Magic Notes

Chapter 325: Nether (63)


"Do you think I belong here?" she asked.

"Your mother is crazy, there is a moral problem, and Hibir—"

"Saibao is three years old!" She screamed at him. "Sybil is still a baby. She has no problems."

""And you. You are smart, scheming, and sometimes smart, but you keep telling these wonderful stories, no matter how many times I tell you, for your own good, you need to leave your fantasy life to yourself, you don’t need to . Sometimes I think—"

"Want to know what? What if I'm a crazy bitch like my mother? Which part are you against? Let me go and let me dress!"

"This kind of tantrum is really inappropriate," he said.

He retracted his hands, as if she had become a flame. She grabbed her gray loose dress and rubbed it on her head. She looked around frantically, looking for her sex, and threw the sofa pillow over her shoulders.

"You have a seizure. You must calm down," he said. "Let's not do this. We had a great time, let us return to the topic just now. Before we say good night, let me hug you more and kiss you more."

"You don't understand," she said. She was almost crying, and again squeezed the tender part of her arm with all her strength, leaving a string of red marks from the elbow to the wrist. "How can I make you believe me?"

"Stop." He grabbed her both hands with one hand to prevent her from pinching himself again. Gently, he wiped the marks with his other hand.

"It's okay," he said in a soothing voice. The voice is the same as that of other people.

Claire disagreed. "What can I do to make you believe me?"

"I don't know if I can, Claire. You are asking too much of me."

"If it's not important, I won't ask," she said.

"Tell me why it is so important," he said.

"Because you love me, because if you don't believe me, we are doomed to die," she said.

"Yes, because you have experienced so much life, because angels told you this."

"Yes. Not an angel. An angel."

"What does that angel look like?"

"I didn't see her, I just heard her voice. She spoke to me in my head."

"Do you know how this sounds?"

"This is a fact."

He stood up and dressed slowly and calmly. He buttoned his shirt and tucked it into his pants, put on his shoes, dangled his shoulders with a sling, and fixed his hair.

"Please dress now," he said, slowly and deliberately. "I called the nurse to pick you up."

"I don't need to be led."

"I think you know."

"I don't need to be drawn!" She stood with her hands on her hips. "I can get it myself."

She picked up a sofa pillow from the floor and threw it at him. He flashed across the first pillow easily. However, the second shot hit his face. She looked around, looking for something else to throw at him. Her shoes! She yanked it off her feet and threw it on him.

"Really, Claire," he said harshly. He is a serious doctor patient, now Doctor Black. Looking at him, you would never think that he buried his face in her pussy 20 minutes ago.

"I'm leaving now," she said, striding around his table. "I'm sorry, Doctor Black," she took out a shoe from a pile of papers on his desk, and the shoe bounced off his shoulder and landed there.

"You can't do this," he said. To hide his anger, his face was distorted. She was trying his best to test his patience. He was so choked to speak what he wanted to say, and his gentlemanly demeanor and occupation were well controlled. His hand is still on the phone.

She turned her back to him, which angered him even more. He controls everything. He is a doctor. Things will proceed in his way.

"Oh!" she said, and then grabbed her forehead.

Pace back and forth. anger. He held the phone receiver in one hand and waved it like a sword, the phone cord was taut. He still did not dial.

He pointed the phone at Claire, "Calm down, Claire. I'll give you another chance. Please control your emotions."

"Abigail is here," she said. "Do you know what this means?"

"How can I know what that means? First of all, who is Abby Gale? Where is she?" He posed a pose, looked around the room, and found no one, just shrugged. "There is no one here, Claire. I ask you to stop the seizure immediately, or I will ask the nurse to tie you up."

"What does it mean, Neil," she was interested in his name, but he winced. "It's that we didn't correct the mistake. This one -" She waved her hand to indicate everything around her. "... It's over. I am Abby Gale in the future. If she exists, it means that I have failed. That must be the meaning. What else can this mean?"

"What are you talking about? Don't wait. Stop talking. I don't want to listen anymore."

Claire opened her mouth, she was going to tell him anyway, but Neil Black leaned on the table and roared, "Stop!" She hadn't had time to speak. She immediately sat down, still holding a shoe in her hand. She crossed her arms.

