her head and put on the stolen clothes as soon as possible. She especially likes underwear. They are very soft and not itchy at all.

Virgin Mary, please ask Jesus and God on my behalf to forgive me for stealing this dress and this pair of sex toys.

She buried her institutional clothing in the bushes, which was piled with loose dirt. When she was finished, her hands were dirty, and she had no place to wipe them clean. She doesn't want to stain her new clothes.


She tiptoed to the back of another house and rinsed it with a hose coiled in a snake shape by the back door.

"Who is outside? Is there anyone outside?" A voice came from the window.

She let out a frightened scream, turned off the tap, and ran away as fast as she could on her leg.

What should we do now

Here, her conspiracy for a few months dried up.

She can try to find her mother, but she doesn't know where she is. Anyway, how likely is it that her mother will have a place to live? She will go to Portland to find a job. She is a hard worker and she will do what she must do. She can get by. She has done this before.

But what about Saibao? She left Sybil at the institute. She couldn't sneak out of a three-year-old child, but the thought of leaving her there couldn't bear it.

Before escaping, she told herself that she was going to earn enough money, and then came back to find Sybil when she was eighteen. Cybil is 6 years old. Now, she didn't know what she was thinking-she felt worried at the thought of not seeing her sister in three years. She and Sybil are the only ones in this world. Although she hoped things were not like this, she knew that her mother was not counted, and could not be counted on. If she left Sybil there, would she be better than their mother


This sound filled her head with a sound like the sound of a gong.

No, she is not much better.

Will Sipper remember her in three years? There is a big difference between the age of three and the age of six.

She was chewing on this as she walked into the city. She can pretend to be a decent girl and dress decently, but for any girl, decent or not, it is too early to walk on the street now, of course, there is also the problem of her shoes. She looked down at her feet. Academic shoes.

The grocery store owner is ordering fresh bread for breakfast. Unfortunately, the delivery person had to take the goods twice. As soon as he entered the store, she stole a piece of hot bread from the truck. She walked away quickly, but did not run. She doesn't want to attract the attention of others.

Virgin Mary, please represent me and ask Jesus and God to forgive me for stealing this piece of bread.

She hid behind the library and ate half of the bread. It tastes great. She intends to save the rest for later.

She was walking around most of the morning, trying not to see people. No one paid attention to her. They are all busy with their day's work. After all, to them, this is just an ordinary child. Just like other children, open a shop, go to work, and go to school.

She spent some time reading magazines in the library. She was lucky that she could not study until the age of twelve. Most girls are illiterate. Many of them are not suitable for reading. Their body or mind is too fragmented. Some of them can't even dress or eat by themselves. Because she is sound, she was asked to help change and feed them and help them to the toilet. She helped a lot.

They are not as lucky as her.

Virgin Mary, please thank Jesus and God for giving me strong eyes and a strong body on my behalf.

She walked out of town and came to the place where the truck was passing, and she has been seeing late afternoon since late in the morning. She ate the other half of the bread. She decided to escape like this, and escape. She has read some romantic stories about luxury homeless men who travel across the United States, jumping from one freight train to another. She can do this.

She curled up behind an abandoned warehouse and spent most of the sleepless night. She has been thinking about Sybil. She was ready to set off a moment ago, just like the homeless people said, fleeing the town, but the next moment she couldn't bear the idea.

She wished she had said goodbye to Sybil. She has planned to escape for a long time since they arrived at the institute, and now is her best time. If she tried, she couldn't plan better. No one looked at an open door, and she walked towards it without hesitation.

She curled up on the ground. She couldn't believe that she was really discussing this issue. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Every train without her is a lost opportunity. She must leave. She can't stay.

She is thirsty. She fell asleep and dreamed of little Sybil with brown eyes and the drinking fountain in the library.

"Wake up!" Kicked her foot with one foot until she opened her eyes. It dawned again, and a Jǐng watch was looming above her. He was wearing a blue uniform with a sad face. He touched her lightly with his foot again.

"Wake up."

She sat up and rubbed her eyes to get rid of sleepiness.

"Are you Claire Johnson?" His voice was rough.

She did not answer. She is considering whether she should run away, how likely she is to run away.

"Claire Johnson?" He said again, but this time slowly emphasizing every syllable.

Maybe she should lie and reject him. She has committed two crimes in a day, what does it mean to commit another crime

He reached out and grabbed her by the collar and pulled her up. She shook like a chicken caught by the farmer, and the farmer's next stop was the soup pot.

"Yes," she said a little choked. "This is Claire Johnson."

"I think so too." You can't escape far," he shook his head. "We receive an order if we find you directly take you to see Dr. Black. "

Doctor Black? There is hope. Maybe it won't be too bad. No one knew her like Dr. Black. Neil.

Jǐngcha took her to the patrol car from the collar of her clothes, her toes barely touched the ground. Opening the car door, he guided her to sit in the back seat, stroking her double-rǔ in the process.

"Don't touch me," Claire said.

"Oh, is it?" A squinted glance across his face. He looks like a pumpkin lantern for Halloween, and he has lost his teeth. "You are a beautiful college girl." He leaned in the car. "I bet you don't know how it feels to be touched by a man, do you?"

He slid his hand from her thigh to her stolen body.

She screamed and slipped from the seat, trying to kick his hand away.

"It doesn't have to be that way," he said after sliding onto the back seat after her.

It felt longer than needed on the return journey. Claire curled up on the bench behind Jǐng's car. She raised her knees, put her feet on the chair, and wrinkled her braids. She counted in her head, thinking only about those numbers, and thinking about nothing else.

Jǐngcha drove along the long lane towards the institute. There is a sign on this lane that says Falls Training Center-State Institute for the Mentally Handicapped.

He parked the car at the entrance of the staff, the gravel under the tires creaked. He came out slowly from the driver's seat, panting, and lifted his pants as soon as he got up. He opened her door and she slipped out. He put a rough hand on her shoulder and guided her to the entrance. She jumped away from him and ran towards the door like a rabbit. Before Dr. Black could get in, he got out of the car after Nurse Cross followed.

Dr. Neil Black is a young doctor. This research institute was his first assignment after graduating from medical school. His father, Doctor Black, was the principal of the school. Dr. Black did his best to follow in his father's respectable footsteps. He felt the pressure of a veritable life.

He is very good-looking and moves gracefully like an athlete. Most nurses would blush in front of him and talk chattering behind him. Claire would overhear their low-pitched conversation, carefully analyze what he said, the way he stood there, what he said when he said thank you, that's what he said.

"Claire!" said Dr. Black.

Claire stopped and looked down in shame. Doctor Black's eyes attracted her, her clothes were slightly slanted, her hair was horrible, fresh red marks on her upper arms, and her red and swollen eyes.

"I will take her to the ward, doctor," Nurse Cross said. She wrote her name just right. Her long, pointed face showed a pair of black, round, narrow eyes. "I want to make sure she gets the punishment she deserves."

Nurse Cross slammed her arm, ready to drag her away. "Maybe it's time to cut your hair. Your mane is so garish. It's good for you." She yanked Claire's braids to emphasize.

"Leave that girl to me," said Dr. Black.

"Yes, doctor." Nurse Cross looked disappointed. What she likes most is punishment, find a suitable punishment, and then punish the person who did the bad thing. She prefers quick, direct and memorable results.

"Her hair needs to remain the same. I believe you can find other forms of punishment. You have to tell others," he said.

"Yes, doctor," she frowned. She crossed her arms on her thin chest and walked back to the institute.

"As you said, I brought her to you, Doctor Black," Jǐngcha said.

"Yes, I saw it," Dr. Black said with his hands on his hips. "Tell me, have you noticed that her dress is disheveled?"

Jǐngcha stood shaking back and forth. "When I found her, she was sleeping behind a warehouse in the yard."

Dr. Black narrowed the distance between him and Jǐngcha. He looked down at Xun Jǐng's face, only a few inches away. His voice is threatening. "Have you been rough to her?"

"No, sir," Jǐngcha lied. "I would never do that, sir."

Doctor Black said nothing. Xun Jǐng began to sweat, his eyes turned from the left to the right. He tried to make himself look into Dr. Black's eyes, but he just couldn't.

Clearing his throat and taking a step back, Dr. Black said, "The institute thanks you for the accusation against him."

Doctor Black waited for Jǐngcha to get in the car and leave. He and Claire stood there in silence. His eyes were on the back of the car. Her eyes were still hanging down on the ground, with an expression of shame. The dust raised by the retreating patrol car surrounded them.

"Are you injured, Claire?" he finally said, turning to her, motioning her to look at him.

"No, sir."

He lifted her chin with his index finger. His touch is gentle.

"Did he do anything to you?" he asked.

"No, sir," she said, blinking and still avoiding his eyes. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)