"I'm going to call the nurse. We are over. I don't understand why you tried to test me in this way, Claire, but I can't bear it. Don't say anything about this. Don't tell me or anyone else. One word. Do you understand?"

"Yes," she said. "but-"

"Don't say a word!" he roared. The blue veins on his neck burst out, and an unhealthy redness appeared on his face.

"Anyway, it may not matter anymore," she said.

"Can't you just do what I said? Claire? Please?" He changed his voice. He tried to make this sentence sound sweet, as if he just needed her to do him a favor, a small favor.

"You must have killed me, Dr. Black."

Neil Black pressed the hang-up button on the phone, and the dial tone sounded. He dialed the extension number of the nurse's station and called the nurse on duty to pick up Claire. He told the nurse that Claire had a seizure and needed any further stimulation from his room, in any form. "Quiet room," he said.

Claire sat on the sofa with her arms folded. She refused to look at him. When the nurse came to pick her up, Dr. Black was sitting in his chair. Both of them were silent, trying their best to ignore each other.

"Come with me, Claire," nurse Flanagan said. "For God's sake, put on your lucky shoes."

The nurse Flanagan looked around the room, immersed in her emotions. She did not comment on the room or the girl's sexual intercourse, but she was very careful and did not look directly at Dr. Black.

"Please be quiet, Nurse Flanagan. Restraint is unnecessary unless she is unruly. You will take care of yourself, right, Claire?" Dr. Black asked.

Claire ignored him. She crossed her arms and held her chin high, deliberately ignoring him.

"I need my underwear, nurse Flanagan." Claire said to the nurse.

The nurse Flanagan found the useless things, rolled them into a ball and stuffed it under Claire's arm.

"Come with me, Claire," she said, putting her hand lightly on Claire's back and leading her out of the room.

"Not what you think, Nurse Flanagan. She lost her temper," Dr. Ian Black said to them.

"Yes, sir," nurse Flanagan said, still avoiding seeing him.

"He has killed me, like he stabbed a knife in my stomach," Claire said.

""Hush, boy. You are not dead. Now, let us move, the quiet room is waiting for us. "She closed the door of the doctor's office gently.

"Maybe she overdose or something. Or she died," the girl said.

"She's so unlucky," the boy said.

"We can't just leave her there."

"Well, I'm not going to check. If this is what you want, then go by yourself. I don't care at all. You can't use my cell phone to report Jǐng."

"Dave, really."

"Please do it yourself."

I can see the girl looking at me, looking at Dave, and then looking at me again. She looked like a dog considering whether to cross the road. What is certain is that no matter when it decides to set off, it will travel at the wrong time.

She sighed, let out a long sigh, and then walked heavily toward me, crunching towards the gravel road.

I lay on my back, looking at the sky. Since they approached me, I have heard their voices. They are not quiet. For example, I know that Dave really wants to get a job, and the girl laughed and said that Dave is the most charming bitch in the world, when he said, "Come on, my baby, give me **."

Now it's my turn to sigh. I looked away from the white clouds flying across the sky and looked at the girl.

"I'm fine," I said.

She screamed and jumped back. Obviously she didn't expect what I would say.

"You scared me to death," she said with a giggle.

"I say.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Lying on the grass and looking at the sky," I said, it was obvious.

"Well, I can see it," she said. "but why?"

I think this is a plus point for keen observation.

"If I lie in the right place, I can connect with my previous life," I said.

"Isn't it?" she asked.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Honey. Do you think this will work for me?" she said.

""do not know. You can try. "

She was lying on the grass next to me.

"How does it feel? Do you know when you are dating?" she said

"Your hands and feet are so badly burned that you think they are on fire. You will feel very sick, then vomit, and finally you will lose consciousness," I said.

"Well, it doesn't sound fun at all," she said.


"It doesn't work for me. Are you excited when you do it?"

"No, it's not high. It's just at the right time, right place," I said.

We lay there quietly for a minute or two until Dave started yelling, "Dara, stop making trouble. I only have 5 minutes before I have to go back to work. If I'm late again, I will I was fired." (To be continued) (End of this chapter)